Sharing one database for amongst multiple applications has some serious disadvantages:
We can improve db i/o by using following method.
The more applications use the same database, the more likely it is that you hit performance bottlenecks and that you can't easily scale the load as desired. SQL Databases don't really scale. You can buy bigger machines but they do not scale well in clusters!
Maintenance and development costs can increase: Development is harder if an application needs to use database structures which aren't suited for the task at hand but have to be used as they are already present. It's also likely that adjustments of one application will have side effects on other applications ("why is there such an unecessary trigger??!"/"We
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Using a uniform extent size for all segments in a tablespace eliminates free space fragmentation and encourages high performance. However, this requires grouping segments by extent size to balance the number of extents per segment, leading to wasted space from excessive extent sizes. Extent sizes of 128 KB for small tables, 1 MB for large feature classes, and 128 MB for large rasters are reasonable, though you can customize these values based on your own environment and research.
Separate read-only data from writable data
If a tablespace contains entirely read-only data, you can put the tablespace explicityly in read only mode, explicitly. This reduces the volume of data that you need to back up regularly. Read-only data files are also excellent candidates for storage on redundant array of independent disks (RAID) 5 arrays because they will benefit from striping during read access and will not decrease array performance with excessive write activity.
Use multiple disks or arrays to store files
Important Oracle files, such as control files, online redo logs, and archived redo logs, should be multiplexed, or mirrored, by the Oracle software to provide maximum
Storage of data plays a major role in improving the performance of a company and this can happen either offline or online and in various formats.
Increased reliability and availability: A distributed database system has multiple nodes (computers) and if one fails then others are available to do the job. So we can say that redundancy and replication of the DB increase security and accessibility.
A Table is where you are organised and store data so you have to create the table before store any data. By creating table, you need to define few things, Fields name, Data type, and the Description.
19. One disadvantage of a database system over previous data management approaches is increased costs.
HDFS stores large files across multiple machines. It achieves reliability by replicating the data across multiple hosts, and hence theoretically does not require redundant array of independent disks (RAID) storage on
Redundant data can protect a storage array against data loss in the event of a hard disk failure.
The staging area can be partitioned in any format/manner. This format is generally decided by the data warehousing team. The staged tables may contain indexes needed (post load) in order to provide Data Vault loads with performance downstream. Staging area data should be backed up regularly with regular intervals, otherwise it can also be backed up with scheduled intervals.
Redundant data can protect a storage array against data loss in the event of a hard disk failure.
As It mentioned, with MySQL, you have a choice of table formats, but generally, these nondefault choices exact a cost in increased resource usage over MyISAM. Typically, though, these alternative table formats provide some additional functionality. For example, Berkeley DB supports transactions and actually has better performance with indexed fields than MyISAM.
When a parallel database system is first constructed, the set of machines are made identical, therefore, the default data partitioning strategy for this parallel database is uniform data partitioning, and will ignore the differences among machines. In this case, all these identical machines will have the same workload, which will end up with similar performance efficiency. However, when time goes by, in this parallel database system, new machines that are different from the original ones will be added; old machines will be reconfigured/upgraded or replaced. These changes will result in a heterogeneous parallel database (the set of machines varies a lot from each other, such as having different disk, CPU, memory and network resources). When this happens, the default uniform data partitioning method will still allocate data evenly onto each machine. Due to the heterogeneous feature of each machine, the same amount of data will be processed with varying amounts of time: same workload may overload the slow machines and under-utilize the powerful machine. Based on the fact that the slowest machine will determine the processing time in a parallel database system, the situation, described above, will significantly harm the overall database performance and at the same time, waste
Table 20-3 on page 750 HC (page 640 SC) summarizes some of the more important file and database design considerations:
Redundant storage in the context of data storage usually refers to the use of Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID). RAID is a set of disks which are usually identical in specifications and when configured will divide or replicate the data saved on them.
Where is a very large, integrated collection of data in a Server, held? Yes, the Storage Spaces. These Storage Spaces lets us combine individual hard disks into storage pools and these can then be managed as a single entity. Storage Spaces is a technology that groups the storage pools and the storage disks which will enable the virtual storage capabilities in Windows and Windows Server (Microsoft Corporation, n.d). The available capacity in the storage pools are then used to create virtual disks which are called storage spaces. Firstly in this paper, I would like to provide an overview of the new Storage Spaces functionality and the Storage Space types in Windows Server 2012. Secondly, I would like to discuss about the fault tolerance and
Storage and retrieval of data plays a major role in improving the performance of a company and this can happen either offline or online and in various formats.
In undertaking the PGDipBE is an opportunity to gain perspective not only on the academic course, but also the way of life. It is a challenge in meeting different people with different cultures, language, personality and to be independent. Being diverse it promotes awareness and appreciates each other. Learning numerous life experiences in dealing with the tutors, classmates and the people who come across. Having class interactions and group work, understanding each other point of views helps in building camaraderie. After being together no more differences will be felt, discovering each other’s best potentials. More importantly, grows own personal characteristic to be patient, good listener and adaptable to the changes of the environment.