
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Baking Soda

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Although baking soda is primarily intended for use in the kitchen, is used in alternative medical purposes, but is also used in cosmetic purposes.
Recently we talked about the use of sodium bicarbonate in alternative medicinal purposes, now we will talk about using sodium bicarbonate in cosmetic purposes.

Can be used as a substitute for many expensive medicines such as various peels, or even teeth whitening. A little granules of baking soda will remove all the dead skin cells very gently, because it suits all skin types. It has an antiseptic effect as well as many natural salt.
Резултат слика за maska za lice od meda

Face mask with baking soda is very cheap

If you have a dry face make dough with four teaspoons of coffee and a tablespoon and let it stand for about 2 minutes, then apply a circular motion on …show more content…

All you have to do is to mix the soda with a little water until a thick mixture. Gently rub the mixture into the skin in a circular motion and then wash off.

Hair care with baking soda
If you want to restore gloss to hair, wash once a week is a mixture that you can make yourself. In the normal amount of shampoo favorite add a teaspoon of baking soda and wash and rinse your hair as you always do.

If you do not have time to wash your hair, you can use the medical baking soda as a dry shampoo to absorb oil . It is very easy, just sprinkle this effective white powder at the root of hair and then comb well.Your hare will look nice during the whole day.
Резултат слика за soda bikarbona za kosu

Baking soda is also anti-dandruff very good, try this simple natural recipe to get rid of the accumulated dandruff. After the bath, while the hair is wet rub a handful of soda into the hair and leave it for about 5 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. After the bath while the hair is wet rub a handful of ash in your hair, wait 5 minutes and washed. After the third wash guaranteed and permanently removes

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