
Advantages Of A Model Contract

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Model Contract
A model contract can be described as an agreement between the parties which are data exporter and the data importer, which covers lot of important aspects for not only to communicators but also to data transport. This means that the relevant company in the United States must have a contract or some kind of an agreement for each and every country to which it sends and receives data. Usually model contracts tend to be better suited for small and medium-sized enterprises that do not have very large employee base or partners in many countries. But if it is a larger company that may have employees or partners in different countries, standard contracts are not going to be that much helpful in practical a situation. In large companies, model contracts …show more content…

HP states “Protecting customer and employee personal and confidential data promotes trust and loyalty and energize the HP brand”. Though HP is a large corporation, its dedication to protecting employee data has prevented altering, mishaps, such as major leaks of employee data.
But a large and a well renowned company like HP may also be vulnerable to some potential threats such as,
Global protection and national data protection for employees. As we know the "safe harbor" is largely paying its attention only towards the EU member states. But they work in more than I70 countries throughout the world. Which means they can’t keep one single policy for all their employees, which will eventually lead to a chaos. Thus, it can be difficult to cope if a security problem arise in a country which is not part of the EU.
So in order to mitigate this kind of an incidence they should keep separate rules and regulations, policies, agreements which can be applied to any circumstances with that county regarding their employee data or information protection despite of their general EU

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