Are you running an organization with an employee-centric nature and planning to have a Group Health Insurance?
Then you are making a right decision since Group Health Insurance will be a better choice. The best gift you can give to your employees to make their lives more secure and happier and this can be made possible through Group Health Insurance.
Still in dilemma to have Group Health Insurance? No worry! By the end of this blog, you will get a clarity regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Group Health Insurance.
Firstly let us know, What is Group Health Insurance?
Group health insurance is the Medical policy which is beneficial to every individual in the organization provided by the insurance companies. In order to stop the drain of
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Drawbacks of Group Health Insurance:
Employee is eligible to claim the policy as far as he is a part of the organization or in relation to it.Once he is out of the organization, he does not have any access to the Group policy of the organization(but still employee can opt for the option of portability depending on the Insurance providers)
The Group Health Insurance is not customized according to the individual in the group
Renewal premium depends on claims availed in the expiring policy. Increase in value of claims also results in the increase of premium
For every context, there will be pros and cons. On evaluating the pros and cons of Group Health Insurance it is advisable to have a Group Health Insurance for a better and happy life.
To know more about group health insurance stay tuned. Also, please don’t forget to give your feedback in the comment section below.Do please let us know what you are looking for. Our experts will be more happy to understand your requirements and suggest you the best
Each patient is unique and has different values; therefore, each patient would be attracted to various HMOs for different reasons. Patients would be attracted to the Group Model HMO because it is likely to be a bit more personalized because of a smaller practice and a more laid-back atmosphere. The younger physicians in the practice would be more motivated to succeed; as a patient, that motivation is priceless. In addition, the ability of Group Model HMOs to associate with local hospitals and other local healthcare facilities would be beneficial so that if, as a patient, you required some sort of specialty care that your Group practice was unable to provide, you would be able to receive the necessary referral.
PEI health plan offers a variety of choices including enhanced access health maintenance organization, enhanced access point of service, a preferred provider organization, or an exclusive provider organization. With each one of these plans that
The advantages of the COBRA coverage would be that if you have already met your deductible and your coinsurance or out of pocket for the year you would not have to pay additional money out of your pocket except for the full premium for the group health insurance (United States Department of Labor, n.d.). The disadvantage of COBRA is that you will be responsible for the full amount of the premiums to keep the insurance that you currently had with the employer. You would only have to pay that premium until you found another job that offered group health benefits and then you would not be subject to the pre-existing condition for any illnesses that you are your spouse would be consider not to be covered under the new group health plan. If you could afford the full premiums of the COBRA until you locate another job, I would recommend doing the COBRA coverage until you obtain other employment. If you had a health spending account, you would have to option to continue that as well with your health benefits to assist you in meeting the deductible or out of pocket expense for health bills.
Little is known about the effect of these new plan designs with higher cost sharing on health care decisions. Because research has been limited to the few early adopters of these high deductible health plans, the experience is too new to draw definitive conclusions.
Health care coverage can be obtained from many different sources. The most common source is through employer-based insurance. The coverage offered to employees through a group health plan can benefit the employees as well as the business. According to Small Business Majority (2017), purchasing a group policy will allow the employees to have better access to care, which results in healthier employees. In addition, being more affordable and having the sense that medical expenses would not be as expensive if they did not have insurance (Small Business Majority, 2017). Finally, tax benefits that businesses may receive for paying at least half of the employee's premiums, according to Small Business Majority (2017). These benefits assist in creating a healthier atmosphere in a business.
In order to be eligible for employee health insurance, an employee must work full time. The scope of Employer Sponsored insurance includes not only the employees and their families, but also the retired employees (Tax Year, 2017). The most common way for Americans to receive health insurance is employer sponsored.
The medical insurance providers in the above list are among the best in the United States. However, you need to make a choice among them, based on your specific needs and your budget. As the rule of the thumb, make sure to consider the benefits of a particular package before you fall for its affordable premiums. Cheap offers may be tempting but inadequate. Remember, you are shopping a solution for your health. Make it the best you can. As long as you cannot afford the plan, do not hesitate to go for a comprehensive medical plan. Put your needs first and especially if you already have a chronic
You will need to clarify the kinds of coverage your insurer will provide. Different kinds of plans will only cover a specific number of healthcare services. For example, you will need to check whether or not the healthcare insurance plan you are going to choose, will include dental care or not. Not all doctors and hospitals will be covered by one company. So check on where and who is covered by the insurance plan, you are considering getting.
