
Affordable Care Act Title Analysis

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With the rising cost of healthcare-it is important to be able to have insurance to help with the expenses. Many Americans are without coverage and keep from getting the care they need due to lack of funds to do so. This has been a topic of discussion for years, but the Affordable Care Act is a recent type of insurance that can be obtained by any individual. This paper is to discuss the Affordable Care Act, who founded it and the purpose of. It will also include nine titles that give a full description and applications on the nurse’s practice. Introduction of the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was established by President Barrack Obama in March of 2010. Many believes this will be a healthcare insurance that people can …show more content…

This title will allow a pre-existing condition to be covered by insurance without higher premiums. A person will beable to get the care deserved without suffering consequences of annual limits on benefits. This will also allow a adult to continued to be covered by parents until age 26. Will provide a median for customers to find insurance without all the ridiculous high rates. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, 2010). The second title of the Affordable Care Act is the Role of Public Programs. Medicaid will be extended to lower income families and the federal governement will take over these cost. It will simplify the medicaid process and provide better care to the individuals. All hospitals will be expected to provide care to any patient with medicaid services. This title will provide an office to improve management on both a state and federal level for medicaid and medicare individuals (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, …show more content…

This is to improve care and demand excellence by medical communities to all individuals especially medicaid and medicare people. This will provide a better patient satisfactory of servies rendered. The program will allow small community individuals on medicaid to receive emergency services such as ground or air ambulance. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, 2010). This act will allow for a more accurate,faster payment and bonus reinversement for all parties providing excellent services. Chronic disease individuals will be provided better education and supervision of medication and drug manufactures must provide a discount on brand name medications. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, 2010). Title IV is prevention of chronic disease and improving public health. This title centers on increased awareness on health and disease-provides education on medications and counseling.. This will provide for no co payments for annual check up and will allow for a bonus for states that provide a healthier lifestyle. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class,

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