Have you ever considered that air conditioners, the machines that help cool us down on arid days, may, on the contrary, be making us hotter? In a well-developed article, Eric Klinenberg claims that air conditioners are contributing to global warming and climate change, and also informs readers about how they can help solve the quandary. Klinenberg leads readers through his article by first taking them through an exordium where he addresses the issue. Then, he addresses and analyzes his opponents’ arguments. After that, he follows up by backing up his own claim and rebutting his opponents’ main points with vigorous, concrete evidence and in-depth explications. Lastly, he provides a resolution to the problem. In the introduction of this article,
Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say. Eric Klinenberg creates an argument saying, Americans need to reduce their use of air conditioning. While it might be helpful on a hot summer day, AC is dangerous to the environment. In his essay "Viewpoint Air Conditioning Will Be the End of Us," Klinenberg uses logos and word choice to present his argument and persuade the reader.
McKibben provides statistics which help to strengthen his stance on global warming. He starts the article entitled, “Global Warming's Terrifying New Math” by referring to relatable everyday situations. McKibben wants to influence and inform others about global warming, and with that goal in mind, he needs to grab the reader’s attention with his writing. It’s essential for the author to provide a way to help the readers see that there is an issue occurring with the continual warming of the world. He refers to the increase in peoples “size of AC bills”, and “towering wild fires” as examples in referring to the increasing temperatures (McKibben 1). An increase in an AC bill is an example that is very relatable event in the average renter/home owner’s life. When readers can easily relate to the topic, then they consequently tend to become more sympathetic and understanding of the situation. This tactic is one that McKibben uses many times, and it’s proving to be effective. An example, like this can show people that global warming does affect their everyday lives. It adds realization to the situation. It’s a good opener and the author has the attention of the readers. The opening paragraph also refers to the
This book is helpful because it spreads awareness of what global warming can cause and why we are unlikely to solve it. However, Scranton does provide the reader with a
Do you want your child to have a higher risk of skin cancer or other terrible diseases? Do you want your child to never be able to play outside with all their friends? Nobody wants their child to have an unhealthy life or be sad because they have no friends to play with. Everyone wants to hope for their child to have a happy and healthy life. Humans not thinking about how the world’s climate change is dramatically changing does not make the climate not change. There are many scientist that have proven that climate change is happening and it has been happening for many, many years. Understanding what is happening
Air conditioning service and heating repair isn’t something that most people spend too much time thinking about, but being comfortable in your own home and business is something everyone should take seriously.
He insists that throughout the Industrial Era, most human activities had been creating a greenhouse effect, impacting the environment and global distribution. He adopts a passionate tone in order to establish his point of view to the readers in America, who question the significance of global warming. Easterbrook appeals to the anxious emotions of his audience by listing influencing elements, such as how the weather will make countries envy each other’s territory, or how dangerous rising sea-level will drown most of the big, prosperous coastal city. Moreover, through his angle of vision, he warns the reader about the advantages the snowy cold high-latitude regions will get, and the disadvantages the humid hot low-latitude regions will suffer during the global warming. He frequently posing question includes the word “we” in it to make sure that the audiences connect with him. Easterbrook creates credibility and is persuasive toward the audience by successfully giving a future look and inevitable consequences of global warming. However, his evidence is only through his opinions and guessing without citing any sources, making it seem unreliable. Nonetheless, Easterbrook has succeeded in creating an effect on the audiences and communicating his thoughts on global
Johnson also points out how interest groups and well paid lobbyist are continually fighting the good fight in congress and the media to get the word out. The author also states how the definition of global warming has now expanded to include any and every weather disturbance, change, irregularity, and spontaneity. The main goal of Johnson is to let people know that scientific theory according to Karl Popper proves that global warming is false and the
Climate change is an issue that has plagued the minds of humans for centuries. The issue goes back as far as the ancient Greeks, who thought that cutting down forests could lead to more rain. We have always been preoccupied with the topic, and now finally we have evidence that it is in fact happening. We have to work towards lessening the effects that climate change has on our society and combat the reluctance of our government to change our nation’s methods of getting energy. In, “A Climate Repair Manual,” by Gary Stix, he urges Americans to change their ways and use more renewable sources of energy.
