
Air Force Application Essay Examples

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Throughout my Air Force career, I had supervisors that did not use the right leadership approach for me or my fellow Airmen. They never showed any initiative to expedite processes and/or come up with new innovative ways of doing business. They relied on the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” mentality. I followed in their footsteps and became a Management by Exception-Passive (MBE-P) leader once I became a Staff Sergeant. I found out very quickly that my subordinates didn’t have trust in me as a leader because they felt like I wouldn’t have their best interests at heart. It wasn’t until I received feedback from my most recent supervisor and current mentor that I began to adapt and change my leadership style. My mentor showed me what it …show more content…

To make sure that I am emotionally flexible I will become a Squadron or Base Master Resiliency Trainer (MRT). By becoming an MRT I can ensure that my 4-Dimentions of Wellness (Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, and Social) will be balanced, which will allow me to be emotionally flexible and convey my leader’s decisions while giving me the energy and the strength to deal with change. Taking care of your emotional self, helps you maintain the energy necessary to deal with change. Emotionally flexible leaders are aware of what subordinates, peers, and even supervisors are feeling and can articulate changes and keep everyone motivated (Pg. …show more content…

To better improve my skills, I will get involved with Base organizations like the 5/6 Club, Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA), and Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA). These are great organizations to utilize when building relationships and your Connection Power. Once you’ve established your connections and your subordinates are meeting/exceeding your expectations, you can use your connections to get your Airmen recognized or help them in any way to advance their careers. Connection Power can also be utilized to help your peers, and supervision if the need ever

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