
Age Restrictions On Social Media

Decent Essays

89% of teens 13 to 17 are on social media. Bridge should parents be worried about their kids on social media.There needs to be a age restrictions on social media because kids could be cyberbullied without parents knowing also posting their personal

There needs to be age restrictions on social media,every october school and organization across the country observe national bully prevention month the goal is to put an end to to bullying and cyberbullying tragedies like the one that could be cyber bullied and not tell an adult or their parent rather than feel depressed and lead to hurting themselves or others.

While the story of rebecca Ann sedwick the 12 yrs old who jumped to her death after being cyber bullying kid might be cyber bullied and not tell an adult or their parents which is bad which could lead to suicide. The goal is to put an end to cyberbullying. You don’t have to conduct a study to know that young kids under 13 are flocking to sites like Instagram, for example, to post and share photos, and to collect likes from their friends. it takes children about 12 years to fully develop the cognitive structures that enable them to engage in ethical thinking. Before 12 it’s difficult, if not impossible, for a child to fully grasp the impact of their actions upon others, online or otherwise. …show more content…

Living in a civilized society means we have some implicit agreements: we take turns, play fair, stop at red lights, and hold the door open for old

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