Have you ever thought of the main contemplations for this country and its history are? As a nation our purpose is always to unite, to make this country better. In this country there is always going to be changes in time and given many advantages as well as disadvantages. The Age of Reason was a honest, trustworthy age in time. They kept everything in line. The community was trustworthy even though they knew different or bad turns would come for them. They trusted each other, hoping they could overcome the king IN this day, the generation has been about overcoming someone or something. We are optimistic, we are proud of the U.S. We are proud of what our ancestors have done for this country. Sometimes we forget this is a new, more modern country
While doing the real age test i scored a 16.8, which was only 1.6 younger than my actual age. Real age reccomended that i have a healthy breakfast every morning, because i dont usually eat breakfast in the morning.The healthy breakfast contains pleanty of fibber,healthful fats and protien. This includes, an egg,oj, bacon, yogurt, cereal,and if your in a rush,nuts in a bag, dried up fruit, cereal, low-fat gornola , or cheese and whole grain crackers.They also told me to avoid sweets because it can send your energy really high and then the energy ends up crashing halfway through the morning. Real age also recommended to vary the veggies i eat and to eat more nuts and less junk food.Lastly they recommended that i start taking vitiman D. Vitiman D is the "Live longer" subnutrient that will make you younger.Vitman D foods include, milk,eggs,fish,supplements.In the analysis i was sucessful in staying in touch with my friends , reaching friut, staying hooked on fish,sleeping, keeping up woth my cardio.The area that i would like to change is being around secondhand smoke.
One piece of evidence supporting the characterization of the period as the Age of Reason is the Scientific Revolution that took place during this time. Prominent figures like Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton made significant advancements in scientific knowledge and understanding. Their groundbreaking discoveries in astronomy, physics, and mathematics laid the foundation for modern science and emphasized the importance of empirical evidence and reason in explaining the natural world. Another piece of evidence supporting the Age of Reason is the rise of Enlightenment philosophy during the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Thinkers like John Locke, Voltaire, and Emmanuel Kant promoted ideas of rationality, individual
They are one of the most patriotic generations, but I don’t think patriotism defines your greatness. This particular generation may have had a lot of humble people, but not all were. Many of them were racist and/or sexist and weren’t so secretive about it and were often blatant with their discrimination to women and people of various minorities. Browkaw found many humble and good-hearted people in this generation, but as a whole they wasn't perfect and no generation will be. If you ask me, I don’t believe you can compare generations because they lived in different times and things do
In the show the newsroom, Will McAvoy states that our generation is the “worst-period-generation-period-ever-period.” He is absolutely correct. We sit around hoping that the world around us will change to suit our needs without us ever needing to lift a finger.
Between the 17th and 18th century, Enlightenment ideas that originated from France spread to other parts of Europe. Prior to the Enlightenment, absolute monarchs ruled most of Europe. Over time, citizens began to question the monarch’s power with ideas from philosophes such as Voltaire and John Locke. The philosophers concluded that society’s problems could be solved using a method of logic and reason. Also known as the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment inspired societal change and evolution. Through the use of logic and reason, enlightened despots of the 18th century were influenced by the social, political, and economic aspects of the Enlightenment.
The age of reason changed how science worked inside of Europe. The age of reason is the time period in Europe where the right and wrong were distinguished. New laws were put in place, new political people took over, and Europe grew as a country. It occurred in the 17th century and it spread very quickly. Science and writers also drastically changed due to all new things being discovered. This european revolution also influenced the american revolution. This was also a major social advance for Europe. The reason for this new era spreading so fast was because of famous english writers. Without the age of reason Europe and America would still be stuck in midivil times.
Racism is the belief that one certain race is superior to another considering that race to be less than them, and are therefore are discriminated, stereotyped, and antagonized against. Racism has been known and experienced all throughout history. It has been a constant battle, and unfortunately it is still very current in today’s times. Recently in the world today, there have been several stories regarding racism and shootings, and in the article “Feds fault San Francisco police for violence against minorities and recommend 272 reforms” it strongly focuses on this issue. It’s a tragic thing for cops to be considered racist when they are supposed to be the protectors of our nation. In the article, it states how federal officials made 272 separate recommendation for reform, which would help train and advice the officers on their duties. These recommendations are taken daily by the San Francisco Police Department in
Our generation has a variety of different people and it really defines what it means to be an American to this day. One topic that really stands out to me is something as simple as saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Most guys will not know what it would be like to be deployed in a different country to fight for our own. Our generation is very lucky, back when world wars were going on men would actually be drafted to go into war. Us Americans have been rioting through the streets of America over a Republican being elected president. People have been burning the American flag because of it. If this is what our generation is going to do, I can’t say that we are true Americans.
America has brought this new generation many new opportunities such as , technology, freedom, and rights. Americas technology now is way more complex than it was 30 years ago. Now in this day of age, we have smartphones, televisions, computers, digital clocks and watches, and so much more. Freedom is also very different than it was back in the 1900´s. People now of any color, race, religion, and gender all have rights, as if back then not everybody has the privileges that they do now.
This paints a cynical image of our generation; the generation that will lead our societies in the future. The media portrays us as kids that are incapable of success and are destined to be failures in this world. How is this going to gain us the trust of the older generations,
The age of reason was a time of new responsibility and knowledge. This was a time where people were questioning traditional authority. Numerous amounts of books, inventions, essays, and other big discoveries were being produced and it changed people’s outlook and also opened up a new world for new religion and freedom. There was responsibility that came along with all these new publishing. Writers were being asked questions and people were responsible for the way they reacted to the new literature. Thomas Paine a writer who had a great deal to do with the Age of reason said “We have it in our power to begin the world over again”.
The Age Of Reason. One of the main ideas and attitudes during this period was, reason
To me this new American generation needs to re-learn the messages from our fathers before it sinks in for us to understand. Laws have been changing, political views have also changed. Outcomes of our urban lifestyle is still in the making as a historical mark in the books. Many of Americans are looking for a stand in searching and treasuring their American dream. “Get off your bottom and be the stand, and do the work you can pursue the American dream for yourself, and help others to do the same” David Pratt mentions to his audience. Everything is still up for grabs for this generation. Has history has shown, America is a freedom lifestyle that we live an breathe. It’s up to us as citizens to unite as a
The “Age of Reason” changed people’s views on politics, religion, and human nature, and had a great impact on the modern Era. Because of the Enlightenment people started to believe that agreement must exist between people and leaders. Like most things in life the Enlightenment was far from perfect, but I believe without the “Age of Reason” our modern society would not be what it is today.
The Age of Reason was a period in time during the 18th century in Europe and America when man become enlightened by reason, science, and humanity. The people involved with the Age of Reason were convinced that human reason could discover the natural laws of the universe, the natural rights of mankind, and the progress in knowledge. Each philosopher had his own ideas and theories about the world, nature, and human beings in general, and every philosopher wrote many essays and books about their own personal ideas and opinions (Sartre4). David Hume was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 7, 1711. Educated at home and then at the University of Edinburgh; here he studies law but then decides to pursue an independent study of his own ideas