Planned Parenthood, is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health services in the U.S. Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which changed its name to Planned Parenthood in 1942. Planned Parenthood has 56 locally governed affiliates nationwide and operates 650 health centers that conform to the communities where they are located. (Parenthood, Planned. "Who We Are.")
Planned Parenthood has been a point of conflict since the day it was opened in 1921. Sanders was under attack for giving women birth control since she was tired of seeing women die from having too many pregnancies that were unwanted to begin with.
(Personal accounts)
According to Planned Parenthoods services records from 2014 states
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Many who are against PP want you to believe exactly that and nothing more. The reality of the matter though, is that 0% of money that is being funded by the government is legally allowed to go towards abortions. Every dollar that the government funds towards Planned Parenthood helps men and women pay for HIV/STI testing, different types of birth control, annual exams and screenings for life threatening …show more content…
(2013a). 2012 Annual Affiliate Service Census Executive Summary. New York: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
"Planned Parenthood: Should the federal government allocate taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood?" Issues & Controversies, Infobase Learning, 19 Feb. 2016, Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.
“Abortion: To what extent should women be allowed access to abortion in the United States?" Issues & Controversies, Infobase Learning, 4 Feb. 2016, Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.
"Teen Pregnancy: Does learning about birth control in school help prevent teen pregnancy?" Issues & Controversies, Infobase Learning, 6 July 2007, Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.
Parenthood, Planned. "Who We Are." Planned Parenthood. N.p., 06 Mar. 2017. Web. 03 Apr.
The first argument for supporting Planned Parenthood is that it provides women with other health services and not just birth control or abortion. Without these services, women’s health will decline because many people can afford treatment. “Every year, Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses provide more than 3 million women with preventive health care, including nearly one million lifesaving screenings for cervical cancer, 830,000 breast exams, contraception to nearly 2.5 million patients and nearly four million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Literally, they are a trusted health care provider to millions of women (Whitman).” The statistic proves that Planned Parenthood does more than prevent unwanted pregnancy but also take on tasks care for women’s health.
The “Planned Parenthood Federation of America” is a non profit organization, funded by the Federal Government, in which it provides reproductive/maternal health services among the United States as well as internationally, since 1952. In recent news developments, there have been rumors that Planned Parenthood practices “inhumane” procedures when aborting an unborn baby to harvest their organs and that a law should be passed to stop this. The supporters for Planned Parenthood claim that these claims are unfounded and believe that Planned Parenthood is a wonderful association that helps women and men all around the world. This issue has caused a series of debates that have been going on for years, but Planned Parenthood still lives on.
Planned Parenthood is one of the most controversial businesses out there to date. If you were to get a group of ten random people, I would imagine that at least six of them have an opinion related to it, and all of them an opinion on abortion, another highly controversial subject. Why is Planned Parenthood so controversial? Why do so many people want to fight for defunding from the federal government for that entity? Abortions are the biggest reason.
Abortions only make up three percent of the procedures done at Planned Parenthood clinics (“2014 2015 Annual Report”). There are a variety of other life saving and essential health care procedures done at the clinics, such as STD and STI testing, pregnancy tests, contraception, exams, and other health issues relating to both men and women. Many people believe that the federal government should defund planned parenthood; however, this would make it almost impossible for many low-income individuals to receive the care that they need. The federal government should not defund Planned Parenthood (PP) because abortion is not a valid reason for opposing funding because it is allowed by law, low-income individuals and families need the affordable
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health services both for females and males. Services include screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases, infections, and providing contraception. Another service they provide is abortions; although controversial in 2014 the organization reported that only 3% of their services were for abortions. The organization manages more than 820 health centers in the United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Nigeria, South Sudan, Senegal, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Sudan, Nicaragua, and Kenya. Planned Parenthood helps over five million patients a year: most of the patients are impoverished and more than a quarter of the patients are under the age of nineteen years old. According to a latest yearly report, the organization supplied around 860,000 screenings a year for breast and cervical cancer. They also issued nearly 4.5 million examinations and medical care for sexually transmitted diseases. Approximately one-third of its resources are supplied contraceptives. In particular, in its latest yearly report, Planned Parenthood stated that it supply’s knowledge of birth control and services to three million people annually. If Planned Parenthood is defunded there will be less convenience of contraceptives will mean additional undesired pregnancies and more abortions. Out of the three hundred and thirty of the countries, Planned Parenthood helps at least half of the patients who
There is a common misconception that Planned Parenthood is a center for abortions, and that’s it. Only three percent of Planned Parenthood’s services relate to abortions. Planned Parenthood receives $500 million in federal funding and it is
Planned Parenthood provides services to approximately 2.7 million people a year. Planned Parenthood also receives an estimated $500 million of federal funding. Not only do they receive federal funding, they also received about $250 million from other sources and raised approximately $50 million in fees from their services. Tax dollars should not be used to fund Planned Parenthood because there is a lot of controversy about the services that Planned Parenthood provides, many do not agree with certain decisions Planned Parenthood makes, and there’s a lot of debate about what Planned Parenthood spends their money on.
