
African American Oppression Between 1865 And 1905

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Oppression is a common theme in history. Whether it is based on race or gender the oppressed are inevitably strengthened by the oppression through commitment and perseverance. African Americans were one of the most significant examples of oppression in American history. The emancipation of slavery in 1865 signified the slow fight for freedom and equality for African Americans. Between 1865 and 1905 they suffered extreme oppression, but remained united in their fight to gain independence.
In 1865 all slaves were emancipated which declared them free, but racism was far from over. In the South, freed African Americans continued to be killed as an act of racial violence. Between the period of 1865-1905 African Americans fought to defeat their oppression. By the year 1905, freedmen were still fighting for the same rights they were fighting for in 1865. African Americans were oppressed in many regards, a great example of this is the black codes. These codes were written into Louisiana law which prohibited blacks from passing within the limits of said parish without a special permit, renting or buying a house within said parish, working without a white person supervising them, …show more content…

In an interview for Congress Joint Selection Committee, Lucy McMillan, an African American who lived in South Carolina during this oppression said, “They came in and burned my house down, they went there and knocked down and beat my house a right smart while.” She later said “All the Ku Klux Klan had against me was that I was bragging and boasting that I wanted the land.” African Americans could have accepted they would never have equal rights, but they remained steadfast in their pursuit of equality. As time passed, their efforts gained momentum and strength. In 1905, schools were built for African Americans. This was paramount for the culture because it signified imminent changes in the fight for

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