Have you ever owned a dog? No? Well you have no doubt seen plenty of dogs before. Have you ever seen a wolf? Unlikely, but you must have at least seen pictures on what wolves look like. You must have also noticed that though you could differentiate dogs from wolves, there were other little (and sometimes not so little) similarities between the two animals. These similarities include height, facial structure, and even behavioral tendencies. That is because both animals belong to the same genus but different species, each one similar and yet still different from the other. What sets apart each species from others in its genus? What relates each of them to the other? These questions are what the study
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• They exhibit different modes of nutrition. Some are saprophytes, feeding on dead and decaying organic matter. Some are autotrophs, using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis to manufacture their food. Some obtain their nutrition from living tissue, harming the tissue in the process (parasitic nutrition)
• They exist in different habitats (air, water, and soil). Some even exist and thrive in harsh conditions
• They come in different shapes: bacilli (rod-like bacteria), cocci (circular bacteria), vibrio (comma-shaped bacteria), etc.
• Classified as gram-positive or gram-negative based on the thickness of cell wall. Gram-positive bacteria stains purple under the dye while Gram-negative bacteria stains pink
• Can be killed with antibiotics and can develop antibiotic resistance
• They transfer their chromosomes through a sex pilus
• Some bacteria exist as part of the normal microflora of the body
• They cause diseases e.g. Vibrio cholerae causes cholera
• They are used in food production e.g. Lactobacillus bulgaris for milk production, Saccharomyces cerivisiae for beer
The Gram stain was used to determine if the bacteria was gram positive or negative. A negative test shows a pink color and a positive test is a purple color. When a bacterium is negative it is because it has an outer membrane and a thin layer of peptidoglycan that is much harder to stain. A positive bacterium has a thick layer of peptidoglycan and no outer membrane that can be penetrated by crystal violet.
This experiment was given to us to utilized previous knowledge learned throughout the semester to identify a gram negative unknown bacterium. We had to first learn the difference between a gram negative and a gram positive organism. We started off with doing gram stains to determine whether it was positive or negative. Based on the gram stains, a gram positive stains purple and a gram negative stains pink. A gram positive stains purple because the cell walls is made of a thick peptidoglycan layer and doesn’t
Introduction: Almost every place on Earth, from the surface of your skin to the bottom of the ocean, is teeming with living things. To keep track of the vast diversity of life, biologists historically named and classified organisms according to their appearance. The system of categorizing organisms is
Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive, facultative aerobic, spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium that is widely distributed among the environment.
Organism A was tested positive for both glucose and lactose. Organism B was determined to be positive for glucose, but was tested negative for sucrose. The sucrose test significantly narrowed down the possible organisms for organism B. However, all the fermentation test results proved to be useful in eliminating possible organisms while confirming the correct identification of the two organisms.
They are highly social, and have a range of commutation methods, including expressive body language, scent markings, vocalization and their famous howling. That was the story of the gray wolf he or she is a great hunter, and hider. Also, they have many habitats
The terrain, as well as hunting tactics, allowed for the grey wolf to adapt a rough texture on its paws as well as the 2.5 inch claws to navigate through snow and rocks. Over thousands of years, evolution took part in the grey wolf’s development and created the largest wolf in the dog family, the grey
The gray wolf are a great type of animal with ancestry you wouldnt think they had. The wolves is what made to be the domestic dogs of now. Fish back then being now a ground walking soecies. They were small and evolved to being big.
The grey wolf also known as the timber wolf or wolf is a mammal of the order Carnivore. Genetic studies indicate the grey wolf shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog and might be its ancestor. Many other grey wolf subspecies have been identified however the actual number of subspecies is still open to discussion. Though once abundant over much of North America and areas of Europe and Asia, the grey wolf inhabits a very small portion of its former range because of the widespread destruction of its habitat. Gray wolves are highly adaptable and have thrived in forests, deserts, mountains, tundra and grasslands. They function as social predators and hunt in packs organized according to strict social hierarchies. It was originally believed
Wolves and coyotes are very smart animals. They have extremely good eyesight and sense of smell. They can hear calls from very far away and they both have dog-like appearance, but although wolves and coyotes are very similar physically, they have very little in common in terms of social behavior.
Gram staining is a technique used to determine if the bacteria is Gram positive or Gram- negative. Gram staining procedure uses crystal violet stain, iodine moderator, alcohol decolorizer and safarin counter stain. In Gram- negative bacteria the primary stain will be washed out with the decolorizer and it will be stained with the counterstain. Whereas in Gram-positive bacteria the primary stain will not leave the cell wall. This difference comes from difference in the structure of the cell wall that retains the stain.
RATIONALE: The purpose of the lesson is to have students observe and describe how young animals resemble their parents. This lesson will give students the foundation knowledge they need to understand the similarities in physical appearance of young animals and their parents. It will also allow for them to understand differences in different species, through the physical appearances.. The knowledge can be applied to genetics and how young animals are similar and different to their parents in future grades.
The colonies were smooth, translucent, and had a white brownish color. The Gram stain resulted in Gram positive cocci. After the Gram stain was completed, the bacteria were streaked on a Mannitol-Salt Agar plate and a Catalase test was performed. After these test were completed a Phenol Red Dextrose Fermentation tube was inoculated, and a SIM Tube inoculated.
Bacteria vary greatly in terms of their characteristics and morphology. Colonies can be classified according to their colour, form, elevation, margin and size. Pure cultures of microorganisms
Franck and Brownstone define biological diversity as 'the variety and variability of living organisms and the biological communities in which they live' (36). Decades of progress in both the scientific and political arenas have advanced environmental legislation to protect biodiversity at not only the ecosystem level, but for specific species and genetic material as well. Research has shown the importance of every organism and their role in the global ecosystem, and legislation has gradually matured to protect not only species which may become endangered, but the habitats they need to survive as well. Growing consciousness surrounding environmental issues has enabled these protections to be