
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Road Landslides

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A KBS called XPENT (Faure et al, 1988; Faure et al, 1995; Mascarelli et al, 1992; Faure et al, 1991) is a KBS used to assist in slope stability analysis. It diagnoses the type of landslide based on information about the geology, vegetation, geomorphology and hydrogeology. It also advises methods of stabilisation. SISYPHE (Asté, 1992) is a KBS used to analyse slope instabilities and is also used in the diagnosis of hazard and landslides evaluation. This KBS has the ability to develop 3D models of the ground surface as well as slip surfaces and piezometric surfaces.
Wang et al. described a KBS used for the investigation of potential landslides (Wang et al, 1994). The system contains knowledge relating to the geotechnical properties, the spatial distribution of an unstable zone, methods of treatment and …show more content…

The system will also give a cost estimate for each potential road corridor as well as a probability of failure within its design life. It also includes a summary of the main advantages and disadvantages of each alignment.
Goh describes a KBS named PAVEDKB, which was developed for the design of flexible road pavements (Goh, 1993). The system also assists with selection of the properties of the pavement materials as well as appropriate soil parameters for the subgrade.
Dukes et al described a KBS known as ROAD, used for the design of major and primary road highways (Dukes et al, 1994). It is based on AASHTO design procedures, and includes the geotextile layer. It also considers the filtration and mechanical properties of the geotextile in the design.
Amirkhanian & Baker described a KBS used for selecting earthmoving operations equipment (Amirkhanian & Baker, 1992). The system uses information concerning operator performance and the soil conditions at the site and required earthmoving

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