A1. Status Preparing for The Joint Commission, Nightingale Community Hospital reviews areas of compliance and non-compliance. A periodic performance review, which is a self-evaluation, is utilized by Nightingale Community Hospital, to prepare for The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission has eighteen accreditation requirements. (Commission, 2013) The periodic performance review found the hospital to be compliant and non- compliant in the following areas: Compliant: Emergency Management Human resources Infection Prevention and Control Performance Improvement Right and Responsibilities of the Individuals Transplant Safety Waived Testing Non- Compliant Environment of Care Leadership Life Safety Medication …show more content…
Mandatory in-services and mandatory weekly audits will be initiated in all areas of non-compliance. Chart reviews, audits and surveys of the staff allow directors and administration to evaluate the required in-services and education provided to staff in regards to the current non-compliant areas. Addressing hospital wide issues with visual reminders and cues. The increase audits and chart reviews will be initiated until the compliance level of “ORXY initiative” is within The Joint Commission requirements of 85% (Commission, 2013). A3a. Staffing Pattern Providing the best care to each patient starts with providing the proper amount of staff members to each unit. Looking at the needs of different units not only allows administration to see areas for improvement, but also areas that are being handled correctly. Utilizing the indicators provided by The Joint Commission, 4 East, a pediatric medical/surgical floor, has a high rate of falls and nosocomial pressure ulcers that appears to be related to the increase overtime nurses have been working for that floor (Nightingale, 2010). Research has shown increases in adverse events have been related to nurses working over 40 hours a week (Bae, 2012). The clutter in the hallway needs to be addressed for the safety of patients, visitors, and nursing staff. This will also improve the efficiency of the staff by removing barriers to traffic flow. The nursing staff will be able to
| The business itself does not retain any profits. 100% of profits remain with the owner and is considered personal income.
The financial health and welfare of Thurston County is dependent upon establishing and maintaining sound budgetary principles and strategies for implementation. These financial principles will govern the development and administration of budgets for all county offices and departments. The County is to prepare fiscal and capital budgets that are to be balanced to be able to forecasted, which are to be consistent with approved strategic goals and capital improvement goals. Each county office and department will periodically seek to use citizen feedback in the development of the internal strategic plans to develop the high priorities for Thurston County government. For each department, resources are made available that will remain aligned with the strategic planning and priorities developed with the public input. Thurston County will create and maintain a reserve for the general fund that is equal to one month of the budget annual expenditures. The reserve will serve the purpose of the financial stabilization account to safeguard against possible revenue shortages
Company X thanks the FDA authorities for their thoughtful observations during the inspection of our manufacturing facility that concluded on 08/xx/15. Corporation X considers these observations very seriously and shall assemble a task force team to take all the crucial decisions to correct deficiencies and ensure public wellbeing. Company X shall initiate product recall on immediate basis, and shall notify consumers, employees, suppliers and regulatory bodies of product recalls as quickly as possible. The Company shall immediately stop advertising the brand. The Company shall prepare a cohesive communication plan by issuing consumer alerts, announcement ads, advising public not to take any kind of Flower Power products. The Company shall remove
Type of event, training, or exercise: (actual event, table top, functional or full-scale exercise, pre-identified planned event, training, seminar, workshop, drill, game, etc.)
Presentation regarding the university’s Disaster Recovery Plan/Enterprise Continuity Plan including: basic structures; roles within the DRP/ECP plan; areas within a company if addressed improve resilience to catastrophic events, and an employee awareness campaign.
The four main areas of focus for the Joint Commission for Nightingale Hospital include Communication, Information Management, Medication Management and Infection
Kay, D. (2012). Relationship Between Planning and Control Explained. Available: http://dailyojo.com/articles/relationship-between-planning-and-control-explained.html. Last accessed 19th Nov 2012
Company X expects all employees to conduct themselves with integrity, professional and responsible actions at all times. An employee’s actions in both personal life and professional life should avoid any situations that (A) could be construed as harmful to the company or its employees or (B) cause negative public reactions that could impact Company X customers or customer relations in adverse ways. You are a Company X representative during work hours and during off work hours.
Florence Nightingale, considered the founder of modern nursing, first began to establish nursing as a profession during the Crimean War. Since then, nursing theorists have continued to expand on the thought that patients are made up of more than just the symptoms they present with, Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung, Dr. Larry Dossey and Dorothy Johnson, but none more so than Jean Watson. She developed a theory of human caring that contained several core concepts, these concepts lay forth the ground work for how we, as nurses, should care for a patient. These concepts included transpersonal caring relationships (going beyond ego to higher “spiritual” caring
In any organization effective communication forms an essential part of the organization’s growth and progress. However, it has been seen that this is not always the case. This istrue in today’s globalized world when one has employees coming from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds working together. If the reasons for communication failure are examined it has been found that they fall in four distinct categories. These are:
The Joint Commission is scheduled to visit Nightingale Community Hospital for its triennial accreditation survey within the next 13 months. The purpose of this document is to provide senior leadership with an outline of the hospital’s current compliance status in the Priority Focus Area of Communication. Recommendations for corrective action are included in this document which are designed to bring the organization into full compliance in the areas where deficits have been identified.
Nightingale Community Hospital (NCH), like many other health care facilities, uses a Periodic Performance Review (PPR) as an assessment tool that assists in examining performance on a consistent basis to ensure compliance with Joint Commission standards. A PPR concentrates attention on procedures, methods, and processes that contribute an environment that provides for proper care and emphasizes patient safety. NCH has shown to be 100% compliant with the majority of standards including: Infection Prevention and Control, Right and Responsibilities to Patients, Human Resources, Transplant
These are often for local newspaper ads. The downside to the supplier is that their competitor may also offer an advertising allowance and receive a more desirable location within the ad. This is something that would have to be clearly negotiated.
A.Nightingale Community Hospital is attempting to be in complete compliance with Joint Commission’s “communications” standards. Prior to the Joint Commission survey, Nightingale Community Hospital wanted to focus on items UP.01.01.01 through UP.01.03.01 of the Joint Commission handbook. According to the handbook, these items focus on the universal protocols for preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, wrong person surgery (2015). In response to these universal protocols, the hospital implemented a pre-procedure hand-off tool, which is completed and signed off by both the nurse handing off the patient as well as the nurse accepting the patient. The hospital also began
One of the greatest challenges in healthcare, as well as the biggest threat to patient safety, is staffing and the nurse to patient ratio on hospital floors. Studies have shown that low staffing levels lead to increased mortality rates in patients, as well as multiple other adverse effects including falls and pressure ulcers. These adverse effects are all preventable, but policies on staffing must be in place to ensure safety for staff and patients.