Kayla K Redmond
December 2, 2014
Advertising Management
Prof Dena Hale
Advertising Objectives
Communication goals
A goal of communication is informing target audience and/or consumers about the company’s product features. One communication goal is that the target audience will see the brand and product in the first month of the product launch. The target audience will see this through social media and email blasts sent from the brands’ (Orange) sister companies. Advertising exposure will also be another communication goal because there will be a vast amount of individuals that will immediately be exposed to the ads that will be on the social media sites since the target audience are a part of the generation
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Orange uPad will use social media as the primary communication medium because the target audience is more likely to be on social media and see an advertisement or read a blog about the product for reviews. There will also be advertisements on television and there will be radio spots that will attract the attention of the target audience. Print media will be in magazines and newspapers that have an already established target audience who are similar to that of Orange’s uPad.
Here is an example of a 30 second television spot:
Fade up from black
The commercial will open with the friends sitting on the sofa watching television for 4 seconds
The black video will last for 1 second
Run time sub-total: 5seconds
Fade from black
The opening scene will be a group of friends sitting on the sofa watching television; looking extremely bored
Vocal music playing: low television static. The scene will last for 10 seconds.
About 2 seconds into the scene, a text graphic will appear over the commercial saying: “BORED ”
The graphic will last about 8 seconds
When graphic appears, a voiceover will also occur saying:
Run time sub-total: 15 seconds
Zoom to television
10-second scene of a Orange uPad commercial showing on the television
Music changes to the most popular song at the moment.
When the owner left to go out drinking with his friends the colors became gloomy and darker. When the owner came back home the colors became bright again like they were before he left. Next, the music has different tempos throughout the commercial. When the owner leaves the music gets slower leading to a somewhat sad emotional response from the audience. After the owner gets home, the music speeds up prompting another emotional response from the audience.
During this 60-second commercial, a person’s whole view on the world can be shifted. In this Microsoft commercial, a wide audience range, pathos, and a form of indirect advertising are largely utilized to cause viewers to see how Microsoft’s technology has come a long way and how it has the
When commercials play fast music it indicates what something is going to happen.
Commercial advertisements create a strong presence in the media due to the power of persuading the audience to buy a certain project. The commercial is promoting the use of diet coke and using Taylor Swift to do so. Diet Coke is a sugar free, soft drink that is very popular, it is promoted and distributed worldwide by Coca- Cola. Coca- Cola spends nearly $3.499 billion in advertisements yearly (Investopedia, 2015, 1). This ad catches the eye of the audience with the use of Taylor Swift and the adorable kittens. In this commercial, it is clear that with every sip the pop-culture singer takes of the Diet Coke, more kittens seem to appear in the apartment until the whole apartment becomes invaded with the tiny kittens. This advertisement efficiently delivers the point to the audience during the commercial video by encouraging them to drink their product Diet Coke while trying to increase the consumption of their product, attract more viewers, and sell more of their product.
Throughout the commercial, pathos is made evident from the very beginning with the scenes of dark clouds, which then slow music is softly played in the background, with a mix of wind blowing from the scene in the mountains. Next, scenes of nature and cultural landmarks appear one
In this century, there are too many new technologies such as cars, smart phones, computers and video games. Many more are coming before we can catch up. As you can see, advertisers have their way to announce and present their advertisement to make you want to try out and own one of their products. I am analyzing a successful commercial video “Nintendo Switch Super Bowl LI Commercial - Extended Cut" commercial video. I choose this video because they have many good techniques to present their product to the audience, which caught the eyes of about fourteen million viewers on YouTube.
To kill A Mockingbird is a classic novel by Harper Lee, the story is told by an older version of the young girl scout in the novel. The book is about discrimination and prejudice towards certain people. The saying went “it is a sin to kill a mockingbird” because they have done nothing wrong. There were two characters in the book that I think can be considered “mockingbirds”. These characters where Tom Robinson and Boo Radley.
