Have you decided what you want to do with the rest of your life after high school? For the past two years of my high school career I've been thinking about two things I want to do when I graduate. Just the beginning of my sophomore year I realized that graduation is coming closer than I think, I need to start thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life that makes me happy. Then I started thinking about things that I enjoy doing, that relates to different types of jobs. There are so many choices of jobs out in the real world you don't even realize it until you get out more and search about different things on your own. I have decided that I do want to go to a university for sure. I plan on getting a bachelors degree, but
While growing up, there are innumerable decisions to be made and paths to take. As I am approaching the ending point of my high school career, I have finally found the correct one for me. I have known from a surprisingly young age that I wish to pursue a job in the medical field, and have taken a number of steps to help achieve this dream. I show tremendous passion for both my educational and career goals, and how to reach them. My future is incredibly important to me because through doing my job, I will also be achieving my biggest goal: saving lives.
When I was in high school I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. When I took Graphic Design my freshman year, I found something that I really liked and every since then I knew that it was something I wanted to do. I took it for 3 years and now Graphic Design is all I talk about. I found my passion and I’m pursuing
With such a large number of choices, the decision of a career major can appear overwhelming. Do you follow example of your parents? Do you take after the way your friends are taking? When you have a career major decision narrowed down, what do you think about that profession? Do you know what a designer, medical attendant, broker, welder, or agriculturist truly does? What salary will you be paid in this profession? The best approach to discover these responses is by asking individuals who know. Here are approaches to look into and increase encounter in diverse career fields.
Senioritis is hard for some people and for some people is easy. Many people find because they are worried about going to college and they have some other problems in their life. Many for us starts worrying about like summer vacation, like oh I am going to be senior this year what am going to do and all this. Many people are worried because they think that way, I am not going to be here next here and what am going to do after high. Has an example If you finished middle school than you still know that you are going to some different school, but like after high school your life is start to being in a different way. You have to worried about you careers and yourself. Some student they don’t know how to deal with in senior year and after graduation it’s pretty hard for them.
Good morning, Class of 2020. First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate all of you on a successful and memorable middle school career. To what can we attribute our success, and how can we define it? Yes, our clubs, sports teams, and music ensembles achieved phenomenal rankings, and our students perform exceptionally. However, Robert Muller once wrote: “What the world needs most is openness: Open hearts, open doors, open eyes, open minds, open ears, open souls”.
The career that I am going to research is teaching at the middle school level. Teachers educate students, they inspire students, they learn from the students, and they change the way they teach, to better help the children learn, as well as change the way the children learn and think.
The work space for an aviationist is wide open and increasing. There is a lot of jobs for an aviationist such as an engineer mechanic, serve technicians, avionics technicians, aircraft mechanics, aerospace engineering, and airline and commercial pilots. The reason I chose this career is because I have some family that went to college to learn about aviation and after researching about aviation and all it has to offer I realized that the job is wide open and increasing plus it is a great paying job. It is important to understand the education requirements needed for this particular career when making this decision.
J.K. Rowling once said, “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared” (“J. K. Rowling Quotes."). I want to be a writer. A writer is a person who is a fountain of imagination and innovation. A writer is a creator of worlds, a spinner of new realities and master of creativity. When I was younger, I would often spend hours sitting up in trees, my feet dangling and swinging lightly to an unknown rhythm; I would listen as the outside world seemingly stood still. My younger sister would always be a few branches away, and she would plead for stories. I spun worlds of monsters and heroes, worlds full of love and magic and insanity. I would become immersed in my stories as my listeners, and started jotting down concepts that would come to me during a dull day. Once, I had a journal full of oddball ideas and intrepid adventures. I adore my gift, and it’s inspired me to become a professional writer so I can give my ideas a new life, and become real.
Thinking about the future and what I want to do with my life is a very daunting task. I can be the first to admit that after graduation I do not really have any idea of what I am going to do, especially in terms of a career. I decided to major in criminal justice because on the first day of orientation freshman year, my group leader gave us the advise that for us to really enjoy college, we need to major in something that we are really interested in, not just something that we know will make us good money. I took this to heart and decided that Criminal Justice was the perfect fit for me because I enjoyed learning about the subject. While I am enthused about the subject, I have never really known what I wanted to do with the degree.
When I get older and start pursuing a career I would like to become an actuary. Being an actuary involves doing math to find the financial consequences of risk, usually for insurance companies or for pension programs. This means that actuaries will take certain factors to calculate how much companies should pay for someone's pension or how much they should charge to insure something. I think this job is great for me because I greatly enjoy doing math. Also, multiple career quizzes said finances, which actuarial science is a part of, would be a good career choice for me.
The Geographical field is a unique career choice because it offers you a lot of opportunities. You get a wide variety of career choices. For example you can get a career in cartographer, geographic information system(Gis), and remote sensing analyst. All these careers can be obtained with a geography degree.
Not all young adolescents that graduate high school, advance to the next level in the academic world. These educational paths are “partially set long before they enter adolescence” (Sigelman 302). The level of achievement motivation that we gained in childhood in turn influences our decisions and life outcomes. Bright and achievement-oriented young adults are less likely to drop out of high school and further their educations by enrolling in college. Adolescent experiences do have some impact on whether young adults “make the most out of intellectual abilities” or whether they never pursue college after high school. According to our society, 30% European Americans, 17% African Americans, 49% Asian Americans, and 11% Hispanics finish four years of college
Mandy Hale once said "You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens." Now I know that many people will think I am crazy for using this in an essay about what I will be doing after high school, but this is one of many quotes I live by. I have spent the last two years stressing over what colleges I wanted to apply for, what major I would be studying for or if I will even go to college. Now that graduation is less than four months away, I can honestly say, I still can not decide on what I want to do after high school. Initially, I had decided on something in the veterinary field, but last year I did a career research project over astronomy. I am fascinated by space and how the universe works, but I realized I didn't want to do something I loved, like astronomy, and end up getting tired of it so I decided I would just focus on that as a hobby.Fast forward a few months and it was time for me to decide what class I would be taking at EOC Tech.
The business world is one of the fiercest, harshest, and most rewarding career paths a student can begin. Most people know that to have a successful career, a person needs a vast network of professional contacts. A person needs connections with people and companies to be able to obtain great job opportunities. The ability to create my own network of contacts among the Chicago business world is an aspect that interests me to the University of Illinois at Chicago Business Scholar program. The program takes its alumni to tours around the Chicagoland area to meet with corporations and the corporate leaders. To gain knowledge of the career opportunities in the Chicagoland area, interests me to join the program. I also want to learn from the experts
Deciding what to do with your future after high school, is one of the biggest decision to make in life. There is always time to decide what path to take, but make sure it is for you before investing too much time. When thinking about my future, I think about where I want to be and where I see myself. The careers I have researched are not exactly what I want to do after high school, but they are ones I wanted to learn about. The three occupations I chose to research are: high school teachers, school counselors and marriage and family therapist’s. Having thought about these careers and learned about them more, I see them differently than I did before. Before I start talking about each job, let me explain the turn of events that brought me to who I am today.