I watched Obama's, Trump's and Clinton's speeches after Trump won- I thought they were all great and took away something from each of them.
--Now, because some are not happy with who won the election, we protest, have a tantrum because your upset? How does this fix things? I teach my kids, when I say NO it's NO, do they have a fit sometimes sure their kids, they didn't get their way! So what I'm reading and seeing on TV is the young generation doing just that- they didn't get their way and their throwing a fit or tantrum like their 6 again. Well, I find their actions appalling, your putting so much effort into complaining put your effort into your job, school work, sports, volunteering for a cause of your choice, help a needy family, carry an old ladies grocery bag to the car, just do something positive for everyone and most for your self! Stop the anger, stop teaching that protesting is ok, it's not- in fact your taking more and more First Responders from their family's, to
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Move forward positively with dignity for all mankind.
---one thing I said after Obama got elected to my husband was " crap, there goes our country, he'll never be my President!" Jason said to me ( sternly) " just because you don't like him, you will respect him as a human and as your President and you will show our kids the same way!" Jason in fact was completely correct, I did respect Obama as the President, even if I didn't like him, I respected him. I had to dig to find what he was going to do that I could side with.
--- So instead of protesting, ruining your city, unite for the better good of all mankind and make a difference in a positive way, it's so simple, try it I dare you! We all know it will help soften the anger, lesson the blow and move towards putting your efforts to the good in all
If President Obama had the courage to speak out against his own party for the blatant favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, he would have saved the country from a Trump’s Presidency. Moreover, he should have asked Hillary to step aside during the nomination process for the good of the country because of the FBI investigation into her emails. The polls showed that the American People thought Bernie Sanders was a stronger candidate, who didn’t have scandals and corruption attached to his name. President Obama and the Democratic Party ignored
With last year being the first election that I could vote in, I took particular interest in keeping up with politics as much as I could. It was truly sad to see Obama leave office, being that he was a symbol of hope for so many, regardless of the critiques on how well he did his job. When our current president, something that is still hard for me to face the reality of, Donald Trump, announced his campaign I thought he had no chance. I did not see it possible for a man with no political background, who is only known for being a wealthy businessman along with reality star to become the leader of
The Rolling Stones were right when they said, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you just might find, you get what you need.” Barack Obama, after 8 years of darkness, you were what we needed as a country. You got a lot accomplished in your residency of the White House. While disaster seems destined in this upcoming election, I have become entirely more grateful of everything you did for this nation. Barack, you were left a huge mess and I commend you on your ability to clean it up make a difference.
There have been several arguments regarding protesting police violence. For decades, the constant battle of whether or not protesting is effective has been tarnishing our communities. Demanding change and different outcomes, citizens within the communities ban together in hopes of finding common ground. In doing so, it has unified minorities in the communities as well as brought partnership amongst them, forcing changes to be made.
I remember when President Obama was first elected while I was in the 5th grade and many do not truly understand how he has positively impacted Americans in many different way. He is essentially the first president that I grew up with while understanding American Politics. He grew as a role model to many minorities who have long believed that there would never be an African American President. He brought hope, change, and prosperity to a country that was nearing a recession when he attained the presidency. Many have repetitively treated President Obama with contempt, racism disrespect by questioning his citizenship, faith, and love for the great country. 8 1/2 months into his first term President Obama was delivering a nationally televised
In a few days Donald Trump will become our president of the United States. Between Obama and Trump they are so much different Obama is a whole different person from Trump. I realized so much in these two from their speeches they did,from the way they talk, body language, and how they act around the press. I realized and i always knew that Trump would never make a good president just from speech. I have always liked Obama he did amazing things for us, he changed so many things in the US i am glad he was our president.
