
Advantages Of The Gilded Age

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Ever look at all the railroads and big manufacturing companies and think where could something so big be started? Well the gilded age is highly responsible for these manufactures and creation of railroads. The Gilded Age took place 1869-1901 in the United States giving a whole new perspective, in 1877 to 1893 the economy nearly doubled. The Gilded Age took place in between Civil War and the World War 1 where the US economy grew drastically resulting in lots of political corruption. The Progressive Movement went along with the Gilded Age becoming popular among the well educated and environmental friendly peers. Not everything was perfect during this time due to many factors including unfair workers rights preventing many from obtaining a higher power then one deserves. Fair workers rights was not only extinct during this time but many except a few formers including Florence Kelley and Eugene V. Debs encouraged themselves to make a change for the better. America before the Gilded Age wasn't an unsuccessful country but was far from its …show more content…

With this comes many advantages and disadvantages towards the high and low class. Workers began to be treated unfairly during these changes giving many high powered businessmen an idea to do the same thing. With all the new immigrants coming into America with nothing they had no other choice but to accept their unfair rights and work. Immigrants and children becoming the vast majority of the population means almost everyone was working, stated by the Liz Library how, “Tonight while we sleep, several thousand little girls and men will be working in textile mills, all the night through, in the deafening noise of the spindles and the looms spinning and weaving cotton and wool, silks and ribbons for us to buy,” showing many were working and being treated unfairly by doing

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