Voting is a fundamental right and in many countries it is even mandatory for every citizen to vote. The question raised is that a legal age for voting should be increased from 18 to 21 or not.
I personally feel that 18 is the correct age for voting, as there are many legal rights that government has allowed at this age, be it license to drive or minimum legal age to get married.
At 18, you have just completed your secondary school studies and looking forward for your degree or college studies. You have better know how of the world, current affairs and understand politics in a better sense. By adding additional 3 years for voting, you might convince that you would acquire more wisdom or experience, but it doesn't really matter as far as
The current minimum age for voting, 18 years old, isn't a very good time to start allowing people to vote. When people turn 18, they have plenty of things to worry about. They're (hopefully) moving out of their childhood homes, and they're (probably) going into college. How does that affect their abilities to vote? Well, people are less likely to vote when their lives are disrupted. Eighteen-year-olds have a lot of things
I think that the voting age should stay at 18. I think this because when you’re 18, you know more
The voting age should be increased to 19 or 21 years of age. Most 18 year olds have just graduated or are still in highschool, so many of them are immature,and lack life experience. In addition, many 18 year olds do not have a plan(s) after high school, so if they can’t make a decision about their future what makes people think that they can make an informed decision about the future of the country. However, there are some states like Ohio that are allowing seventeen year olds to vote in primaries.
Now you may be wondering what the motives would be to change the voting age, well let’s take a look. 1. The problem here is there are many individuals who believe the Twenty-Sixth Amendment’s power is archaic and the standard age of eighteen to vote is not working for this country. A. On March 2, of 2018,
16 and 17-year-olds should be allowed to vote because once they start voting they may take into consideration
Is aggression an innate and deterministic quality from birth, or is it something that one that all can control, as a matter of free will and choice, to be used when we need it in a calculated manner? At birth all people are born with aggression as a survival trait. As we educate ourselves as we have seen in the video “The Truth About Violence” even in an educated culture such as the United States we still have violence. Violent people and we are drawn to violent sports such as cage fighting and football. Even the most mild manner people who don’t like violence in movies, sports or anywhere else can find enjoyment from participating in violence. When a person results to violence I don’t believe they can control the amount of aggression
I personally don't have much political experience because my parents don't vote. Therefore I don't really care much about voting. If kids aren't exposed to politics or informed on why they should vote then I don't believe decreasing the voting age will make much of a difference. If 18-year-olds do not have a high number of votes I don't see how kids younger than that would make a difference. I don't believe lowering the age is solution to increases voters. I think we should focus more on teaching the importance of voting and why it makes a difference so that when they do turn 18 they will understand why they should vote and by understanding that I believe they will be more likely to
America has been built on the idea that as citizens, we have the choice to decide what is the best for our country. Millions of Americans cast their vote every election day to make sure their voices are heard on who is going to run their country and what new policies they will bring with them. As stated in Anny Shin’s article, “Takoma Park 16-year-old savors his history-making moment at the polls,” voting is a, “valuable privilege,” in which many don’t realize. In the United States, not every is allowed to vote, only 18-year old citizens are allowed to vote. However the number of 18-year olds voting is very low and this has been an issue in the political for quite a while. The concerns and desires of most millennials are not being expressed as many are not voting. Many, like the city of Takoma have proposed to allow 16 and 17-year olds to vote as they believe that voting among millennials will increase.
In the article, “Takoma Park 16-year-old savors his history-making moment at the polls,” by Annys Shin, many teens who are 16-17 years old can now vote during the election. The decision was made by the Takoma City Council that in Montgomery County Community, they are the first ones in the nation to lower their voting age from 18-16 years old. A group of 350 students from Montgomery Blair High School were granted the right to vote in elections and one of the student who got the right to vote, Ben Miller had said, “ It’s a valuable Privilege,” and he means that it is a great advantage that many 16-17 years old can now vote. Many young adults who are the age of 18 are most likely not a good age to vote because many of them are planning to leave their childhood homes. And they can lack of discipline and causes them not to vote.
Kaminski, Joseph Jon. "World War I and propaganda poster art: Comparing the United States and German cases." Epiphany 7.2 (2014).
When just turning 18 the citizens should take advantage of having the opportunity to vote. In
The voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1969 during the Vietnam war, because it was only fair to those aged 18 - 20 dying for their country have a say in how the country is run. Therefore if 16 year olds are now capable of
In my opinion, I feel as though the voting age should stay at 18 and not be changed to 21. One of the reasons why the voting age should stay at 18 is because regardless of your age everyone's voice and opinion should be heard and everyone deserves an opportunity to be able to vote. Also if the voting age were to be increased to 21, the participation rate for voting would decrease significantly. Everybody says how important it is to vote so why should 18,19 and 20-year-olds not be included? If the voting age was raised, it would make things worse, and it wouldn't be right for them to not take part in voting for our political future. Many people may underestimate the younger age groups and may not see them as mature enough to take part in voting.
Young adult voting in the US was at 16% in 2014. Now, about 60% of all eligible voters turn out for presidential elections and even less for other elections. If the voting age were raised then, there would be even fewer people voting in elections. For this and more, I do not believe that the voting age should be raised to 21.
“Great ambition is the passion of great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principles which direct them.” (Napoleon Bonaparte). Napoleons statement on ambition reflects they good at which drives people to achieve greatness, but touches on how ambition in the wrong direction can lead one to a poor fate.