In question one of quiz two we were asked to review chapter seven and ten and focus on the adversity that Coach Mike Krzyzewski while coaching. After the review of these chapters, he discussed many occasions on the adversity that he faced, but the most critical one was the injury of Bobby Hurley with a broken foot on January 1992 . This was a very exceptional feet due to the fact that they were facing Shaq. The way that Coach K overcame this adversity is by putting Grant Hill at the point grade position for the first time, he also had Christian Laettner how show the team that he had the heart to face a player that was much bigger that himself such as Shaq. I agree with his approach on putting Grant Hill at the point position, because he was
The concept of bullying in the school system has been linked to many homicides and
A) Looking at the powerpoint notes and the definition of bullying it is obvious that Casey was being bullied. The is indirect and direct bullying and in Casey's case he was getting directly bullied. In the video that went viral Casey was being punched by his bullying which is a physical assault and it is direct. Not only did Casey have physical abuse, he was also being verbally abused.
There are many instances where incivility occurs at school or work. An example can be if someone doesn’t thank you for opening the door for them. I observed an uncivil matter at school when several students were busy texting during class and not paying attention to the lecture given. The teacher gave the students a warning by giving them the opportunity to put up the phone. However, the students refused to listen and appropriate discipline was taken. This was a cause of incivility since the teacher was wasting her time while their phones were distracting them from focusing.
Adversity . Everyone faces it at one point in their lives or another. It shapes who we are as human beings. No one has the same shape or the same story. Adversity is like a finger print, unique and constant.
Bullying and incivility (B&I) has become near and dear to my heart because I was bullied a few years ago by my supervisor. In the midst of the occurrence, it was very upsetting and after the occurrence I made up excuses for her behavior. But the next day on my way to work, my heart started racing, my stomach was upset and I was just really uncomfortable and anxious. At that point, I knew that I had to do something about it. I consider myself a strong person and can put up with a lot. So I imagined this happening to someone who did not have my same spirit and asked how would they feel, how often does bullying occur in our current setting and what has been done to combat bullying and incivility. Unfortunately, leadership has
The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender) community does not only face adversity in the public's eyes, but also at places where you should feel the most welcomed like home and school. Not only is having interest in the same sex becoming an issue for some, but also having legal procedures that allow you to openly express who you are as a person. Rather it's being born a male with females intentions or vice versa, this has became a public issue made towards both male and females in public restrooms. Discussions between states, former President Obama, current President Trump, school systems and people concerned about inequalities, have debated that it would be best for everyone to use the restroom according to gender at birth, meanwhile,
students. She sets out to learn how to effectively teach and provide an interesting, stimulating,
Kids ages 14 to 17 get sent out of class everyday for being disruptive in class while the teacher is teaching. Some teachers struggle to deal with kids that are disrespectful in class. Parents don't send students to school to act out because students are taught better than that at home. Some students attend school just to act out and are an embarrassment to how their parents feel. It'll make them look bad, like they didn't teach you home training. They argue that, at school entry, children face new behavioral demands for school adaptation, including getting along with peers and teachers and following a broad range of classroom rules. Children's mastery of these task demands
The child that I studied is my younger brother Richard Bui. He is 15 years old and is a sophomore at Albert Einstein High school (10th grade). His friends mainly consists of other high schoolers around his age and also children who attend the same church as Richard. He is very active in sports and extracurricular activities in school, so his social skills are very good. Richard is the youngest child in his family, and his parents are Vietnamese immigrants. Because his parents were Vietnamese immigrants who came to the U.S after the Vietnam War, his father and mother were not fluent in English. This means as he grew up through the ages 1 to 4, he spoke mostly Vietnamese even though he was born in the United States. However, after attending school,
Bullying in Australian primary schools has become an epidemic, having a negative effect on children’s learning and development (Lodge, 2014). Therefore, it is crucial that schools and teachers are aware, understand and educated on how bullying can impact children’s learning and development; to be able to effectively implement policies, respond, educate and eliminate bullying in the school environment.
Bullying is one of the worst things you can go through. It is where someone who is insecure, jealous, or going through something or whatever is happening and call people names or hit them or just be rude and cruel to them because they think it’s funny but it’s not. Or it’s just to make people feel bad or make them feel insecure about themselves or want to change themselves in any way possible to fit in which is really sad that you think that you should change yourself just to fit in you should embrace being yourself since being yourself and not caring what people think is the best thing you can do.
Child abuse is one of the fastest growing problems in America. With most cases in abuse it is someone the child is close with, and 8 out of 10 times the abuser is the parent. Abuse comes in many different forms such as, sexual, physical, emotional, verbal, and neglect. Neglect and physical abuse are the two most common abuses that take place in the home, or in the caretaker’s vicinity. Child abuse is not just a problem that stays in the home however, child abuse leeks into the classroom and affects the child’s academic standing and progress. In this paper it will explain how abuse affects the child in the current classroom, future classrooms as they grow up, and how teachers can help prevent abuse from happening.
I am a competitor who seeks to learn from past mistakes rather than be overcome by them. I have always been a very competitive person, training to beat my peers in whatever competitive activity I am involved in whether it be traditional sports, eSports, or even Monopoly. I grew up playing soccer since it was my dad's sport of choice. I quickly grew to be one of the most sought-after defensive players in my club for my attitude. I was different in that I wanted defeat almost as much as I wanted victory, due to the learning opportunities that defeat could give us. Alas, I suffered a broken ankle midway through the year which ended my season early and sent me searching for a new past-time that would let my ankle rest easy. Since I couldn’t run
There are numerous obstacles for children to hurdle in the classroom: bullies, ineffective teaching strategies, poor classroom management; however, the issue that concerns me the most is equity. I saw problems caused by lack of equity all throughout my childhood and I still see them now when I enter classrooms to observe. Personally, I struggled with the fact that I would never have the opportunity to travel the world like many of my peers were able to—my family simply couldn’t afford it. I felt that gap in my daily life—it wasn’t just about not being able to travel everywhere—it was about missing life opportunities.
Why do physical abuse happen to kids by teacher? I am always hearing in the news or social media that a student was physical abuse by a teacher. When we as parents leave our children at school we want to feel safe that our child is in someone else care. We want our child to feel safe and sound in school and in that classroom. Can we prevent the physical abuse from teachers, why does the buildup of physical abuse even start, why don't kids speak up, and do teachers get fired from this issue.