The Story “So I Ain’t No Good Girl” by Sharon Flake is a portion of the book and the scene stood out the most in the story. It caught my attention on how the setting and the characters made the scene flow. The main character of the story is on her way to her bus stop and she gets into a little confrontation with girls at her bus stop. Raheem her so called “Boyfriend” shows up and they have small talk about how she will cover up for him at school, since he isn’t going. The bus arrives and she gets on the bus. When she is seated and gives Raheem one last glance, she sees him with one of the girls she had a little confrontation with and the way they were pressed against each other and she lost it. The scene of the story is realistic because of …show more content…
“Tonight when I see him I’m gonna… I’m gonna… make him something to eat and act like I ain’t seen nothing at all.” I don’t think she handled it because she started thinking about how she will ignore what happened at …show more content…
“Oh no you didn’t I say digging my elbow into some girls stomach slapping my hand up trying to get to the front of this thing but it’s too late the bus driver won’t stop.” It would have taken the story to a whole other level and maybe she would have had different thoughts about still being his girlfriend. The way I fell the conflict could have lessened is if she thought about not having a relationship with Raheem. “I’ll go to his class. I think and tell his teacher his teacher he was sick this morning that he will take his test tomorrow.” She would have had the mind set of not wanting to interact with Raheem any longer. I think the audience would have engaged into the text if we knew more about a particular scene. “When I got to tell her don’t even think about it, I trip over my own two feet.” I think the audience would have gotten a little more hype about that particular scene if we knew what would have happened if she didn’t trip over her two feet and went after the
At another point of the story, it also shows how girls in the book are strong because on page 93, it states that,”Don’t go down there. It’s not your fight,” This shows how girls don’t
I think at the time the author may of tried to target an audience of young girls. Instead of writing a story the author cuts right to the case and explains and goes into detail about how a woman should act. The writer of this piece most likely wants you to take something from this and either learn from it or apply it to your life. An audience that lived in that time period may read this with a different mindset than someone of this era.
I chose this quote because it is the first occasion in which you meet the girl which contributes greatly to the story. She gives the story a sense of discomfort as you realize how the setting of the the world affects the story. This
The short story “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid was a bittersweet warning from a mother to her daughter. The reader is experiencing the viewpoint of the protagonist through the soliloquy of her mother’s instructions that batter her like bugs smacking the
As the screeching that covered up the lady’s probable swearing, that no 13-year-old should hear, came to an end and the dust settled on the ground, the lady and the bus driver stood in a duel. Hand twitching as if reaching for an invisible gun. Yelling insults like, “Warthog” or “Bird-brain” at each other like a ping-pong match. All I could do was watch as the two people just glared daggers at each other. And this all started, because I wasn’t paying attention.
Stacy don’t open the door." Timmy whispered in a frightened voice. "I won't sweetheart I wont." As I pushed my back against the wall broken glass had splattered above my head and all over me. As soon as I felt the strange man grabbing my hair I stood up, away from the dangerous guy. "What do you want? Don’t hurt these innocent children!" As I yelled in a tone that I had never yelled in before, the threatening man opened the door. As soon as I noticed he had opened the door I stood in front of the children's desk with my hands held apart one to the left, as one to the right. "Please stop!" I yelled in a frightened voice. "Move out the way lady!" As the perilous man pushed me to the side he picked up the desk. Sarah still curled up in a ball. I noticed him picking her up. "Mrs. Stacy please don’t let him take me! Stop I don’t like you dad!" I was in shocked to hear Sarah's words coming out of her mouth. "Don’t come near me lady!" As Sarah's dad was about to leave the room I threw a chair at her dad's back. "Put her down I said!" As I shouted to him, he had left me unconscious there sitting on the
In the short story “Girl”, by Jamaica Kincaid is told from the perspective of two different people. There is a bonding relationship that is happening between the two people in this short story. The mother seems to be the main character in this essay uses a very strict tone to her daughter. The daughter is being told about how to do things in her life the correct way. The daughter barely speaks during this essay, she is doing more analyzing than arguing with her mother. When the mother gives the daughter advise she was trying to give her words of wisdom. But, at the same time, some of the ideas the mother gave to her child was offensive like “slut”. The mother has different perspectives throughout this essay with a lot of different
