
African American Religion Chapter 3 Summary

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What is African American Religion? – Chapter 3 In the previous chapter of What is African American Religion, we were introduced to the black church and the Nation of Islam. Though these are the dominating black religions in America, as denoted by Joseph Washington, the study of African American religion has been centered on theism, and ultimately the black church (pg. 43). Religions outside of the black church are ultimately looked at as “external elements”, that lead to the true focus of African American religion, the black church (pg. 43). The overall purpose of chapter three, was to look at African American religion beyond the scope of theism, considering our history and culture, as ways in which we can understand black religion in America. To begin, the chapter addressed the issues of transcendence in African American religion, and how it helps …show more content…

If we continue to search for information that will direct us to religion in the conventional areas in which religion was practiced, we will eventually come up short, as we have utilized all our resources. If archeologist try to connect “complex relations and interactions within the African American community” with concepts of religion, rather than slave efforts to connect with African roots, these diverse perspectives will give greater insight into what was likely occurring (pg. 53). By having a stronger base in cultural artifacts, less misunderstanding and assumption will arise, from trying to interpret what has been discovered (pg. 57). Unlike with perusing the collective memory, there are many gaps and holes that have been filled with assumptions in order to provide a whole story. That whole story is likely not the true story of what occurred, and as a result, continues to mislead us in our search for

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