At what age are you considered old? In society, elderly is considered old beginning at age sixty-five. Next, consider asking the same question to a child. They may respond, my mother or father is old. As a parent, you wish to be considered young. In essence, elderly patients want the same thing, but in another way. I will discuss the importance of reminiscing, cultural care, and the video, See Me Nurse. I challenge you to open your eyes, and visualize the elderly in a different light. One night, I worked on the Cardiac unit as a sitter. Besides crawling out of bed, the patient pulled monitor leads off. So, I decided to try reminiscence therapy, which allows for the expression of one’s past experiences. Benefits from this therapy encompass
Many people say your only as old as you feel and when you are in the elderly category being told over and over again that your old can really take a lot out of a person. Emotionally old age can be hard for a person to accept especially when they start to need help, and when they start to feel their age many will deny that they are starting to need more help while others might just fall into a
When I was younger I used to feel that anyone over thirty was old. Now that I am in my mid thirties I look back and laugh. I don’t associate thirty with old anymore; I now go by “you’re only as old as you feel.” My mother has always said that and surely lives by it. I choose her to interview because she is well into her seventies and probably has more energy than I do.
I know, personally, that 's how I saw most elderly people, up until the time I became a Certified Nurses Assistant. I can still remember the first time one of my residents showed me her wedding picture. Her new husband had on Naval uniform, she had long, dark hair and was absolutely stunning. She got a tear in her eye as she said, "I used to get up with chickens, make three meals a day, raise 5 kids all by myself while my husband was at war, and still manage to teach part time. Now, I can 't even go to the bathroom by myself. Do you know how disappointing that is? I would give anything to be your age again. Cherish it. It goes by way too fast." She gave me tears, and still as I sit here retelling that, I find tears in my eyes again. It 's so easy to forget that they
A new culture of ageism is now in the medical world. So many Canadians look down on seniors that ageism has become the most tolerated form of social discrimination in Canada. Health care professionals like Nathan Stall, a future geriatrics specialist and Carrie Willkies, a registered nurse are both against this new norm. In both pieces, the central idea is clear, “The Eradication of Ageism in health care”.
To someone in their 20s, all the elderly might seem the same. However, there are differences between the young old, middle old, old-old, centenarians, and super-centenarians that I feel are important. For example, the young old are still relatively young at 65 and are healthy enough to be employed and involved in their community. The article, “Old Age Does Not Begin Until 74” by Sarah Knapton says, “…65-year-olds today are healthier, less dependent on others and more mentally agile than ever before…”, conceptions of age are changing due to the change in life expectancy. The article mentions that old age should not be measured by age, instead by how much longer the person has to live. Old age was completely different before, such as when life expectancy in the 1900s was 47 years old. Life expectancy in 2016 is 78 years old, so it makes sense to change old age as life expectancy
I enjoyed reading your post, you brought forth a great idea that your hospital uses. The “getting to know you board” that is in each patient’s room is a wonderful tool to use to open up the doors of communication with patients. This will assist them to share their memories with us, their nurse. The older adult feels it is helpful to involve reminiscence of the present, past, and the future (Tabloski, 2010). I too, believe that reminiscing takes the patient back to happier times and can be a useful therapy tool. Life review therapy is beneficial in reducing anxiety symptoms, as well as improving mental health (Korte, Bohlmeijer, Cappeliez, Smit, & Westerhof, 2012).