Eric Kbinenberg commences his article by recounting a personal story—— When “the temperature in New York City hit the upper 90s and the heat index topped 100”, he received a heat alert to advise him to use the air-condition “wisely”. But, the “wise” way means to “crank them[the air-conditions] up, cooling down every room in the house”, or even “relax in a iced blasts of a movie theater or shopping mall, where someone else pays the bill” in American’s heart. By using such a device, the author indicates although the air-condition has bring a sense of cool in hot summer days, the blindly usage of air-conditioning in the United States have impact on both our environment and our life. Also, the author develops his argument by comparing the usage
At first Australia tried to improve the way we deal with climate change using the media to spread awareness and change the way people view it. However there is one newspaper in
Moses was a great leader of the Israelites. In the 1300s B.C.E., by the time of Moses, a large group of Abraham’s descendants were living in Egypt. The pharaoh was scared of their growth so he quickly put them into slavery. According to the Torah, God had told Moses “I will send you to the pharaoh, and you shall free my people.”, Moses went to the pharaoh, the Torah continues, and told him to let the Israelites go free, The pharaoh refused. Because of that God punished Egypt with ten terrible plagues. According to the Torah, the pharaoh quickly changed his mind, but when the Israelites left the Egyptians followed them and caught up with them at the sea of reeds. But Moses raised his staff and waters of the seas parted. The Israelites safely
We have all heard statistics over how unmitigated global warming can lead to rising sea levels, increased temperatures, lower rates of precipitation. The Congressional Budget Office recently found that climate change, if unmitigated, would create costly damage not only to the United States’s economy, but also to the world as a whole (source). Despite a scientific and general consensus that climate change is real and a problem, actual committed action against climate change has been disappointingly slow, until recently. We also know the cause of climate change. The United States EPA finds that “Carbon dioxide accounts for most of the nation’s emissions and most of the increase since 1990” (EPA). What we don’t know is a solution.
The Long Thaw by David Archer discusses what has been a topic of great debate during the last couple of years: global warming. He begins by explaining the fundamental cause of global warming—the greenhouse effect, something we have all heard plenty about but haven’t really understood. Archer presents his ideas in a way that educates us all on the topic by delineating the sequential history of this issue which has been a topic of discussion since the 19th century. By providing a sound explanation on what causes global warming and what it will mean for the future, I feel I learned a great deal about this oh so important issue which affects us all as a planet. One thing Archer points out is how relatively new global warming is to us, and this is because we’ve had such
Thesis Statement: Global warming is a growing concern of scientists and researchers who believe that it is a serious problem for our planet. The concerns and research have also been questioned and have even been called myths. Millions of people find themselves affected by these weather pattern changes and are concerned for their futures. Activists on both sides of the argument are very passionate and not afraid to attack each other in every way they can. There are many questions that are still not answered, however, we continue to see drastic weather changes to Earth. We must go beyond the arguments and learn as much as we can to stop what could possibly lead to the destruction of our planet, our way of life and our future.
Climate change is happening at an unpredictable rate. Our government needs to take steps to address this problem at once. One of the biggest dilemmas is the overproduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. Due to the excessive production of these gases, Global warming is causing a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous on human lives and their existence. “Global warming isn’t a prediction. It is happening.” (James Hansen) The startling proof we have is the comparison of past and current climate changes. These include a 0.74°C increase in the average global temperatures over the last 100 years, seas-level rise of over 40mm, significant shifts in the seasonality and intensities of precipitation, changing weather patterns and significant retreat of Arctic sea ice and nearly all of the continental glaciers. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report states that the evidence for global warming is unequivocal and there is very high confidence that this warming is due to human activity. (Maslin 41).