
Age Of Responsibility Research Paper

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What is the age of responsibility? many people have different answers to this question plenty of people say the age is 25 others 16 or even 18 nobody can come to an exact number. When we become responsible is when we try to take care of ourselves and make our own money to pay for what we need or want or even when we go to school and get good grades and show up to school on time or even when we do our homework see there are many ways people can show responsibility but many people don't even notice and take it for granite.
According to Alan Greenblatt “ From puberty young people are bombarded with mixed signals about the scope of their right and the depth of their responsibilities”( Greenblatt p.1). How can we show adults that some teenagers can be mature and responsible if you guys don't give us a chance to not all teenagers are not responsible especially girls In “Brian Maturity Extends Well Beyond Teen Years” Doctor Sandra Aamodt said “ Female brains develop about on average two year earlier than male brains”( Aamodt p.. And that should tell you that not everyone's brain grow at the same rate so how can we know for certain a person is responsible at the age we think. …show more content…

Now i'm not saying all teenagers are mature and responsible and that's because adults treat them like 2 year olds so they act like it during the ted talk this girl named Kate Simonds states that adults should encourage 18 yr olds to vote not discourage them, ask us about social security ask us about environmental destruction and too ask us about anything. And it's true you adults put ua in a box and section thinking we don't know anything and that is

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