Nurses can also help elderly patients find meaning in their lives and a sense of purpose. We can start helping them find this perspective by using reminiscence. Reminiscence provides the feelings of fulfillment that are needed to realize the meaning and purpose of our lives (Klever, 2013). The time used to sit down and talk to our patients can authenticate their worth and wisdom they have gained through the years (Klever, 2013). They can also help us find meaning in our lives by passing along their theories, beliefs, and wisdom just like Morrie did with
According to the National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People (DH 2004) any person below the age of 65 is considered a young adult. Similarly the National
As a spiritual being, I personally believe that the purpose of my birth was to become meaningful in society. It is our purpose to share what is unique in us, and find a generous way in giving this back by sharing this uniqueness to our community. When we share what is unique about us, younger generations look up to us and learn to accept themselves as who they are and that being different is valuable. Often when someone gives someone something they never had is therapeutic and aids in the healing process. My mother abandoned after eight years, therefore a loving support system and a shoulder to cry on was never obtained.Being raised by a single father isn’t the same;he just yells impatiently, tells you to suck it up, too thick-headed and pessimistic to be worth talking to. What helps me overcome this gap in my development is babysitting and being a listener. Often titled “old therapist” in that I’m patient and feel valued now that I can freely express myself and people value my opinions.
It is important to understand that patients have been experiencing aging bias for a very long time. It is also evident in the medical profession as well, and one needs to do more to ensure that everyone is treated fairly especially the elderly patients. The elderly patients need to treat with the utmost respect and dignity. One needs to understand that the elderly are the ones who pave the way for the younger generation. Therefore, it is important that one takes the time out of their busy assignments to listen to what the older patients have to say and respond to them in an appropriate manner. This paper will discuss how aging has impact one nursing practice, aging bias that one has witnessed during their nursing practice, and a community plan to discuss aging bias.
The New York Times article I am analyzing titled “Feeling Older? Here’s How to Embrace It” by Christopher Mele expresses how even though one is getting older, they may still embrace life. This article was posted on September 12, 2017 under “smarter living”. There are signs of old age that will make an adult feel that they are not as young as they used to be. There are many opinions on what age is considered old. Not many people would say 38 is an old age, but someone at that age might be “statistically old” because they passed the median age of 37.8. However, there are people who believe old age is at age 68. There is perspective when it comes to old age, and it may be that the way you think that affects how long you live. A comparison is
When we hear or see "older" people, nearly most of us think of them in a negative way. We see these people as if they were sick, barely living, mentally unstable and can 't function or do a job correctly, we even pity them and get sad of how they look like. These emotions that most people feel is no different than how some men feel about women (sexism), or how the dominant race, let 's say the white, feels toward an ethnic minority (racism). These emotions toward older people are an indicator of ageism in the society. Ageism can be defined as the discrimination, bias, and the enmity against older people. A great example of ageism is rejecting an older job applicants in favor of a younger one.
Whilst on clinical placement on a geriatric rehabilitation ward, I addressed the needs of a patient who was refusing fluids and food. I noted that the patient’s fluid output had been minimal over the past 48 hours. I assessed the patient’s skin integrity for signs of dehydration; his capillary refill was delayed and his skin was dry. He refused for me to take his BP so couldn’t check for a decrease in his BP which is another sign of dehydration. I concluded that IV fluids would be effective treatment as a cannula was already in situ. I discussed this my preceptor who agreed with my assessment. I checked the patient’s history and notes to find out about the cannula which, was for previous administration of fluids. I checked his previous FBC
An age that I would consider to be old would start at 80 years old. I think that anyone below 80 isn’t exactly young , but they also aren’t very old yet. They are getting to a point where they may need to slow down a little bit more. I consider babies to be young, but I also consider late 20’s to be young as well. People in these age ranges are still growing all the time may it be physically, mentally, or even both. People who are older than 0-29 may also feel young as well I think it just depends on the person. I didn’t really use any parameters or measurements when forming my opinion. I think I just based my thoughts off of my personal view and what I have been taught what is old and what is young throughout the years. I think that using parameters and
Aging, in general, refers to changes that take place in the organism throughout the life span- good, bad, and neutral (Hooyman and Kiyak, 6). Usually, someone between the age sixty-five and older is referred to as “old person.” During my orientation, pre-internship interview and internship hours I have been able to make a lot of connections between this course and my observations. I have been able to walk the facility and freely speak with some of the residents. I was able to meet the oldest resident of the facility. She was 102 years old. There are also some young residents in the facility who are in their 40’s. The age range