What is the age of responsibility? many people have different answers to this question plenty of people say the age is 25 others 16 or even 18 nobody can come to an exact number. When we become responsible is when we try to take care of ourselves and make our own money to pay for what we need or want or even when we go to school and get good grades and show up to school on time or even when we do our homework see there are many ways people can show responsibility but many people don't even notice and take it for granite.
According to Alan Greenblatt “ From puberty young people are bombarded with mixed signals about the scope of their right and the depth of their responsibilities”( Greenblatt p.1). How can we show adults that some teenagers can be mature and responsible if you guys don't give us a chance to not all teenagers are not responsible especially girls In “Brian Maturity Extends Well Beyond Teen Years” Doctor Sandra Aamodt said “ Female brains develop about on average two year earlier than male brains”( Aamodt p.. And that should tell you that not everyone's brain grow at the same rate so how can we know for certain a person is responsible at the age we think.
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Now i'm not saying all teenagers are mature and responsible and that's because adults treat them like 2 year olds so they act like it during the ted talk this girl named Kate Simonds states that adults should encourage 18 yr olds to vote not discourage them, ask us about social security ask us about environmental destruction and too ask us about anything. And it's true you adults put ua in a box and section thinking we don't know anything and that is
What is the right age of responsibility, where a teenage is entitled as an adult? Some say 18 and lower, while others say 21 and higher. Nowadays, there is a wide spectrum of ages as to what is deemed to be correct in society. “What is the age of responsibility” by Alan Greenblatt explains how young adults are constantly getting mixed messages as what age they are viewed as responsible young adults. The age of responsibility for young adults should be at age 21.
The article “What is the Age of Responsibility?” by Alan Greenblatt investigates the different ages states give young adults and how they can cause confusing as to when the age of responsibility comes into play. The article gives an account of one man, Justin McNaull. “By the time he was 23, McNaull had graduated from college, married and
I think that the age of responsibility should be 21. The reason why is because a majority of people at age 21 are mature, and responsible. Another reason why is because laws to drink, and smoke are at age 21. There might be people who don’t agree with me they might think that the legal age should be 18.
Do to the fact the brain is fully developed. Others will say 18 isn’t do to the fact they don’t know this or that. Most will same that teenagers are just idiots because they do stupid things. The New York Times say that the part of your brain that takes care of responsibility is fully developed. In a Ted Talk “ I’m 17’ says “Just because we’re teenagers doesn’t mean that we don’t understand politics and similarly, just because you're an adult, doesn’t mean you”(p.4). To the ones who say teenages are idiots because they do stupid things is stupid it's self because you can't let bad actions of one person determine the acts of
If maturity is the issue, it important to take into account that 16 year olds are just as informed as 18 year olds (in some cases more so). In fact there could be many 20, 30, or even 40 year olds who are irresponsible, do not make informed decisions and are clueless; this does not mean we deny them the right vote. Just because they are older necessarily does not mean they know everything in detail about politics because they have more life experience and can make better informed judgements than a 16 year old.
