
Advantages And Disadvantages Of State Fair Disaster

Decent Essays

State Fair Disaster
Making prodigious decisions is an everyday challenge. A great deal of the time, those tough decisions is dependent on who it affects. Thus, when the impact of that decision touches thousands of individuals, the pressure is multiplied beyond measure. Moreover, there are several key factors that a great leader should keep in mind when the decision making time is ready. Firstly, will this pronounced decision compromise the safety of anyone? Secondly, how can the decision made by the leader be communicated throughout the workgroup?
Conversely, at the Sugarland concert in Indiana, the lack of decisions made by the organizers and the stage engineers had detrimental results. The temporary stage at the concert had fallen due to …show more content…

This is a great question to ask. There are obviously some advantages and disadvantages within the stage building. However, the compensations completely outweigh the drawbacks. In fact, not only should the stage be able to withstand high winds, but it should also hold the full capacity of people while the winds are racing though. The design, construction, and inspection should all be a major part when deciding on how big the stage needed to be to accompany the capacity needed. A qualified company with an outstanding record should build these stages. Unfortunately, there are new companies that cannot perform quality work and abide by OSHA laws and …show more content…

The path of communication is transmitting ideas, information, knowledge, thoughts, feelings, as well as understanding what others express. Newson, (2010) insist teamwork and communication is must, even with health care patients. Paying attention to how members of staff communicate with one another, as well as patients and residents, is key to achieving the desired outcome of high quality effective care Newson, (2010). The main forms of communication specific to leaders or teachers are direct order, suggesting the action, discussion-communication, lecture, demonstration and analysis (Preja, 2013). Communication was a flaw at the Sugarland concert. In order for the communication boundary to be lowered, everyone needs to be on the same page. Thus, there are many ways of communicating during an event. Radios are a must for all staff. When weather alerts are available from the weather stations, a call from the manager on the radio will spike an order for the team to follow. The staffing team should have a plan ready for every crisis imaginable. In fact, a proficient team will have drills for such events. These drills will allow the team to communicate with ease and work

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