
African Lion Research Paper

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An African Lion is heartless. An African Lion is mean. An African Lion shows no pity. Not! If you look at the facts, they aren’t any of those things. In fact, Lions are often found in their packs purring and nuzzling each other while sleeping. While hunting, they don’t violently attack the prey, causing pain, they hunt using different, less painful methods. You can tell a lot about these majestic creatures from their habitat, appearance, and life. Lions don't have a specific place to live, they mainly roam their habitat freely. The habitat of an African Lion is Sub-Saharan Africa. Biomes like the Savanna, Open Woodland, and Scrub. It is a wet and dry climate, meaning it has a wet season, and a dry season. They mainly use the grass and rocks …show more content…

The mane is brown and thick. The rest of its fur is tan. Its beautiful eyes are yellow, having slits for pupils. In its mouth are very large teeth and a rough tongue. A lion's body is about 8.5 to 10.5 feet long. Its tail has a tip of the same color as the mane. The tongue of the lion, believe it or not, can be deadly. The tongue has adapted to rip the meat and flesh from the bones of its prey. It is very coarse and rough, like a house cat's tongue, only bigger. Don’t confuse a house cats cute lick for a lions fatal brush of the tongue. Lions eat whenever they want to. A lion's diet consists of small and large mammals, small birds, and reptiles.They are carnivores, meaning they only eat meat. African Lions are pretty high on the food chain, they are predators. Believe it or not, the female lion does most of the hunting. The males travel alongside their pack while hunting. The lionesses charge in and close shut the jaws of their prey, suffocating them. The group then shares the food. Females need 10 lbs of meat a day, while males need a whopping 15 lbs! During the day, the pack stays hidden in shrubbery, while at night, they don’t need to be as cautious. While lions seem to be the top with no worries, there are many other things out to get

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