
After Hours By Paul Hackett Essay

Decent Essays

Paul Hackett, protagonist of the 1985 film “After Hours,” becomes engulfed in a life he is very unfamiliar with, for a single night. Hackett is known to live a very ordinary, rather banal, life, in which he is the victim of a dull, lackluster reality. As his life becomes more and more dreary, he allows himself to take a night out, joining a couple of women in the next town. As the night goes on, Hackett continues to recognize the peculiarity within the people he acquaints himself with, such as Marcy, the quirky woman who invited him to the get-together. Marcy introduces Hackett to a group of people who, to his surprise, is just as atypical as everyone else. To make this all the more odd, and even partially terrifying, is the fact that this …show more content…

People usually describe nightmares with the words “odd” or “strange”, which is exactly how Hackett felt during his time in SoHo. This correlation demonstrates the similarity between Hackett’s experience, and a common nightmare. Moreover, nightmares include allusions, or things that people are not always entirely adapted to. Hackett experiences a night of odd characters, peculiar settings, strange behaviors, and a town full of actions he hasn’t been exposed to. In other words, his dull life never allowed him to experience such liveliness. The main elements that make this rather realistic movie nightmarish are the characters, time setting, and unfamiliarity. Characters other than Hackett are portrayed as antagonists, such as Marcy, Kiki, and Julie. These three women all, in one way or another, lead Hackett through situations worse than the next, intentionally or not. When it comes to time setting, the hour of the night allows for the entire situation to seem worse than it is. Imagining crime, misplacement, and the introduction of strangers all seems entirely horrifying during the night, but would seem less terrifying during the day, where there could be potential witnesses and help for Hackett. Many could take a situation and distinguish it from the severity it demonstrates during the night, as well

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