While there is a great deal of polarization on the topic, one cannot deny that teens today live in an increasingly complex, data filled global environment. If we expect young people to be capable and future global leaders, then we must also acknowledge that they must have the responsibility and input into their government. Further, if we expect 18 year olds to be mature enough to be sent into combat or into dangerous situations, then by logic they should also be responsible enough to handle the
They believe they should have an opinion, yet they do not According to Fair Vote, “Denmark found that 18-year-olds were far more likely to cast their "first vote" than[sic] 19-year-olds, and that every month of extra age in those years resulted in a decline in "first vote" turnout. Allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to vote in local elections will enable them to vote before leaving home and high school, and establish a lifelong habit of voting.”(Fairvote).Furthermore, students are engaged in political discussions and arguments everyday in school. In high school students start to understand government and realize what is happening in society. As a student, teens are taught to have an opinion about the world around them. Society contradicts what they are teaching by denying voting for young Americans. Denying teens the right to vote is not only unfair, it is violating their 15th Amendment right. The 15th Amendment states, The right for U.S citizens to vote cannot be denied by State or Federal Government (Claveau). This clearly states that the right to vote shall not be denied to any citizen. While the constitution may say
Teens under 18 are usually more concerned about what happens in their own lives rather than in politics. One of the reasons why people want to lower the voting age to 16 is because they think that if 16 year olds work and pay taxes they should be allowed to vote. Many 16 year olds start working to get money to buy things they like not because they are interested in where the money for taxes goes. Many people say that since they pay taxes they should be allowed to vote. Just because they work it doesn’t mean they want to vote they want the money for their own personal needs. They don’t care about politics or where a percentage of their check goes they just want to do what teens all around the world do go out with friends and have fun. Several young teens don’t understand politics and if one allows for them to vote they wouldn’t understand what politics are like and what candidates do for this Country. Like the article “Should the Voting Age be lowered?” writes, “Teens under 18 are less likely to have enough life experience… They may be more concerned with how issues will affect their own lives, rather than understanding the big picture.” The reader can agree with the author because not only do young teens have a small mind that revolves around them. They also just see things in the present they won’t be able to see the “big picture” as the
After I read the article “The Age of Responsibility in a Nutshell,” I think Rag Anderson’s transformation is beyond expectation but in a reasonable sense. Anderson’s change is a bit unexpected to me because at that time, 1990s, most companies only focused on making money, grabbing as many as profits that they could possibly gain by exploiting, for example, nature resources. Anderson, on the other hand, realized that a company exist should not only for the purpose of making money but also for the purpose of sustainability, i.e. keeping the damage to the environment at minimum and trying to restore the health of the environment. However, his change is also very reasonable given that more and more people start to be aware of the importance of environment protection. Global warming and other related environmental issues have continuously given consumers alarms about the harsh circumstance. As a result, consumers began to raise their standard of consumption and desire more sustainable products. To meet consumers’ expectation, Anderson’s transformation is somewhat inevitable.
If soldiers are old enough to fight Americas wars and potentially lose their lives, why can’t they go to bars? There is much confusion on the ages of responsibility these days. The age of responsibility is the age in which a person gains a certain rite or responsibility. What’s confusing is that if a teen is allowed to drive at 16 and considered to be a legal adult at 18, then why can’t they rent a car until 20, and drink until 21?
Teenagers under the ager of 18 tipically tend to worry more about other things rather than who's running the country. For instance, school. We as teenager have a hard enough time keeping up with school and our flawed school system.
Today our government is controlled by the people, so therefore we the people need to make sure that that the people who are voting to alter the government are mature enough to make adult decisions. Today’s teenagers think they are entitled to everything that life has to offer them, and this includes the right to vote. Why do grown individuals think it is a good idea to let our children, our youth make decisions that could affect us all when they have not received their high school diploma? Teenagers are simply not mature enough to make the decisions that come with the right to vote. Some people argue that not all teens are immature and should be
There comes a time in life you are considerd an adult. From my personal perspective, I think that age is 18. With that being said, men and women are just finishing high school, starting college, and experiencing life at a new perspective. Voting should be taken very seriously, and at that age people seem to act more of as an adult.
Voting is a huge responsibility and an American right for both men and women who are eighteen years or older. But some people think otherwise on this subject. Adolescents want to have the right to vote at a younger age rather than having to wait until they turn eighteen. Children under the age of eighteen don’t have the ability to think for themselves and end up following what their parents say and do rather than their own opinions. Children also are normally not aware of things like politics and things happening in the world around them, but childrens brain is also more developed than an adults so they are able to think differently than adults but that can also mean that children can not think ahead.
Sixteen-and 17-year-olds today have many responsibilities that are associated with adulthood. They can drive, get married and have children, yet they are unable to have a say in the type of society those