1. Reflect on your definition of leadership. Has it changed?
I believe I will continue the way I do things. I think talking, showing and understanding is what everyone needs to do. A work environment that is closed in and separated does not help with change. According to Winston and Patterson (2006), there are multiple articles on leadership and it comes back to “A leader is one or more people who select, equips, trains, and influences one or more follower(s)” (p. 7). The more personable and face to face managers is better the email. I think less email and more conversation in person is still the best way to join the workforce as one. Sometimes emails are sent and are miss read which builds conflicts instead of bonds.
2. What has influenced the change or kept it the same? Reflect on 1-2 “Aha!” moments related to your eight-week study during this course.
The Aha moment seems that in general many of the problems that I see are just not in the military but in the civilian workforce as well. Communication always seems to be a key point of missing the mark.
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The first one is just simply communicating with others. It is okay to ask for help or a better understanding of the situation. Ask the questions whether face to face, email or phone, do not sit there and attempt a task that is confusing. The second would be to not act like they know it all. Ask the employees how they do things before changing processes randomly. After accessing the process with the employees it is possible that the process is outdated and needs to be changed or it is fine as is. Third understands what is going on with their employees. Their lives can affect their work life and if the manager can see that something is wrong, it may be possible to help before it becomes a problem. According to Reese (2014), the organization’s management must understand and reach their employees to support the vision and mission of the
I would ensure that issues which are creating a problem in the work group are discussed within the group by creating a friendly and safe environment where people feel safe to speak out. If there are shy people in the group I will make one-on-one meetings to motivate them and make sure that their voice is also heard as well. I would make sure that it is important to bring up the issue discussions which make the group dynamic strong. I would also make sure that everyone brings up their issues and let them know that it is so important to discuss all the issues and work together which helps the team in achieving their goaIs. The manager can bring unspoken conflicts into open without making them worse by motivating the individuals to bring out what problems
Ongoing efforts to continue developing the skills needed to promote efficiency and effectiveness continues. The Army White Paper: The Profession of Arms (2010) notes that “as the Army reflects now on what it means to be a profession in the midst of persistent conflict, a central questions frames major challenges now facing the Army’s strategic leaders: the sergeant
The first step in the process is to identify and define the problem at hand. During this step, all the information is gathered and looked over. This allows for the problem to be clearly identified and hopefully making the whole process easier. Step two of the process is to begin generating possible solutions. In this step, managers can begin formulating one or several potential solutions (Lombardi, Schermerhorn, & Kramer). Before going onto step three, some additional information may be required, because step three is when a plan of action is chosen. In the fourth step, the chosen plan is implemented. It is the responsibility of the manager to make sure this portion goes smoothly. Everyone on the team should know exactly what they should be doing. The final step in the process is to review the results. In reviewing the outcome of the action plan that has been chosen, you may find things that need to be altered and you may find things that are going perfectly. At this point the appropriate changes should be made.
The course has had the largest impact on me outside of the classroom with the intentional
Using the workflow process you begin at the top of the department. You look for what the problem is and what needs to be changed/fixed. ManagerStaffProblems-Manager meets with staff, discusses issuesthe issues hopefully are resolved. By using the workflow process everyone is aware of where the priorities lie. When problems arise, the workflow process aids all
Great feedback from peers and instructor. This interaction to me means a lot since that is how I measure myself how much knowledge I am gaining and what part is that one that I need to put more attention to.
What was the most challenging topic for you in this course? What resources or methods might have better assisted you with this topic?
5. Please outline in your own words, one other new thing you learned this week in the course. How does it apply to your life?
For instance, exposure to new experiences, therapy, or deliberate behavioral changes can lead to shifts in personality traits. My thoughts on this have not changed since the beginning of this course, but have deepened to a level of better understanding. Have your thoughts and opinions changed from the beginning of the course? Why or why not? If your thoughts have changed, share what theories or theorists had the most impact on you.
Too often in business as well as the military, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” (Powell, C #7). Too often the command as well as enlisted soldiers will use this analogy to continue to do what they have always done and fight change. Also this leads to allowing small details to be overlooked because it’s been allowed before, these small details, such as production schedules become larger details. These small little details will cause larger details to be overlooked in the future. This culture will foster reactivity instead of promoting proactivity (Powell, C #7). This type of culture is a struggle for leaders to change in the National Guard because of the hometown mentality, all though we strive to keep the since of community in our units as leaders we have to be the supporters of change. Be able to answer the “why” when it is necessary to move in a different direction, we have to be able to always look beneath the surface and not take situations at face value. When we have questions or concerns as long as they are morally and
Reflect on what you have learned in this course and discuss how it might influence your work as a professional
As the semester begins, I would like to continue to work on enhancing the previous goals and skills in my previous practicum class as well as use more advanced skills. I would like to work on implementing and illustrating enactments and scaling interventions in my sessions/videos. Be able to identify and understand situations/feelings that arise in therapy sessions pertaining to self-of-therapist and enhance my professionalism. Hence, having confidence to lead my therapy sessions by relying on what I have learned in previous classes. Also, be able to use proper clinical language. Moreover, continue to work on understanding my limitations, biases, comfort levels and work on being transparent in order
Within this course, there were issues or information from the course that most surprised, intrigued, or elicited emotion (positive or negative) in me. There were many topics that I already knew about but needed to refresh my memory and many that were new information to me.
This course activity is your opportunity to define the foundation on which you’ll build improvements in study habits, keeping in mind the goals you set and your definition of success.
Consider what role this course has played in helping you determine an approach to your dissertation topic. Has your original topic and approach changed? Why? How?