
African American Women Research Paper

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Getting Connected
Many African American women have finally embraced their natural hair and are no longer perming, straightening or altering their hair. However, it has become difficult to obtain the necessary hair care products and learn the ins and outs about caring for their hair, but with the help of social media, they are obtainable. Ever since African American woman decided that they are going to embrace their natural hair, perm sales have decreased. More than 26% of perm sales have decreased since 2008 (Opie & Phillis, 2015), while perms are declining, natural hair care products are increasing. While natural hair care products are increasing, it is no thinks to big brand stores or beauty salons in near hometown. It has to do with buying …show more content…

They were taken from their home and forced to work as slaves in a place they have never seen before. They were dehumanized and ripped of their culture by getting their hair shaved or cut off, trying to make them forget where they came from and who they were. After having to work under the hot sun, in a field, they never had time to take care of their hair nor did not have the same products that they have always used, so they were forced to wear scarves and forget about taking care of their hair. Due to not being able to properly take are of their hair, African American women hair were mocked and turned into jokes, which lately turned into not being social acceptable due to their hair. Resulting in Madame C.J Walker creating a cream to turn their hair from kinky curls to bone straight. Fortunately, years later African American women waned a change and felt that their hair should not be hidden. Slowly but surely African American women started to follow this wave and started to become natural, but another obstacle stood in their way, learning what to do and getting ahold of the needed items. Social media was the only way to gain the information that was needed to learn how to properly take care of their hair. Without the use of social media, it would be difficult for African Americans to get the natural hair care products that they need because in major department stores, the sections for black hair is very vague and even if they did have the item one was looking for, it is usually not in stock. More research should be done to understand why is it still difficult in some areas, Nationwide, for African Americans to get access to the hair care products that they need but not the same for other hair types? The sales for natural hair products are growing online, yet still not occurring in stores. Why is

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