Kimberly, which method do you feel is more beneficial for a company? Although hiring from within also has its challenges, I feel I would prefer that method to hiring external candidates when it comes to senior level or management positions. As you stated hiring externally can be scary because you know nothing about a person and hiring someone that does not fit in with the current team can result in issues within a department. To make sure a department continues to operate smoothly you have to find a candidate that is not only able to understand and do the job requirements, but also understand the people they will be working
This is beneficial to the business so you don’t spend time and money training new employees, meaning that those who are recruited internally are able to get on without needed any form of training that would be as time consuming in addition to the process being cost effective. Another benefit of internal recruitment is that there are opportunities for promotion, this means that it will motivate the employees to work harder which allows the business to run even more effectively. In addition to that, you know that by promoting that someone, they will be perfectly suited for the role in
The internal hiring strategy works hand and hand with the core staffing strategy. This strategy will allow employees within the company’s core staff to further themselves inside the company while also continuing to motivate other employees to work harder.
Recruiting inside the organisation has both pros and cons, some of the benefits would be knowing what the person is already capable of in the job and if they are open to learning new things, how well they do in their position already and how motivated they are towards their job. There are also negatives about recruiting from inside the work place, the employee could feel overly comfortable and friendly in the job and with their colleagues resulting in them not being motivated to do work.
External sources can also be beneficial if the company is looking for a fresh start or someone with some new ideas. External recruiting can help to diversify an organization while bringing in needed competencies. Hiring externally can be done through various ways such as Internet job boards, and staffing agencies. External hiring might be more costly but may provide more outstanding candidates. Whichever the organization decide internal or external, the position needed to be filled will determine the order of the search. Once you have started recruiting it is time to view your potential qualified candidates.
Organizations can use internal recruitment and external recruitment activities to find the best employees for a position. Describe these two approaches and provide one advantage for using each approach. (4 Marks)
The most common recruiting strategy of seeking a candidate from internet websites is a good source because it allows you to see a large group of candidates at one time, and you can tailor your searches to target in on the ideal candidate. Networking, in the sense of just talking to people is also a good source because usually in this process you will come across someone who can put you in touch with the right people to find what you’re looking for; these people come with a referral so it’s not like starting at zero and only knowing them on paper. Lastly, is hiring from within another strong route to get the right person in place, these people are those who have a proven record with the organization. They are easy to verify based off of in house reviews. The difference in the three is with the internets like cold calling, where as networking is a referral and in house
Employment agency is another option for external recruitments. Companies can simply provide job description to agencies where vacancies will be introduced to people who are looking for jobs.
* The first place I would recruit would be internally. I chose this method first because what better place than to recruit directly from professionals who are connected with other professionals of the like. More than likely, someone knows someone who is looking for employment in the same field. Traditionally, companies use this method to promote from within; however, I believe this method can be used for more than this intended purpose. The network is already in place to gain a proper prospective pool of candidates, and it
It is beneficial from a HR perspective as the person is already known and his personal data is already recorded.
One internal and two external ways that I could recruit for this role are through an internal
The recruitment phase involves identifying and hiring the best suited candidate from the labour market either within the organisation or outside the organisation as fast as possible and for the least resources. Recruitment can be both internal and external. Internal recruitment involves evaluating existing employees’ skills and determining whether their skills are appropriate for new vacancies within the organisation. External recruitment involves identifying potential candidates outside of the organisation and determining whether they have the relevant skills and/or education to fill a job post (Business Dictionary, 2015).
Internal sourcing often lies at the core of an organization’s recruitment system and a lot of times current employees are usually considered first when a job becomes available particularly for organizations whose talent philosophy supports promotion from within, such as the company I work for, therefore making internal sourcing more effective than external sourcing. Due to the fact that current employees can quickly grasp the concept of the skills and information needed for the position once hired, a lot of companies try
Would the position be better filled by a qualified internal candidate or by someone from outside JLL?
Another disadvantage is that if you promote from within, you have to fill the position of the person you promoted, so in a sense you are back to square one (Lussier and Hendon, 172). Although this route may seem easier, cheaper, and less time consuming, it may not be the most ideal route to take.
Your example of a merry go round is a great example of senior promotion in the military. As the leader transfers, initially it next person up mentality for a replacement (internal source) until a replacement is selected (external source). As you elaborated in your discussion, both have distant advantages for an organization. A combination of both recruitment sources is beneficial for maximizing ways to find an appropriate job candidate. Although the company bottom- line is always a major factor, selecting the right source can affect employee morale, retention, and team building. In my current position I was hired for a supervisory position as an external hire from another directorate over two internal candidates which initially caused heartache