
African American Music Research Paper

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African American Music: Over the years, African American Music has developed as not only as cultural but also artistic phenomenon affecting the world. The music takes its own stand of being dominant as well of having a prevailing means of expression through the use of the lyrics. The lyrics of many songs tend to use a specific type of language in order to create that connection between the listeners. This certain style of language helps the listeners to think on a deeper level about the real meaning behind the lyrics. African American music is divided into many subgroups that led to another style, which allowed empowerment. Such styles as spiritual, blues, jazz, r&b, and hip hop created an incredible history.

Birth of Hip Hop: Hip-hop …show more content…

In the article, Hip-hop; Music and Cultural Movement written by Alan Light, Greg Tate stated that “The term Hip-hop refers to a complex culture comprising four elements: deejaying, or turntabling; rapping, also known as “MCing” or “rhyming”; graffiti painting known as “graf” or “writing”; and “B-boying,” which encompasses hip-hop dance, style, and attitude, along with the sort of virile body language that philosopher Cornel West described as “postural …show more content…

Through rhythm, beats, and Hip Hop has achieved to address education, sexism, drug use, and the biggest issue racism. Even though, hip-hop is viewed as primarily of promoting negative message, however, it has reveled the pain behind the lyrics. “Hip hop music, had for over three and half decades, delivered a resounding message of freedom of expression, unity, peace, and protest against social injustices”. (Anderson & Jackson) As hip-hop continues to grow it has continued to remain a strong influential social impact. Hip-hop created a way for many individuals to express themselves on controversial issues seen throughout society. As a cultural perspective Hip Hop has had an overwhelming influence on the black community. Hip Hop is more than just music is a culture. Hip Hop is a formed of communication through lyrics. It has helped individuals speak up for generations and provide a voice for their people as well send a message. Additionally, Hip Hop culture can as well be viewed as a response to the socio-economic issues that spawned in the black community. It was done through the power of musical expression.
Outburst of Expression through

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