Internet Education HUM/186 December 5, 2013 Internet Education In the modern world people operate their businesses and practically live their lives through the Internet, the use of social media, and easily obtainable information. Although easy access to nearly everything and everyone has many advantages, there are plenty disadvantages that accompany social media and easily obtainable information. If the world only knew how becoming aware of the rewards and drawbacks of social media and the ability to access information with ease people may change how they practice and consume it, especially when understanding the need to further question the reliability of their sources. It is important to understand the advantages, …show more content…
Because so many people have access to posting whatever information they want, there is a large amount of inaccurate information online. One reason for inaccuracy may be that bits and pieces were taken out of a particular story so it could be broadcasted in less time leaving the viewer or listener to fill in the missing pieces using their own assumptions. Also, websites such as Wikipedia cannot be trusted for accuracy because anyone can log on and change information. Moving forward, social media has been a major convenience and reward to virtually everyone. On an individual basis, social media allows friends and family both near and far to communicate with one another. Also, businesses are flourishing through the use of social media. Advertising has never been easier. Horn (2013) states, “Our profession, unlike any time before, is demanding we become social media (…) experts” (1). Horn (2013) also states, “More than half of reporters (55 percent) use Twitter and Facebook to source stories” (1). Social media has greatly benefited business life and personal life. Nevertheless, nothing is perfect and social media also has its flaws. For one, many employees lack in performing job duties by contributing company time to social media sites. Furthermore, Odom, Jarvis, Sandlin, and Peek (2013) conclude social media negatively impacts children in the classroom who would rather
Social media popularity has risen over the past years. The majority of the population of the age, now possesses one or more social accounts. Various articles and news sources have indicated that social media deteriorates person to person interaction and are gateways for cybercrimes to occur. However, behind such negative statements social media does provide a plethora of benefits to society. In fact, social media permits individuals to communicate, provides opportunities for businesses, and educates society.
Due to the power of instantaneous and free connectivity, social media has grown tremendously since 2006; causing more and more people to reap its benefits. Social media has both positive and negative impacts on society. Its various platforms have encouraged expression, and increased political awareness. Although, many worry about privacy and fraud, powerful measures have been taken to help and protect citizens. But, the question remains: do the positives outweigh the negatives in society as a whole? In other sectors social media has remained, however, specifically, the business world has transformed. Businesses and owners change for the better by providing a stronger connection with their consumers, creating new jobs, maintaining a positive brand image, and increasing consumer
Social media is a world; a world led by dynamic changing global communication. It is now a culture of productive sharing. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln traversed Pennsylvania Avenue to the telegraph office to await news of the battle at Gettysburg. The news of the results were cruicially delayed because of the technology being used. Slowly and steadily the means of communication have advanced to a near instant. “As of today, there are over 322 million people living in the United States - 64% of whom own a smartphone. This means that approximately 206 million people have access to social media, anywhere at any time” (Final-Injury-Project). From telegraph to fax to email to our social media now, information has closed the gap of postponed news. Over the past decade, people live and breathe the easy access of social media; consequently, communication is used in both positive and negative ways.
Disadvantages that apply to customer and employees can include non-related injection by individuals into conversations that don’t pertain to them, situations can occur where only one side of a situation is being presented instead of both, and allowing individuals to much social media interaction can disrupt work and distract from work-related communication (Scholar source 1). After examining resources, a positive and negative aspect of social media in an organization presents itself. Showing that even though it helps a company in multiple ways, while also having the capability to hinder it as well.
In today’s society there is a new desire to know what others are doing. Social media enables users to keep tabs on their followers while maintaining user productivity. The affects of social media has changed the way individuals receive their news, read their magazines, and organize the information they find on the Web. It has made the way people receive information easier and has challenged the way businesses are modeled.
Social media has grown into one of the most useful digital marketing tools for business owners and corporations and is designed to feed us information at a fast-moving speed. There are many advantages to this development as well as disadvantages. Information is easily obtainable, instant and causes credibility issues. It is important to know and understand all the benefits and disadvantages before using social media because it can alter how a person may use it.