To summarize, the commercial starts with the ringing of a phone, the call is to 911. The woman on the other end is calling for a pizza. The 911 operator is confused and makes the clarification that this is an emergency line. She understands, but continues placing the order. The tone of the operator becomes one of agitation. He continues to ask if she has an emergency, then realizing she has someone in the area who is monitoring her, making her unable to speak up. Once the realization is made he helps her by sending officers to her location, she is not able to stay on the line and she hangs up. Throughout the phone call, there are no faces. The walls are painted with dull colors. There are books strewn across a disheveled rug, a leaky faucet running over a cascade of dirty dishes. Followed by a bed, and a fist-sized hole, the last visuals provided are of a staircase lined with photographs with one single frame missing, and the missing frame on the ground broken. Next, white words affront a black background, “When it’s hard to talk it’s up to us to listen.” Every color in the commercial is obscenely dull, nothing pops. It is on purpose, so the viewer only focuses on the big pictures: the broken picture frame, the hole, and the dirty dishes.
I am very persistent. Once I set my mind to something, I strive for it until I achieve it or it has proved impossible for me to obtain my goal. It was once my goal to join the Army. Although I was overweight, I worked until I made the correct weight limit and kept trying to join until they told me I couldn't join because I had eczema as a child. I believe that I should always try my hardest and do my best as much as possible in every situation.
The static stops and the viewer is presented with a blue screen that is accompanied by a loud siren noise for the next fourteen minutes. Periodically, subliminal images will be shown to the viewer. These images range from scenes from comic books to human mutilation. The last minute of this segment ends with footage of a sleeping dog with piles of cash surrounding it.
The controversial issue of gun control is one of the most debatable topics among politicians and civilians alike. This is because of the complexity of gun control and the long history that is related to the subject. Gun control is typically an effort, by the government, to create legislation that regulates the sale and use of firearms within the country. There are various arguments that surround this topic which include gun-related violence, accidents, self-defense, murders, suicide, constitutional rights, and so on. James Q. Wilson, a professor who has taught at Pepperdine University, Harvard University, and the University of California, Los Angeles, and a published author of several books, take a negative stance on the subject of gun control. Wilson contributed to the gun control debate in the last few years with his written op-ed article. According to Wilson, there is no possible method to eradicate the hundreds and millions of guns that exist within the country, restrictive gun laws will not significantly affect the United States’ murder rate, and that guns play an important role in self-defense in everyday lives. Contrary to what Wilson believes, strict gun control is necessary and should be enforced to ensure public safety because gun laws have the power to produce a positive outcome in the long run, reduce gun-related violence, and reduce the numerous risks that gun ownership open.
The first pair of commercials before the “Friends” program is not necessarily interrupting the program in any way, but still helps prepare the audience to get ready. Although it is
The next time slot is the ten a.m. to four p.m. window. The ads aired during this time generally aim to reach the older generation and have to do with aging. Another target is children when they arrive home from school. A commercial that depicts how advertisers target the elder age group is from Coca-Cola, “Older Couple Turn into Adorable Kids.” The appeal is ethos; older people will feel and appear younger after they
Advertisers create commercials to connect the viewer to the product, through psychological appeals and further persuade them into believing the health food scam of the fast-food chains (Bovee 360). Subway has mastered the art of appealing to consumer emotions when regarding health. Their commercial “Friend of Jared”, proves Subway promotes the healthy food image but deceives the public with its actual product. The commercial is set in a baseball field on a nice day. The actors are participating in an amateur game and appear happy and full of energy. They quickly introduce the characters by flashing their name and amount of weight lost in the middle of the screen. While this is taking place the background jiggle sings, “join the Subway family now… it’s not too late the only thing that’s missing is you!” (YouTube Video). Once the jiggle concludes it flashes to pictures of Subways product, showing a rather large sandwich. They advertise the Subway sandwich having only 6 grams of fat, however, in tiny print at
When an advertiser places one of their advertisements into a newspaper, they want their advertisement to appeal to the readers of that particular magazine. They could have the exact same message, but considering their audience, they could make it more effective if they use a different strategy to market their product. This is very common for advertising strategies to change when the content of the magazine changes. You can relate the way that the magazine producers choose their ads by when Steve Craig says that " program producers and schedulers must consider the target audience needs of their clients" (162). The types of advertisements are driven by the content of the magazine. Sports Illustrated provides a