There are many laws in the United States of America, but there is one law that is especially important, as it causes a lot of controversy, and politicians not in favor are trying to shut it down. In the 2016 election, the candidates have different opinions on it, and they argue about it a numerous amount of times. It is one of the main issues of the debates. The law has caused both benefits and problems for citizens of the USA. Some citizens of America have violently protested against the ACA, while some citizens lives depend on it. This law is called the Affordable Care Act, signed in 2010, and I strongly believe that it is a good law. The ACA, nicknamed Obamacare, is a necessary law. One reason why it is an important law is that “...the …show more content…
were already providing health insurance because we’re in a competitive market and that helps us to retain and recruit good employees,” the Sacramento-based small business owner said, . One benefit for small businesses are tax credits“For us it was just good business. But pretty quickly we saw that our firm could benefit from the law. What appealed to us about the ACA were the tax credits and other financial incentives” (Taylor, 3), “A tax credit is an amount of money a taxpayer is able to subtract from taxes owed to the government” ( , 1). this is good because businesses that barely make any money don't have to pay much taxes and they can maybe get more popularity due to the money they are saving. This is one example of how the ACA helps Small Businesses since …“ObamaCare creates the Small Business Health Options Program or SHOP, a part of each State’s Health Insurance Marketplace, where small businesses with 50 full-time equivalent employees or fewer can shop for group health plans. Starting on November 15th, 2015 those with 100 full-timers or less can use the SHOP” ( ,2 ). Small businesses are not required to provide health insurance to their employees if they wish because “... the answer is no. Under the Affordable Care Act, businesses with fewer than 50 full-time equivalent employees are not required to provide health insurance to their employees, and those employers will not face tax penalties if they decide not to offer their employees health insurance” (, 1).This is good that very small businesses have the freedom not to get insurance because some businesses need to save money because of the expensive previous health care. Despite it being affordable, ObamaCare has given the freedom for small businesses to not give healthcare to employees. “Since health insurance for small business isn’t mandatory under the ACA, small
The Affordable Care Act ended up being passed without any Republican support. Many consequences stemmed from this lack of bipartisan support, including many repeal bills that came up in later years in front of the House and the Senate. These repeal bills were only barely pushed down by Democrats, or moderate Republicans, such as Senator Susan Collins of Maine or Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. During the initial vote on the predecessor to the ACA, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, the House passed the AHCAA by a slim margin of 220 to 215, with 39 Democrats voting against the bill, and one Republican voting for the bill. However, when the Senate voted on their version of the AHCAA in December, all the Democrats in the Senate united
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obama Care, is just one of many pieces of legislation dealing with health care issues that our country faces. In this paper the discussion of this legislation will focus on the applicability of the legislation and what it means to American citizens. Decisions and pending rulings by the Supreme Court will be discussed and analyzed by constitutional standards and will show the facts of the legislation’s standing as law. Specific constitutional criteria will be utilized is determining the validity of the ACA in conjunction with other federal laws as well as any prohibitions stated within any court rulings and the United States Constitution. The issues of canceled insurance policies, mandates to acquire or retain insurance, and the impact of such on citizens will be addressed in accordance of the previously mentioned criteria. A solution as to how to fix the problem of health care legislation, specifically the ACA, will be offered and substantiated by way of facts and law in order to present a better understanding of the ACA.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obama Care, is just one of many pieces of legislation dealing with health care issues that our country faces. In this paper the discussion of this legislation will focus on the applicability of the legislation and what it means to American citizens. Decisions and pending rulings by the Supreme Court will be discussed and analyzed by constitutional standards and will show the facts of the legislation’s standing as law. Specific constitutional criteria will be utilized is determining the validity of the ACA in conjunction with other federal laws as well as any prohibitions stated within any court rulings and the United States Constitution. The issues of canceled insurance policies, mandates to acquire or retain insurance, and the impact of such on citizens will be addressed in accordance of the previously mentioned criteria. A solution as to how to fix the problem of health care legislation, specifically the ACA, will be offered and substantiated by way of facts and law in order to present a better understanding of the ACA.
Would you like to pay $106,000 for heart surgery? The answer is no. I agree with the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act makes everything easier for Americans. The Affordable Care Act has impacted in a beneficial manner. No one including children will no longer be denied or limited to health care plans for their pre-existing conditions. According to the Health and Human Services (2014), all americans will have access to reasonable health insurance options. Since the Act came to place, more than 7 million people have signed up for health insurance through this. The Affordable Care Act is making a stronger health care and Medicare program. CHIP has expanded to cover up to 9 million children, which is good for all families.
Yes it is shocking, but what’s even more shocking is what this bill really means to the American people…the Affordable Care Act is a very destructive set of laws, that can and probably will devastate our nation. First I would like to address the fact that this law should not be referred to as the Affordable Care Act; because, it is anything but affordable. Can we afford higher premiums, higher taxes, budget deficit increases, hiring freezes, slashed workers hours, killing existing jobs, and killing new jobs? No, we cannot afford any of these issues, but we will because of the Affordable Care Act. Health care in America will be…the "straw that broke the camel’s back".