Social media is a medium to socialize with the outside environment, the media to get more information. Social media is very good in the field of learning, because social media is very helpful for people to gain more insight. social media. besides in terms of learning, social media is also very good to make money, for example selling online and as a place of promotion that is very profitable because the social media made sales and promotions are free of charge from the internet
Even though media can be beneficial in many ways, there are also disadvantages of using media as well. One major downside of using media is the lack of personal privacy. We live in a world where everything a shared online and people are constantly having their accounts hacked and having all their personal information put out online for everyone to see. This problem has especially been targeted towards celebrities who have a large amount of followers online. Adding onto that, more and more people are started to follow the trends that they see online. Studies have shown that people who use social media apps immediately compare their lives to the things they see online. This can be a problem with small children, many TV channels and social media apps are highly inappropriate for children which can cause injuries if not supervised by parents. Media can also lead to individualism. People spend too much time on the internet and watching television. As a result, socialization with friends, family and neighbors is affected. This can also effect a person health, eye sight can be severely damaged from staring at a computer or TV screen for long periods of time. Hearing can also be damaged if devises which include headphones are used for long
Social media is the trend in modern society. Human beings have come to depend on social media as a functional unit in their lives. The first recognizable social media site was Six Degrees which was created in 1997 and allows users to interact with each other (Ellison et al. 211). Since then, various social media sites have cropped up and become popular in the world. With the development of this technology, come various effects and implications to the society. The phenomenon of social has been so impactful that it has come to define how human beings live and interact in the society. This, therefore, leads us to some discussions and soul-searching on the pros and cons of using social media in our day to day lives.
Social Media is absolutely useful tool for communication, there’s no doubt about that, but just like with any other tool, there are ways to misuse the medium. Social media’s strength and weakness lie within its popularity. With millions of user’s, some of which grew up using social media, there are going to be people who use it to their advantage, or at least try to. In the New York Times article, “Quit Social Media. Your career May Depend On It.” by Cal Newport, an idea is presented that using social media at all can potentially kill you future career.
The internet is an amazing advancement in our society. It has brought us closer together than ever before and just makes the power of obtaining knowledge so amazing. With this paper we will be looking at the advantages and disadvantages of easily obtaining information and social media. We will also be looking at credible issues on the internet and how people knowing this if it will alter how they use social media.
Expands market research, implements marketing campaigns, delivers communications and directs interested people to specific web sites.
Pending which end of the information you are on, it can have its advantages and disadvantages of being able obtain information and or having your information obtained. When someone is looking for a new job they can do a lot of research on a company and be able to obtain a lot of information. People can find out what the company stands for, what the company values are, along with the number of employees they have and other businesses that they work, to name a few. On the flip side, an employer can obtain a potential employees information as well just by doing a simple Google search. Doing such a search can give not only a potential employer different information on you but any random person can find your information and they can do a lot with it. With a person’s information being so easily available, a person who comes across someone else’s information can falsify that person’s identity and use their credit to make purchases. Another form of being able to easily obtain information could be referred to as having any question answered by simply going to Google and typing in whatever your heart desires and 99.9% of the time, your question will be answered. Having any question, you have answered with a few key strokes, could have its downfalls, pending on what answers you are seeking.
Where do you turn to get your information like the news, or to keep in contact with your family and friends? Social media is the primary way of getting your news, entertainment, and tools for everyday life. As you look around you many people are using social media as a source of their daily routine because they can access the information they are looking for quicker. Do you ever question about the advantages and disadvantages of uses social media to get your information? There is a credibility issues that arise form getting information that is shared on the Internet.
In today's world, people view social media as either a social benefit or a social detriment. Social media helps us with our day to day lives like helping people connect with one another, determine whether or not someone would be fit for a job, and allows us to have easy access to news, but it does have its downfalls. Some of these downfalls include cyberbullying, overexposure, and making us to addicted to our technology.