Hitachi Labs Arera 51 6:00 am “Sergeant there's been a breach in our code.” “Fix it” the Sergeant yells while sweating like an olympic sized pool. Then the pixels swooped in and carried the men off to an unknown land. Narrator: The English school for Afrikaans in the United Kingdom 2:00 PM John and Pid were walking into school next to some of their worst enemies Eraser and Mars. They were the top dog in the 6th grade and always made fun of John for being a nerd and Pid for being a zoologist. But they would have to depend on each other. Agent John (The only one with an decent name.) Weight: 79 pounds Age:12 Power: smartest human on Earth Agent Pid: Age:11 Weight: 60 pounds Power Zoologia Agent Eraser: Age 13 Weight: 90 pounds Power: Defiance …show more content…
There are so many I had to bluff to show I wasn’t scared. She responded saying, “ Zeal means a feeling of strong eagerness and imperious means having or showing arrogant superiority to others, does that help?” Pid answers “what about the others.” Ms. Doom told a blatant lie and said “that their are no others.” and we all groan. She turn the projector on and all we see is black and Ms. Doom punched the controller and said a few thing that I can’t put in a family fun book. Then I felt a force that started to drag me in I look around and saw that Ms. Doom was standing their cackling like the mean person she is.Then I see Pid flailing her arms and moving right towards the front of the room and runs right into me. “Strike!”and that was the last thing I heard. Mars: Eraser and I walked into Mr.Grrs class to find him actually smiling and he never does that but it was very bemusing that Mr.Grr was smiling. We walk in and I say “I used to be addicted to soap, but now I'm clean.” Then Eraser fires back”What did earth say to the other planets You guys have no …show more content…
Then we hear other screams, and to our surprise we saw our worst enemies Eraser and Mars yes the very same ones that hand taunted and teased us for ever John and I were so in shock that when John had shouted out to jump out of the way I had microseconds until they were on me but I was able to jump out of the way of falling Eraser and Mars. Mars was about to crack a joke but John suggested to share our stories about how we got here but then Mars pointed to the ground and said, “It’s pixelated!” He was right it looked weird but just then a robot looking thing walked up to us and hit us right across the neck surprisingly it didn’t hurt but then before we could react he heard something it was the robot talking to us and he said, “Hello non-natives I have put in a translator device in your necks. We have been told by the upper head to take you four to his palace.”Then before we knew it we were surrounded by more robots that started making weird beeps and boops sounds and before we could even act we were bound by moving pixel rope then in a 10 minutes according to John’s count we were at the palace in front of the king on our knees. Then we heard him speak in his booming voice “Guard's leave us.” Then he directs his attention to us and says, “Welcome back my children it has been so long an you have missed so many crăciun. Yes you may not known but I’m you’re father and I gave each and everyone of them your gifts, like John you being the
Another hour passed, my dad arrived. We all sat in the emergency room together, and Marcos took post in the hallway. Eventually, a doctor showed up, along with a police officer, and my family and I were led up to Bader 5. We met with Steve, the man who ran Bader 5 and he had eyes so blue they looked white. My parents were given more paper work, stating that they signed me over to Bader 5 and if they wanted me to come home, they
Charlie Bucktin learns a great deal about himself, others, Corrigan and important lessons that will help him live a better life in Jasper Jones. In the novel, Charlie goes through some experiences that teach him some of life’s great lessons. In particular he comes to learn a great deal about trust, love, facing and overcoming fear, role models and racial prejudice.
In the novel Jasper Jones, Craig Silvey provides us the audience an insight into the characters’ pursuit of truth by exploring overarching ideas such as Fear, Racism and Scapegoating and linking them with character dialogue as well as narrator descriptions. The main truth presented by Craig Silvey is the investigation of Laura Wishart’s death, by pursuing this truth Charlie uncovers truths about his family and town. I believe that by using these overarching ideas, silver is able to offer us a deep insight into the characters’ pursuit of truth.
The Novel Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey revolves around a young boy named Charlie Bucktin living in the small Australian town of Corrigan in the 1960’s. Charlie is exposed to the confronting issues of racial prejudice, injustice and moral duality. He is challenged to question right from wrong, has to come to the realization that law doesn’t always uphold justice and we as readers are positioned to understand that people are capable of holding two conflicting values and remain in confortable harmony. The ideas are portrayed through Silvey’s use of narrative conventions that are used to either challenge or reinforce our values, attitudes and beliefs on the issues explored.
