
Affordable Care Act Analysis

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As discussed previously, the Affordable Care Act of 2010 passed by the legislation, drastically changed the entire healthcare economy. In fact, ever since the ACA was passed it was required by law for hospitals to increase the amount of attention given to the individuals of the community in order to meet their needs. Also, the ACA allowed close to 10 million individuals to have health insurance through Medicaid and private health insurances, which has a high impact on all the hospitals, such as Yale New Haven. For example, since millions of Americans can now afford health insurance, there is a large influx of patients who can go to hospitals and are able to afford the overall cost. The non-profit hospital of Yale New Haven is benefiting in …show more content…

In other words, ever since the Affordable Care Act was passed, millions of Americans have insurance. This can be worrisome to non-profit hospitals due to the large number of patients. For example, there are far more patients than there are physicians, which causes the quality of care for these patients to diminish. Physicians cannot keep up with the amount of patients they need to see as well as give every patient 100% of their attention it is simply impossible. Therefore, hospitals may start to implement a policy where only certain insurances can be seen at the hospitals, excluding emergency situations of course, while others have to either see there primary doctors or specialists. In other words, physicians are discharging patients too early, which cause a large amount of them to be readmission. Therefore, this is costing the hospital millions of dollars as well as affecting the patients’ overall health. If there was a stricter policy on who can and cannot go to the hospital than patients may start to receive better care and non-profit hospitals can focus on their main mission and that is to treat the people of the community with a high and effective quality of …show more content…

Unfortunately, the Affordable Care Act is beneficial to our country, but it only enhances the disparities this country faces. For instance, the ACA allows individuals to receive healthcare at a lower cost, but the only thing is that Hispanics, African Americans and Native Americans are the only ones who this benefits the most, singling them out. In fact, low-income individuals of color face more barriers when it comes to having health insurance as well as receiving poorer quality of care from physicians. The ACA enhances the individuals who are not as privileged as “White Americans”, which sets them apart. In other words, physicians may not give the same quality of care to an individual on state insurance compared to a patient who is not. Therefore, Yale New Haven hospital has to prevent these disparities from happening. A great approach would be to make sure the physicians and all healthcare personnel sign a document stating that they will treat all patients with equal quality of care and discrimination is not tolerated. The hospital should be a disparity free zone to make patients feel welcomed and not excluded. If hospitals like Yale New Haven plan for these instances, healthcare disparities can be eliminated and patients of color, race, sexual orientation etc. can feel as if they

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