With the rising cost of healthcare-it is important to be able to have insurance to help with the expenses. Many Americans are without coverage and keep from getting the care they need due to lack of funds to do so. This has been a topic of discussion for years, but the Affordable Care Act is a recent type of insurance that can be obtained by any individual. This paper is to discuss the Affordable Care Act, who founded it and the purpose of. It will also include nine titles that give a full description and applications on the nurse’s practice. Introduction of the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was established by President Barrack Obama in March of 2010. Many believes this will be a healthcare insurance that people can …show more content…
This title will allow a pre-existing condition to be covered by insurance without higher premiums. A person will beable to get the care deserved without suffering consequences of annual limits on benefits. This will also allow a adult to continued to be covered by parents until age 26. Will provide a median for customers to find insurance without all the ridiculous high rates. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, 2010). The second title of the Affordable Care Act is the Role of Public Programs. Medicaid will be extended to lower income families and the federal governement will take over these cost. It will simplify the medicaid process and provide better care to the individuals. All hospitals will be expected to provide care to any patient with medicaid services. This title will provide an office to improve management on both a state and federal level for medicaid and medicare individuals (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, …show more content…
This is to improve care and demand excellence by medical communities to all individuals especially medicaid and medicare people. This will provide a better patient satisfactory of servies rendered. The program will allow small community individuals on medicaid to receive emergency services such as ground or air ambulance. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, 2010). This act will allow for a more accurate,faster payment and bonus reinversement for all parties providing excellent services. Chronic disease individuals will be provided better education and supervision of medication and drug manufactures must provide a discount on brand name medications. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class, 2010). Title IV is prevention of chronic disease and improving public health. This title centers on increased awareness on health and disease-provides education on medications and counseling.. This will provide for no co payments for annual check up and will allow for a bonus for states that provide a healthier lifestyle. (Responsible Reform for Middle Class,
There are nine primary components for this reform. These include: affordable health care for Americans, role of public programs, improved quality and efficiency of healthcare, improving public health and chronic disease prevention, healthcare workforce, program transparency and integrity, increased access to medical therapies, community living assistance, and revenue provisions. The problem this piece of legislation hopes to address is the estimated 45 to 75 million of Americans who are uninsured and the additional 50 million who are under-insured (“The United States”, 2010)
Implementation of the ACA would require an extensive expansion of the Medicaid program to low income adults in each state.³ The Congressional Budget Office projects that a previously 30 million uninsured Americans, approximately 92% of the legal, non-elderly population, will have coverage by 2022.³ The federal government will pay for 100% of the costs of expanding Medicaid programs until 2016, and then gradually fade their contribution to 90% by 2020.³ Currently, expansion of the Medicaid program is voluntary and several states have stated that they intend to turn down their share of the billions of dollars that has been made available to each state solely for the expansion of this program.³ States deciding to not expand their Medicaid program will not only exclude many poor, vulnerable families from access to an important health care program, but will also exclude themselves from an economic stimulus for their state and thereby decrease the strength of their health care delivery systems by not allowing them to be more financially stable for the long
Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare, is a new reform that was signed by President Obama in March 2010 and major provisions went into effect in January 1st, 2014. Obama’s goal with the ACA was that “the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their healthcare.” The ACA’s goal is to extend insurance to more than 30 million American people, by expanding Medicaid and providing federal subsidies to help lower- and middle-income buy private coverages. Another reform that is similar to the ACA is a Single Payer System that is trying to be pushed to fix the problems of the ACA such as eliminating commercial insurance.
The Affordable Healthcare Act makes healthcare and health insurance more affordable and more available to more Americans. It is able to do this by new consumer protections, rules and regulations on the healthcare industry. This is shown when creating a marketplace for subsidized insurance, and reforming and expanding public healthcare programs. These include Medicare and Medicaid. This act can also include measures to cut the growth in healthcare spending in the United States.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), officially called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and sometimes called Obamacare, is a US healthcare reform law that expands and improves access to care and curbs spending through regulations
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a complex federal law that affects health system of the United States in every aspect. ACA goals is to improve quality of healthcare; increase access, and to stabilize and possibly reduce the cost of the healthcare services. ACA provisions include, but not limited to, expansion of Medicaid to all individuals less than 65 years of age whose income is 133% of the Federal Poverty Line (FPL) or below; created Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan a nonprofit, member-run health insurance companies in all 50 states; prohibits existing health insurers to deny coverage due to preexisting conditions; allows states to create a Basic Health Plan for individuals without health insurance and income range of 133-200% FPL; improves prevention services by requiring health plans to include basic preventive coverage without cost-sharing; improve access to health care by providing additional funds for community based health centers and other community based organizations(Knickman, Kover, 2015. Pp344-361). Every provision of ACA will bring significant change to every area of the healthcare and, as a result, changes in access, quality, and cost. These 3 components of the healthcare system are intertwined and change in one will cause the change in the others.
