
African American Child Observation

Decent Essays

My observation took place at a neighbor’s house. My neighbor is the caregiver of Deondre. An African American 9 year old male child. I went there to visit my neighbor and show off my new baby puppy Bella. In the meantime, while I was there I thought this would be a good time to observe a child in their natural settings.
According to my observations the physical development of the child was under the 50th percentile. He seem to be much shorter than 54 inches and I estimated his weight to be around 60 to 65 lbs. The average physical growth of a boy that age is 6 to 11 for boys weight should be at least 71.2 lbs. The average height should be at least 54 inches. Anything under that would be consider less than average. However, with him being an African American child. He may grow a little faster than a male child his age with Caucasian descendent. According to Martorell et al., (2013), “African …show more content…

He was vastly bold in approaching me. Temperament is considered a gene-biological basis (Martorell, 2013). “Behavioral inhibitions is a trait which has to do with how boldly a child approaches unfamiliar situations” (Martorell, 2013, pg. 226). Even though gene-biological has a role in temperament behaviors. There are other factors that play a role in it as well. Such as the environment, culture, and even race can influence a child’s temperament.
According to Healy (2004), “most times a child ultimate success in life will depend more on the ability to communicate effectively with other people” (pg. 93). Deondre didn’t seem to have any problems communicating with me. He was very intrigue about Bella. Asking numerous questions like. What is her name? How big is she going to get? What does she like to eat? He even turn to ask his caregiver questions about the dog. Showing a secure attachment to her. “Secure attachment is when a child shows comfort and confidence from the presence of his or her caregiver” (Berger, 2014, pg.

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