
African American Teenage Pregnancy

Decent Essays

Even though we have seen a decrease over the past decade, teen pregnancies continue to be an issue of concern with a higher number of pregnancies seen in the African American community. The United States accounts more adolescence pregnancies compared to other countries (Santelli, Lindberg, Finer, & Singh, 2007). According to Feit, Wodarski, & Paschal (2013), “Nearly one million teen pregnancies between the ages of 15 and 19 take place yearly in the United States (p.106). A substantial decline of teen pregnancies from 1990’s to the early 2000’s. The United States still has the highest number of pregnancies, and the rise of teen pregnancies started to rise once again in the mid 2000’s (Martin, Hamilton, & Ventura, 2006).
However, the increase in teen pregnancy remains in epidemic proportion within the African American community. A fourth of teen pregnancies in the United States take place in the African Americans community. African Americans are the highest ethic group …show more content…

The focus study aimed to identify how African American teen fathers understood and carried out the role of fatherhood. African American fathers from the age range of 14 to 19 were administered semi-structure interviews to collect the most in-depth data. Paschal et al. (2011) found the transition into fatherhood is directly influenced by the involvement and understanding of fatherhood by the young fathers. Teen fathers struggle with understanding their roles and responsibility because of the lack of role models. The significance of minimal research found in past and current findings indicates the severity of hearing the voice of the African American teen father to build awareness of their struggles and they define fatherhood. Autonomous fathers, provider roles and nurturer roles were three themes that emerged after the gathering of the data (Paschal et al.

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