
Affirmation For Success Research Paper

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Affirmations for success are a very powerful force that can change the way that your life is going right now. These simple, yet powerful statements program your subconscious mind into seeing the things around you in the way that you want them to be seen. The most obvious example of this is to view yourself as being successful: if you see yourself as successful, than you will be. It sounds fairly easy, right? Well, it really is that easy. In order to get affirmations for success to work for you, there are 3 simple steps to follow.

The first step for any affirmations for success program to work, you must do it every day. You want to get into the habit of saying them to yourself everyday, this makes it easier for your subconscious to accept them as true. The more that you can repeat them the easier they are to come true. This will also help you with having the best day that you can possibly have. In order to get started, it is a good idea to limit your time to something like 5 minutes each session to begin with, until you are comfortable with your routine. This will help you turn your affirmations for success into a routine that becomes very easy to follow.

Step number two in building a program of affirmations for …show more content…

Probably the most comfortable place is at your own home. This is because you know the routine at your own house and know when it is possible for you to sit and not be interrupted. Because your subconscious is most susceptible to soaking up new things while you are semi-conscious, it can be best to repeat your statements just after you wake up, and again right before you fall asleep. This is the time that your mind is most likely to be at rest, and not filled with the multitude of thoughts that you generally will have during the course of a normal day. This makes it much easier for you to concentrate solely on your list of affirmations for

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