
Aims And Objectives Of RSPCA

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cost than their competitors as public business. Another aim/objective can be to meet quality standards such as the products and services offering to customers should be top quality as it meets customers’ expectations from the business. These are few examples of public sector businesses aims and objectives and government operates businesses in this sector.
Linking to my selected public business RSPCA, they aims is to stop cruelty and promote kindness to all ease suffering of all wildlife. Another aim is to improve the welfare of pets by every pet is favoured and has a loving family to take care of each pet. Furthermore, another aim for RSPCA is to raise values for animals worldwide and to develop animal welfare law and ensure it is applied. …show more content…

Employees and Managers in RSPCA set marketing objectives in order to create awareness of their products and services to public, to increase their sales in stores, promoting their products and services, launching new products services and brand image. One of their market objectives is “To work for the welfare of pet animals”. This organisation is set up to improve the welfare and support animals from cruelty and provide loving home for them. Another objective is “To raise standards of regulation in animal welfare and ethical journal across the world”. This objective is set by the business to ensure support animals from cruelty and to stop brutality to animals and ensure it applies across the world. On the other hand, another objective for RSPCA is “To improve the lives of animals by putting an end to suffering of animals”. This business aims to stop the suffering of animals when used in experiments that can affect them negatively and kill them.
Marketing Techniques:
Businesses use Marketing techniques in order to promote their products and services so customers are aware. There are many forms of marketing techniques, which businesses use depending on the size of the business, the budget and the target market. Marketing in other words is promoting the product and service to inform, attract and motivate customers to purchase the product or service. Marketing techniques can include Social media, Digital marketing, Personal selling and Product placement. These are examples of marketing techniques, which businesses can use to promote their products.

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