In order to properly view a story from a feminist perspective, it is important that the reader fully understands what the feminist perspective entails. “There are many feminist perspectives, and each perspective uses different approaches to analyze and interpret texts. One is that gender is “socially constructed” and another is that power is distributed unequally on the basis of sex, race, and ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, ability, sexuality, and economic class status” (South University Online, 2011, para. 1). The story “Girl” is an outline of the things young girls
Written in the 1978, “Girl” is a short story that helps to understand how mother-daughter relationship were back then. The story is mostly told in the second person where the mother is telling her daughter how she should accomplish her daily tasks and the daughter is just listening very carefully. It is almost a monologue, the girl interrupted her mother only twice, but it was to ask questions, not to talk back. The mother sounds very dominating and overwhelming giving one instruction after another. The conflict is definitely man vs society because it is a story of a mother trying to raise her daughter the right way so that her daughter can fit in the society that they are living in without being seen as “less than” or “not good enough”. If this story had a climax it would be when the daughter says “but I don’t sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school" (14) because it is the only time the girl gets to talk in the whole story. It is not really a turning point but it is the only time her voice is heard in the story. Since that moment the mother’s language and her intonation is getting slightly nicer and softer. Since this story does not really has a climax the resolution is not really present neither.
Throughout the short stories, characters endure circumstances that allow them to realize the unfairness of the world, ultimately causing a change in attitude. In “Souvenir,” the protagonist finds herself in a shop purchasing a pack of condoms for her mentally ill boyfriend while being followed by an old man. With the belief that sacrificing something precious of herself such as her virginity, the teenager initially felt that her love could save him from his mental illness. Those in the store around her, however, forced humiliation upon her, especially the elderly man. Finally becoming aware to those around her, she has an epiphany of those surrounding her in addition to the society she lives in. Witnessing the differences in people’s behaviors and attitudes, she grasps the understanding that people are influenced by others
The plot of this story begins when an elderly woman went into a church where only white people were allowed. Some of the white women provoked their husbands to throw the old woman out of the church. “It was the ladies who finally did what to them had to be done. Daring their burly indecisive
Looking at how our two main characters have been affected as individuals shows it took a toll on them both. Now looking at how it affected their relationship as a whole we will see how the situation could have been
calmly told her to cut off all her hair. He watched while she did it, his pride hurt more than hers.
“Girl” is a short story in which the author, Jamaica Kincaid, unofficially presents the stereotypes of girls in the mid 1900s. Kincaid includes two major characters in the story “Girl”, they are the mother and the girl. Although the daughter only asks two questions in this story, she is the major character. The mother feels like her daughter is going in the wrong direction and not making the best decisions in her life. The whole story is basically the mother telling her daughter what affects her decisions will have in the future. The mother believes that because her daughter isn’t sitting, talking, cleaning, walking or singing correctly it will lead her to a path of destruction. “Girl” is a reflection of female sexuality, the power of family, and how family can help overcome future dangers.
A scene that I found amusing is when the pemberley female role questions whether her concern over the males lack of communication is reasonable, or not. She asks asks herself whether he won’t call, yet rather will come over to her house, without leaving any verbal message. That idea startles her, for what if he sees she weeping in her house, what will that cause him to do? Based off of that idea, she wishes that he, himself, would begin crying too, in a tantrum like fashion. She wishes the worst emotional pain ever would be inflicted upon him. I found this scene to be rather interesting because it shows the innermost workings of her mind. It portrays how she have a plethora of positive feelings towards this male, yet after a few seconds of assuring thoughts, she fall into a fit of blind rage. The idea of back and forth propositions is very interesting to read, especially when after a scene filled with clashing statements, a completely different idea is thrown into the character’s mind. There are a plentiful amount of scenes I enjoyed, or was humored by, yet, this one I found to be the most intriguing.