It has been stated that one of the largest benefits to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for those that were already insured, is that they may purchase insurance through a marketplace allowing for continuous coverage, regardless of life experiences such as a change in job. Even those that are young, and may not appreciate health insurance because they have coverage through their parents, will need insurance once of age that isn’t dependent upon an employer as they are more likely to change jobs more often. Those that purchase health insurance through an employer offered group coverage could be made to feel as though they are captive to a job in order to continue to receive the insurance that they are accustomed to. Subsequently, the ACA has made health insurance more affordable for those that earn a lower income, making group plans more expensive for individuals, overall.
Being an American guarantees the right and responsibility of having Health Insurance. Whether you have Health Insurance coverage through your job, spouse, serving in the military, it is very critical in this day in age, a person to have some kind of coverage. There are many types of Insurance you may receive and different types of organizations, such as a Preferred Plan Organization, or Health Maintenance Organization. They type of Insurance you receive is your decision as well. The history of Health Insurance beings with its revolution in the late 1920’s through the 1930’s. The beginning of employer-sponsored health plans began as a result of World War II. With the growing demand increasing into the 1950’s, other insurance agencies
I believe that some people in their twenties’ put too much off especially important things and “live in the moment” without thinking of the consequence of their actions. According to Mire (2011), “…not making choices is a choice all the same” (pg.xxvi); the choice might as well be made now, because when you eventually get to that point in life, you will know what to do. Also, if there are some things you can complete now, do it then and don’t put it off till later. Just like Mire (2011) quoted from Socrates “The unexamined life is not worth living” (pg, xix). It is good to figure out who you are now, so you will not struggle with identity later. Also, I like how Mire (2011), put it “The twenties are … turbulent time, but if we can …navigate,
It is in looking back that we can see the future; SANKOFA. This African symbol derived from the Akan Tribe in Ghana best describes my Administrative Philosophy. Translated, the word and the symbol mean, “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind.” (Carter G. Center for Education). Therefore, It is upon this strong belief that I stand unwavering in experiences, leadership, management style and values. Specifically, the genesis of my statement of administrative philosophy is derived from my gratitude to my elders and ancestors that paved the way for access to equal education. The impact of their courage and leadership has created a legacy that lives forever. At the center of my philosophy is the belief that it is my altruistic calling as well as duty to be a catalyst for student success. Academia is where I not only make a living but “Live my making!” Simply put, I am called to this profession and have a duty to serve unselfishly. To that end, as a theoretical underpinning of my practices, my preferred leadership style is servant and transformational leadership. Student Affairs is the department where my philosophy and leadership capacity can make the greatest impact.
Employer based health insurance has received much criticism and its existence is in jeopardy as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) changes the healthcare industry. Penalties enacted by the ACA may cause businesses to reevaluate their standing on providing insurance coverage. However, evidence shown by Klein (2013) and Radnofsy (2012) give way to thinking that large business may not change their policies on providing insurance coverage. Moore (2013) and Pear (2010) show how small to mid-sized businesses may be influenced to drop the benefit, as it may not be in their economic interest. However, this is the area that needs assistance because they are the ones suffering from the insurance gap. The Census Bureau (2013) and Garfield, Damico, Stephens & Rouhani (2014) provide reports of how lower-income families and employees of small businesses very often find themselves without access to healthcare. Discussed are the advantages and disadvantages of employer-based health insurance. Evaluating the current position of employer-base health insurance and the pros and cons to its implementation will help determine how necessary it is for the United States.
These exclusions have inspired a small industry of health plan advisers purpose on assisting organizations avoid the law’s specifications. Some are indicating little and big self-insured groups to offer a low-benefit health and fitness technique — in impact, delivering fed up employees to buy personal protection in the return market. The bigger organizations that do this threat investing expenses, but those expenses could be less than the cost of guaranteeing fed up employees. Others are indicating even little groups to become self-insured, especially if their employees are relatively low threat. These organizations might offer good benefits, such as the important health and fitness benefits, but not pay the yearly insurance fee and resulting in the risk-adjustment system.
You will hear the term "managed care" quite a lot. It is a way for insurers to help control costs. Managed care influences how much health care you use. Almost all plans have some sort of managed care program to help control costs. For example, if you need to go to the hospital, one form of managed care requires that you receive approval from your insurance company before you are admitted to make sure that the hospitalization is needed. If you go to the hospital without this approval, you may not be covered for the hospital bill.