The affordable care act is the new health care reform law in America and is also known by its popular nickname "ObamaCare". Since the creation of this new Health care reform the rules and regulations have widened based on the law. The affordable care act is a very extensive piece of leg,action which aims to provide middle to low-income families with affordable health care. Many people support this new act since it helps to provide affordable health insurance to the people who really need it. The affordable care act retains a free market and allows the healthcare industry to thrive. Many seniors support this new law since it improves Medicare and it keeps their rates down. Small but senses can receive tax credit for their health insurance premium costs. Some young adults support the affordable care act because they can stay in their parents plans until they decide free health care themselves. Not all of America
The Affordable Care Act is a law that affects the American people in economic ways. In this Act, health care providers have the ability to offer services to individuals that cut the price of medical expenses and also determine who can provide the health serve for the individuals. This affects a large group of the population, from children to adults. This paper seeks to examine how the Affordable Care Act affects college students, birth control, caps on coverage, insurances for all Americans and rising premiums.
On March 23, 2010 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed by President Obama, raising the question for many of whether this new law was going to be more helpful or hurtful. With universal healthcare, healthcare coverage would be increased tremendously, costs would be reduced, jobs would be created, and consumers would be protected. Conversely, it will also raise taxes and wait times, lead to a smaller number of doctors, and infringe on some employers’ 1st amendment rights. Presenting both arguments for and against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act allows one to draw a conclusion on whether the new program will benefit or hinder the citizens of the United States.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as ObamaCare, is a healthcare reform law that focus on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance. “The ACA is expected to add 32 million people seeking primary and preventive service and treatment” ( It was first enacted by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. The act has offered a number of people with benefits, set up a place they can purchase health insurance, expanded the use of Medicaid and Medicare to the disabled and senior citizens. The Act has forced many employers to offer coverage to their employees. Despite all of the positive attributes this act has provided, there is a flip side to it. Americans are required to have health
In February 2017, the news was dominated by stories and video of town hall meetings with constituents telling their representatives stories of how the ACA had benefitted them or their loved ones in one way or another (Colliver, 2017). There is no doubt that the law has helped thousands, maybe even millions of people across the country. There have also been stories of individuals who have health insurance, but are unable to use it because of high deductibles, which effectively render the insurance policies these people hold emergency only plans (Luhby, 2016). This is most certainly an unintended consequence of a law that was written with good intentions, but which needs to be modified to work with the real life situations the citizens of this country are faced with.
Despite the fact that the ACA is intended to be great ideology, it has affected three components of the current health care system operation, policy, procedure, and implementation. The first key factor the ACA has affected is the relationships of the health care system at large, as such individuals are mandated to have health insurance and insurers are forced to accept individuals who would
the law of the land. The United States Supreme Court rules on many different subjects that come before them. Most cases are either a 9-0 or a 5-4 decision. The case that was brought before the Supreme Court and will be discussed in this paper is the case on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is a historic verdict because the ACA is the first ever universal health care plan in America’s history. The verdict is a 5-4 decision that is for the ACA. The United States Supreme Court ruling on The Affordable Care Act, which gives Congress the right to “tax” individuals that do not participate in their own health insurance is the right ruling because affordable health insurance coverage for those that need it the most would not be possible without it.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is a healthcare program created by president Obama’s administration. The goal of the Affordable Care Act is to make sure every United States citizen has health insurance. The Affordable Care Act provides “affordable” health insurance plans to citizens that do not have any and make about $15,000 a year. While the idea of providing health insurance to the millions of American’s that cannot afford it is great, everything comes at a cost. According to Emily Miller, Obamacare is causing people’s health insurance premiums to rise by around 1 to 9 percent (Miller 15-15). Not only are insurance premiums rising, but ever since the Supreme Court declared the Affordable Care Act constitutional approximately 20 tax hikes have been approved (Battersby). All the aforementioned reasons are helping pay for Obamacare. Although providing health insurance for people that cannot afford it is important, the Affordable Care Act should be revoked because it will hurt the economy.
President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010. This law puts in place widespread health insurance reforms that expanded out over the last 4 years and continues to change the lives of many Americans today. Health care reform has been an extensively debated topic for multiple years, and the ACA is the first effective attempt at passing a law aiming to make health care not only affordable, but accessible for all individuals. The law impacts many Americans including, children, employers, government programs which includes federal and state, health plans and private insurers, health care coverage, health care cost, and the quality of care received. The main goal of the law is to expand health care coverage, broaden Medicaid eligibility, minimize and regulate health care cost, and improve the health care delivery system. In order to improve the health care delivery there have been new consumer protections established and an increase access to affordable care.
The affordable care act (ACA) or the Obama health care reform has been a topic of great concern in today’s health care. In March 23rd 2010 President Obama signed the health care legistration (Obama Care) into law. The passage of the law affected different many issues in the lives of Americans. Socially, it was a great law due to the facts that individuals that cannot afford health care would have access to health care regardless of preexisting conditions and young adults benefits in staying longer under their parents insurance until age 26. Hence, economically, depending on the side of the table the individual chooses (republican or Democrat) there will be an increase in national debt because more people will be eligible for Medicaid (The National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare, 2012). According to Root (2012) the so-called Obama health care reform will be a tax imposed on the citizens of the United States, because it obliges people to actually buy insurance provided by the government, which is in a big violation of the commerce clause or the individual mandate threatens the foundation of contract law. American contract law rest on the principle of mutual assent. For example, if I hold a gun to your head and force you to sign a contract, no court of law will honor that document since I coerced you into signing it. Mutual assent must be present in order for a contract to be valid and binding (Markham, 2002).