
Affirmative Action In College Admissions

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A Look into the Use of Affirmative Action in College Admissions
A journey the majority of high school students experience is researching potential colleges. It was during this search that I was introduced to the concept of affirmative action, and I became interested in how it could affect my acceptance to college. On one hand, I was ecstatic because being a minority could give me an advantage when applying to universities. However, I also wanted to receive the acceptance based on my merit not my skin color. Affirmation action, particularly in college admissions, has been experiencing major criticism regarding its fairness and effectiveness. My stance on this subject is somewhat supporting both sides. I believe that affirmative action is needed …show more content…

Specifically the black student enrollment at the University of Michigan has lowered from 7.2 percent to 4.63 percent. This is not solely an issue for universities in Michigan either, The Michigan Daily reports, “Across the country, minority enrollment is drastically below state populations among peer institutions that have bans on affirmative action” (Geva). Moreover, minority students should not be penalized for their financial situation. College should be a universal program awarded to any student that wants to better him or herself. Furthermore, banning affirmative action in college admission is takes away a defense against the unequal parallels in secondary education, especially for the minority community, acquainted with the different financial capabilities of American …show more content…

Affirmative action is not the only an appropriate reparation for slavery, but also for the years it took for racial equality to be mandated by the government. In the words of President Lyndon Johnson, “You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then you say are free to compete with all the others and still believe you have been fair” (qtd. in “Affirmative Action”). The use of affirmative action in college admissions combats the years of racial discrimination that black people have experienced in the past as well as the discrimination that is happening

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