Pamela Jones enjoyed banking. She had taken a battery of personal aptitude and interest tests that suggested that she might like and do well in either banking or librarianship. Since the job market for librarians was poor, she applied for employment with a large chartered bank, the Bank of Winnipeg, and was quickly accepted.
Conrad applies an apparently crystal clear literary narrative technique in the tradition of conventional realism, a narrative method that appears deceptively simple. The Secret Agent holds great deal of the social concerns. It is considered supreme masterpieces, it is a brilliantly depicting an ironic narrative of London's seedy and dispossessed underworld of revolutionist and anarchists.
Although seemingly innocent, the small town of Corrigan, where the novel, Jasper Jones, is set, is home to a vast number of lies and secrets, and holds an immense amount of deception and manipulation within its walls. Secrets are a pivotal part of life and the human experience, and Jasper Jones reflects this in a relevant and thought-provoking manner, presenting the ways in which secrets and deceits can alter a person’s life for the worse, and cause emotional damage and trauma to those involved with the dishonesty.
In the novel, Jasper Jones, Craig Silvey provides us the audience an insight into the characters’ pursuit of truth by exploring overarching ideas such as Fear, Racism and Scapegoating and linking them with character dialogue as well as narrator descriptions. The main truth presented by Craig Silvey is the investigation of Laura Wishart’s death, by pursuing this truth Charlie uncovers truths about his family and town. I believe that by using these overarching ideas, silver is able to offer us a deep insight into the characters’ pursuit of truth.
was Miss Jones’ willingness to begin taking her prescribed medication for depression. Miss Jones agreed to this after the third week of therapy. She had requested from the social worker evidence that anti-depressants were helpful and not just used to, “make kids numb” (Jones, 2015). The social worker was able to provide Miss Jones with research and website information that supported the use and efficacy of SRIs in adolescents. Upon review of these materials Miss Jones appeared to gain a level of comfort with the medicines and began to take them regularly.
She has always been neglected by her parents because they pay more attention to her brother. She ran a lot but didn’t eat anything and passed out. She also weighed herself for fun.
Mr. Jones displays several of these mania symptoms in the movie. Once he is released from the psychiatric institution after being incorrectly diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia, he goes to the bank and withdraws over $12,000 from his account that he just open five days earlier and charms the bank teller, Susan, into joining him for the day. Then Mr. Jones gives a $100 bill to Susan, because she “will need it to
David Jones (DJs) is a leading up-market department store chain, which is a public company, founded in 1838. It is one of the most recognised retailer brands in Australia that emphasizes on quality and style. While the retailing business changed in many ways, DJs maintained its commitment to provide high quality merchandise with the introduction of new brands. Through the continuing refurbishment of stores and continuing opening new stores across four major states in Australia, it currently has 37 modern, stylish stores located in most Australian states and territories. It also has its own factory at home which manufactures a large variety of goods from clothing to furniture. Apart from its home branded merchandise, it also
I stood there, and a man in a gray jacket looked at me with a sadistic grin, and let the kid fall to the ground, with a hand sized wound in his chest. I lifted up my fists, but a portal opened up and the man in the gray jacket’s fist punched me to the wall, and my vision started to go blurry. Well, it was better than what my town could do, for sure. The people in my town were too busy stabbing my arm to kill me. But, I could swear I could hear the kid speak however. I thought I heard, “Wake up, Jack, it’s too late for me.”
I gazed at the chrome tiles beneath my feet, this is where we wait with anticipation every day. We arranged ourselves in a single file line as we are told. The tall black speakers boom aloud each name, one at a time, to undergo daily testing. An increasing sense of dread grows from within my stomach, it only grows deeper as my name approaches. The wait always makes me nervous because I know one wrong move in the eyes of the elite means I could be exiled or executed. In the next few moments, as if my body had become frozen in time, I heard my name read aloud. “Dahlia Martin”. Step, step, step, the sound of my own footsteps was nauseating. One of the elite pulled out a syringe and aimed it at me, but then I heard a different sound. I winced at the realisation that it was a gunshot. I expected it to be the elite slaughtering one of my neighbours, which isn’t a rare occurrence. In the space of seconds, I realised that this isn’t the elite. My neighbours from block G are revolting, standing up for what they believe in. I turn around and see the firing of bullets from black pistols in the hands of my own people, against the elite. I wonder if this could be the start of an uprising. I pray that it is.
The man had entered my house and was making his way up, I could hear his loud stomps getting closer and closer. As he reached around halfway he pointed the camera towards his disgusting face and screamed in a horrifyingly deep and strange voice “YOU'RE ALL ALONE”. As he said this my monitor switched off and my computer shutdown.