US Department of Health and Human Services. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.: US Dep of HHS. n.d. Read the Law. Web. 14 July 2015. This webpage includes a summary of each section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It is composed of ten titles. Title I, called “Quality, Affordable Health Care for All Americans,” seems to contain the changes to the interface between the people and insurance providers, such as cutting taxes, establishing the healthcare marketplace, and helps abuses in the insurance industry. Title II, “The Role of Public Programs,” broadens Medicaid and community care. Title III, “Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care,” protects and improves Medicare by closing a longstanding coverage gap and ending overpayment for care. It also provides ways to keeps people healthier, which saves money on care, and establishes a group of experts to provide recommendations for Medicare. Title IV deals with the improvement of public health; title V funds enhancement of the healthcare workforce. Title VI increases honesty in care and insurance providers and providers easier access to information for doctors and patients. Title VII deals with pharmaceuticals, extending discount and making pathways to creat generic versions. Title VIII allows workers to pay to get cash in the event of disability, but it is no funded by tax dollars. Title IX reduces taxes on the middle class, and Title X improves healthcare for Native Americans
The affordable care act (ACA) was implemented in 2010, the idea behind the ACA was to help millions of Americans secure affordable health care insurance coverage and slow the rising cost of healthcare. Throughout its implementation the affordable care act has had several reform initiatives in the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. This research paper will take a brief look at the affordable care act as well as an initiative for each of those years.
The goal of this essay is to discuss the health care system in the United States. Another aim of this essay is to discuss the health policy, to improve, and to reduce inequalities. In the United States the private insurance system is a major provider of health care services, health care system is expensive and in many cases not efficient. This essay focuses on the patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Formulating, Legislative, and Implementation stages.
While the Affordable Care Act was implemented in 2010, the most significant changes in the healthcare system began in 2013 with the expansion of Medicaid. According to the ACA’s official website, the law’s main goals are to create cost efficient health insurance and medical services, as well as expand Medicaid so that the stated programs will be available to more Americans. (“Affordable Care Act (ACA)”). To do so, the ACA imposed many requirements on both sides of the health care system. The ACA has expanded federal regulations on private insurance providers by requiring that these companies cannot deny coverage based on the health of the beneficiary. The ACA has also established a marketplace for health insurance to be purchased by small businesses and individuals. Finally, the most noteworthy reform is the requirement for all Americans to purchase minimum coverage, or pay a penalty. However, those who cannot afford coverage and have “an income below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level eligible for Medicaid” will be paid for by the government (“The Affordable Care Act in the US”).
As more people access affordable care, the demand for nurses increases dramatically. “The ACA will likely impact the places where RNs work, and the skills they need to be successful in these settings. Registered nurse employment is expected to grow most rapidly in outpatient settings – particularly physician offices – and home health care” (Spetz 2014). Since the ACA began in 2010, the health care system experienced a rise in the number of new patients. Because some of these patients have chronic illnesses that have been neglected, they require more care. The extra time and care it takes to improve the health of these new patients have placed a toil on nurses. In the past, the uninsured may have been opposed to go to emergency rooms for treatment. Now that
Due to the growing numbers of uninsured people, growth in medical debt and growing profit in healthcare corporations etc.., the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was enacted in 2010 to reform the health care system. To increase quality and affordable health care for all Americans, Title I of the PPACA strives to reform the health care system by giving more Americans access to quality, affordable health insurance, and helps to curb the growth of healthcare spending in the United States (“Affordable Care”, n.d.).
The affordable care act was signed into law by president Obama in the year 2010. The aim of the act is to ensure Americans get access to quality health care and at the same time, reform the health care system in order to manage costs. The act has different sections that explicitly explain how this aim would be realized.
The health care system must change to improve our nation’s health and takes strong steps to address the unsustainable growth of health care costs in America. We still have a long way to go before our health system become effective. We still have population that do not have insurance, have difficulties accessing their health care, or their needs are not met within the healthcare system. It is an investment in prevention and wellness and increasing access to primary care physician.
On March 23rd, and March 30th, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the paperwork for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). This act is a law that was put into place to help make sure all Americans could have access to affordable, quality health insurance coverage. The ACA has now been available for five years with more than sixteen million people insured through it. “Over a period of several years of implementation that began in 2010 and will continue through 2019, the spectrum of the ACA provisions will change how health care is delivered and financed in ways that vastly exceed the impacts of Medicare and Medicaid.” (Sultz & Young, 2014, p.xxiv) The ACA is a law and in this paper, I will be discussing the major components of it which are Titles I-X and how it has improved the health care delivery system in the United States. This act is extremely important to Americans because it helps to make insurance affordable and keeps premiums down.