We tell our children to be the alpha male and to do whatever it takes to be the first, to get what they want, but in reality it isn't that way.Life sometimes not matter how tough we want something or no matter what we do, we don't always get it, and when this happens, it taught us that we didn't try hard enough or that there is a way to get it. Many people refer to illegal ways or more comfortable ways to obtain what they think they need, and will step on others ways so to make room for themselves. The freedom riders wanted justice, but they didn't recur to violence, they protested peacefully.We watch it nowadays with many African Americans, they protest, but they cause damage to other cities, let's look at Michael brown, he was a young man who shot because “the cop was racist”.This is what the media tell us but in reality, it's not that way Mr. Brown was shot after hitting the police officer, he was merely trying to defend himself. After the judge ruled the cop was not guilty, many people protested. What this event cause were many riots and one of the worse happen in Montgomery. The Montgomery riot leads to many catastrophes, violence and destruction around the city. I understand the subject of matter is a serious one, but one cannot reoccur to these barbaric methods to solve this issue. One can learn the best way to resolve conflicts of this matter is to peacefully protest, one can “break” the law which mistreats others as the freedom riders did the ride busses to the deep south where no other African American had gone. I think our generation needs to learn this concept and that is that no matter how bad a
As protesting goes on emotions build up which can result in a public revolt that
You have those people who want their voices heard in a positive way. You always have to cause destruction and chaos when you feel strong about something; because you think it will help. You can partake in your freedom of speech and peacefully protest. If you do this you do not have to worry about much because it’s your constitutional right to do so. Peaceful protesting in many cases can solve more problems than violence can. It is a simple and easy way to release your frustration in a calm peaceful manner.
Protests riots in the United States has proven to an issue for both the country’s financial strength and the unity of the nation. With the presence of social injustices, combined with the increased impact of social media propaganda, protests riots are beginning to reach an all time high. Protest riots destroy individual communities and businesses, jeopardizes the safety of others and taints the protest’s cause by resorting to civil disobedience. Action must be done in order to prevent these random acts of violence from continuing after every social hot topic. The goal is not to prevent citizens from protesting; in fact, this should be encouraged. The goal is to change the way the protests are handled from both the citizens and authority perspectives, in order to prevent these protests from escalating into something dangerous.
Protesting has existed for decades as an option to get your voice heard. The problem is it cannot always be justify because of the occasional
The 2016 election has caused the nation to be divided. These protests effect whether or not the nation will eventually join together and act like a whole nation again, affect other countries and how they have been and will continue to react to the 2016 election, and affect the ways the new president-elect plans to do with certain policies and actions. It is logical for people to say their opinions over the 2016 election, but many people participating have taken these protests a little too far. Americans who oppose these protests have overreacted as well. All in all, the nation and other countries have and are still talking about these protests and overreacting to
Whether you are a woman, a man, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, native born, and immigrant, gay, straight, trans, latino, black, white, purple, or green. President Obama granted you the rights you deserve and encouraged others to do so as well. You have fought for women's rights, minority rights, and LGBT rights. Thank you for making us feel wanted and welcome here in the United States of America. We all know that President Obama is a moral being, an amazing speaker, charismatic, and just down right cool. But sometimes we take for granted all that you have given us. And Michelle Obama. Thank you for being an amazing leader and an amazing role model to the 157 millions women in this country. I know it’s hard to give up your presidency but as we witnessed in your final speech to the nation, you did it with class and encourage us all to do the same. Thank you. Thank you for all you have done to strengthen our nation. We will miss you tremendously Mr.
President Barack Obama did many things to get to the positions he is at now.” Obama himself struggled with his mixed-race identity and sought to figure out how he fit in with the rest of the world”(Source B). He also had many problems growing up and many complications to get through school since he didn’t have much money. But Obama showed great appreciation for the things he had. He went out in his community becoming a great leader. Not only did he go out in his community and be a leader, But he showed great leadership, as a senate and as a president.Barack Obama was more than just an ordinary President, but he showed great leadership, hard work and cared for others than himself.
Like the white southerner of the 1960's may look on the Civil Rights movement, many see the issues of today's protests of no concern and believe that the upset parties should “just go home”. Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, fascist or anarchist, both sides of each political spectrum view each other with distrust and animosity over the issues that they feel are important. However, what many forget to remember is that if we were to only allow “important” civil disobedience or “justified” protesting, how would we ever be able to set up qualifications for this criteria? Once we ban one group from exercising this right, then it will only be a matter of time until all groups will lose this right, as each cause has some importance to