
African American Environment Analysis

Decent Essays

Environment Some Black Americans believe that unnatural illness is the result of the evil influences. They also believe natural illness occurs because the patient is affected by natural forces without adequate protection. Church is important for many Black Americans regarding their healing from illness. Space Black American tend to prefer closeness in personal space. They are comfortable with a personal distance of 5-10 inches. Whites prefer a personal distance of 18-36 inches. Time Some Blacks have a present time orientation. Planning for the future is viewed as hopeless because the future will be unchanged from the person’s present and past. If they are present time oriented they are unlikely to value time. They may show up late for appointments. Other blacks are future oriented. Black Americans view time as elastic and flexible. …show more content…

Most Black Americans are demonstrative and comfortable with physical contact and emotional sharing. Even Black Americans maintain separate and in most cases a lower socioeconomic lifestyle compared to the mainstream

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