Planned Parenthood is a controversial topic sweeping the nation of America with political and moral issues. Every day one could come across a new article on it, stubble upon a news article in their local paper or even on their local news station. Planned Parenthood directly provides reproductive health services, is involved in teach young students about sexual education, contributes to research in reproductive technology, and interacts with legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and developing reproductive rights.
The unrelenting lie that has sat upon the lips of most everyone who opposes Planned Parenthood. Much like the statement that Planned Parenthood deals ninety percent in abortion and pregnancy services, this is an outright lie and a tactic to convince people that Planned Parenthood serves no purpose other than abortion. Their goal is to cloud the organization with false and offensive claims and hide all the good the organization does to eliminate access to pregnancy termination. The truth of the matter is none of the money Planned Parenthood receives goes to funding abortions. All of Planned Parenthood's services are provided like a privatized provider but the difference is Planned Parenthood accepts Medicare and tidal 10 Programs which allow the doctors to perform things like well women's care like breast exams
In the past year, the organization Planned Parenthood has taken an enormous hit in the political sphere of the United States. Opposition of the organization claim they stand for everything that is wrong in America, by providing “unjustified” sexual education and reproductive health services to young women, and being involved in multiple fabricated scandals and accusations in past years. Challengers of Planned Parenthood believe it should be defunded due to religious, moral, and fictitious reasons. However, Planned Parenthood is one of the nations largest healthcare providers for women, men, and the youth of America. For a large portion of young women and those who cannot afford standard health care services in America, Planned Parenthood is the only option for family planning, reproductive health services, and basic health care. In the past year, Congress has placed themselves in a legislative stalemate
Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides healthcare and education to both men and women, having over 650 health centers that provide healthcare to countless communities around the world. Shockingly, 78% of those who use Planned Parenthoods services live at or below 150% of the federal poverty line, showing how important this organization is to low-income families (Topulos, Greene, Drazen). Their mission statement is “A Reason for Being”, which is shown through their efforts to provide health care, advocate public policies, create educational programs, and endorse research. There are those who do not believe Planned Parenthood should be funded by the government, though, due to the fact that they provide abortions to women in need. Studies show that the effects of not having Planned Parenthood available are disastrous, causing low-income families to lack a healthcare provider and the number of those who are infected with STD’s and STI’s to rise. The biggest concern communities have about the government defunding Planned Parenthood is the effects that it would have on low-income families who would no longer have access to something that many people take for granted: health care. Although many believe that Planned Parenthood mostly provides abortions, in reality, only 3% of the people that seek help from them receive an abortion, while 97% receive affordable and, in many cases,
Since many believe that Planned Parenthood only performs abortions, a frenzy against it has been created. “We don’t want to commit taxpayer funding for abortions, and Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider” (Strickland quoting Paul Ryan, 2017). Republicans rather see federal funding go towards federal community centers. However, to clarify this misconception we need to look at what federal funding is going towards. Planned Parenthood receives its funding from Medicaid reimbursements (Berg, 2017). They do not keep any hidden money, or have money put aside to preform free abortions. As the federal money that comes in goes straight towards helping patients.
Although it provides many reproductive healthcare services, abortion has always been the center of most public debates and opposition. Planned Parenthood receives greater attention since more than half of its funding comes from federal subsidies. Republicans and Democrats have vehemently disagreed on the subject and often accused the other side of misrepresenting facts and undermining the greater public good for petty political interests.
Planned parenthood was established in 1916 in Brownsville, Brooklyn by Sanger, Byrne, and Mindell; their goal was to educate individuals and give them the necessary care that they would need. By doing so they gave millions of people a second chance to live and continue to gather opportunities because they allowed them to have control over their lives. They fought to give women the right to contraception, starting off with the Griswold v. Connecticut that allowed married women to utilize birth control. Statistics show that one out of four married women under the age 45 decided to use birth control. Planned Parenthood did not stop there, they eventually in 1972 Eisenstaedt v. Baird made it so unmarried women are a loud contraception (Planned Parenthood Is 100 Years Strong).
Planned Parenthood has always been a controversial topic because of the many services they perform for their patients. The most controversial topic is abortion, but Planned Parenthood additionally provides substantial health care, birth control, STD prevention and treatment, etc. for patients who do not have access to or cannot afford actual health care. Due to the amount of people who receive treatment in Planned Parenthood, it should not be defunded so that the people who use it as their only option are not left without health care and the economy can benefit from the money they raise from Planned Parenthood’s services. Defunding Planned Parenthood can also lead to issues revolving around the rural areas where they are centered, as well as the economy as a whole.