
Advertising In Advertising

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As you are flipping through the pages of your favorite magazine count how many advertisements you see. On average advertising takes up 47% of all magazine pages (Moses). Next time you are flipping through a magazine, count how many advertisements appear. Advertisements are a strategy for companies to reach out and draw customers in to sell products. We live in a world full of advertising whether it be right on front of you in a magazine, or driving past on the interstate, advertisements are everywhere we go. Advertising can be done through commercials, magazines, social media posts and contests, and through tweets on twitter. According to Jean Kilbourne, “Advertising often sells a great deal more than products, it sells values, images, and concepts of love and sexuality, romance, and perhaps most important, normalcy” (RPC 101). Kilbourne is referring to how we interpret ads ourselves and what the real message is behind them. The advertisement used for the Dove real beauty campaign conveys a strong message about strong body image where not only is one body type considered attractive, but all body types are attractive. The advertisement uses an emotional appeal to influence women to value their own body image and to change the way women think about their bodies in a positive way. This ad has a vivid white background, making the focus on the women as they stand out according to their differences. The advertisement shows women of different sizes, ages, and races posing next to

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