
Agnew's General Strain Theory Essay

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A Closer Look at Agnew’s General Strain Theory

Gregory K. Culpepper
University of Houston - Downtown
A Closer Look at Agnew’s General Strain Theory

In the 20th century, psychologists, criminologists, and even school personnel have invested a great deal of time and energy into exploring the question of why some adolescents resort to delinquent behavior while others use coping mechanisms to help them navigate the difficulties that are a natural part of growing up. One of the most compelling theories to explain juvenile delinquency is the General Strain Theory originally explained by Robert Agnew of Emory University. At its core, Agnew’s General Strain Theory asserts that adolescents are “pressured into delinquency” by life events that lead the adolescent into a state of anger. This angry emotional state, in turn, leads the adolescent down a path of heightened aggression which can put the teen at higher risk of delinquent behavior (Agnew, 1992).
Agnew further hypothesized that there are three main categories of strain that adolescents experience that can lead them to delinquent behavior. One category is failure to achieve goals that are highly valued. An example of this strain …show more content…

As a whole, according to the General Strain Theory, adolescents are more vulnerable than either younger children or adults to the strains that are a normal part of life. Without strong, fully-developed coping mechanisms, the loss of a close friend or family member, the perceived inability to reach a desired goal, or the introduction of a negative stimulus in life can motivate an adolescent toward a life of delinquency. There is hope, however. It is up to communities, and particularly schools (which for many adolescents are the one “safety net” within the community) to be observant and to offer opportunities for mentoring, for success, and for intervention before youths feel like the only option for success or healing is

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