
African Americans During Ww2 Essay

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All minority groups seem to suffer and seem to advance in some others, all though advancements usually took years to accomplish. Everyone who has come to America has been a minority at one point in history. People who came to America from across the sea were a group that suffered compared to the Native Americans. Then the Native Americans became a group who suffered at the hands of the white man. For this paper I will solely look at the minorities during WWII, the African-Americans, the Japanese-Americans and Mexican-Americans.
African-Americans have always been a suffering group. They have never had a voice, even when they had won their freedom. Before and during WWII, African-Americans still lived with segregation. This idea was no different for African-Americans who served during WWII. Segregation spilled into the U.S. military, air force and navy. Most African-Americans who served at the beginning of WWII were assigned to non-combat units and forced …show more content…

Most Japanese-Americans were doing fairly well before WWII, but because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor the government decided they could not trust the Japanese-Americans. Any one with a Japanese last name was relocated to an interment camp inland. During WWII, many Japanese-Americans living in the states were second and third generation Americans. Rumors spread throughout the U.S. that Japanese-Americans were spies that were assisting the Imperial government with attacks on the U.S. The forced evacuation had many Japanese-Americans leaving property, and possessions behind for white American neighbors to take. The government shipped approximately 110,000 Japanese-Americans to relocation centers. No one stood up for the Japanese-Americans even though their American civil liberties had been violated. Some Japanese-Americans were granted permission to leave the interment camps to provide wartime labor like picking different

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