Everyone in the New York metropolitan area breathes air that fails to meet the health standards, and citizens suffer serious health impact from breathing that dirty air. The relationship between air pollution and health affects everyone. Air pollution is constantly affecting people and putting them at sick, even though the degree of pollution is not at its highest. The public health significance of smoke, dust, gas, pollen, and microorganisms in the air are with a range of adverse health effects. These diseases spread and cause new disease to originate. Exposure to common urban air link to a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, asthma exacerbation, reduced lung function and premature death.
Pollution continues to pose an enormous threat to residents of urban cities worldwide. In the August 2008 Monthly Update, it is stated that approximately 800,000 deaths each year can be attributed to outdoor air pollution, making pollution the single most harmful environmental hazard to human health in urban areas (Kallman). The fact that pollution kills hundreds of thousands of people each year alone portrays just how dangerous living in these conditions can be. Kallman writes about a study which proves an increase in upper respiratory diseases, cardiovascular mortality, respiratory mortality, and low birth weights when exposed to air pollutants (August 2008: Monthly Update). These can be very serious diseases and complications which, when contracted, can lead to death or very serious illnesses. There
The primary health issues that come with the impact of air pollution are asthma, cardiovascular illnesses and premature mortality. These health issues are due to pollution and the poor air quality such as ozone. Thus, human health becomes a concern and issue. The individuals who are usually more vulnerable to such illnesses are the children and elderly. For example, there’s approximately 162,438 children under the age of and 258,586 adults aged 65 years and older in Riverside county that are prone to environmental health illnesses (cdph). According to UCLA institute of the Environment and Sustainability,
Living in a place with bad air quality is a risk to everyone, but there are people with significantly higher instability. People with pre-existing maladies, mainly cardiovascular and respiratory, are more susceptible to more severe illnesses. Children are also more vulnerable than healthy adults. This is because their systems and internal organs are not fully
Air pollution is the dispersion of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials into the atmosphere, causing diseases, allergies and death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as animals and food crops or the natural or built environments (Brunekreef & Holgate, 2002; Nowak, Crane, & Stevens, 2006). Polluted air directly or indirectly may cause or be attributed to an increase in fatality or serious unwellness and decline humans state of health (Kampa & Castanas, 2008). For example, in Canada, the Ontario Medical Association has attributed 9500 premature deaths per year and evaluates increased costs of health care ($506.64 M) and missed productivity ($374.18) as a result of air pollution (Rowe, 2011). Thus, employment
Air pollution is one of the biggest causes of environmental impact in any region. Therefore, air quality needs to be evaluated and maintained for avoiding health hazards. According to WHO, air pollution claims more than 2.4 million lives each year (WHO, 2002). Cities have to face more air pollution problems as compared to
These pollutants are characterized as air toxics, which include lead, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, and a variety of other chemicals. The impact of air pollution could be very serious to both the heath condition of the population, which could by extension affects the economy of the impacted community. However, this impact is directly related to the amount of pollution in the air. Health consequences from air pollution could range from eye irritation, brain and nerve damage, runny nose, cancer, heart and
Air pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects. Different groups of individuals are affected by air pollution in different ways. Some individuals are much more sensitive to pollutants than are others. Young children and elderly people often suffer more from the effects of air pollution. Air pollution has many effects on human health, affecting a number of different systems and organs. Effects range from minor upper respiratory irritation to chronic respiratory and heart disease, lung
Starting in the year 2004, the air pollution has reached an alarming level in the city o Toronto. Dr Barbara Yaffe, the acting medical officer of health of Toronto Public health, has released a report in July 2004 saying that the “air pollution [in the city] has contributed to over 1700 premature deaths and 6000 hospitalization admission in Toronto each year” (Yaffe, 2004, p.i). According to this report, pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide have increased within the air of the city; these pollutants are tiny particles that are 2.5 micron in diameter or less and can affect people’s respiratory system and cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems such as “asthma, bronchitis in children, adult chronic bronchitis, and heart problem” (TPH, 2007, figure 1). Although it
Moreover, acute health effects were observed at levels common in many us cites such as Los Angeles, as well as, below current U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Overall these studies shown respiratory effect increase parallel with pollution levels, with a near linear dose-response
Today, air quality is something that plays a major role in all of our lives. The types of chemicals or substances that are present in our air can be very alarming depending on where you live or who you are. Air pollution can cause various health effects to children and one major issue is asthma. In the past, researchers have indicated that heavy traffic leads to asthma if a child lives close to traffic. Also, other studies have looked at heavy traffic near schools and found that the prevalence of respiratory symptoms has increased. The studies mentioned did not provide strong associations or highly sound data, which lead to the Southern California Children’s Health Study (CHS). McConnell et al. (2010) wanted to investigate air pollution and
* Air pollution causes numerous health consequences for people. Like the filters in machinery and buildings, a person 's lungs can become coated with the particulate matter in the pollution.
Air, is one of the most substantial source to mankind and our planet. While it exists, so does everything else along. However, in today’s epidemic, there has been certain factors that have increased in understanding whether the air we breathe today is healthy or not? Is it doing more harm than we thought? In other words, the health risks against air pollution have risen in the past few decades; all from what you may ask? Well, it could be for various factors and evaluations; either environmental or materialistic. Pollution is a major public health crisis in the world. (Friis, 2012). This is one of the conflicts that contribute to various aspects of an individual’s life, whether they may realize it or not. In this paper will include the sources that cause pollution with the effects it cause as well as policies on the regulation of air pollution.
Environment is something everyone needs to feel responsible for and to protect. However, not many people are aware of how simple it is to make different choices that can have positive impact on the environment. Therefore, our company can help the community with what we have and what we can do.
The amount of containments has made life difficult for all people. For the simple reason that we need air to breathe. Nonetheless, as with every problem it has a short-term and long-term effect. The immediate effects are comprised of shortness of breath, asthma attacks, and respiratory infections (American Lung Association State of the Air). This effects are felt right away when the quality of the air begins to worsen. Now the long term effects are premature death, lung cancer, and heart disease. There are many factors that determine the extent of harm on the health of people. The prime factors that determine the effect of air pollution on health are the age group, current health condition of a person, the duration of exposure, and the pollutant (American Lung Association State of the Air). To begin with the age group determines the extent of the harm on a person. Even though air pollution is not good for anybody, but it’s specifically not good for children. Children are more vulnerable to health risk of air pollution for many reasons. First, since children’s body weight is relatively small they need to breathe more compared to an adult (Polluting young minds). This is because children are still developing their bodies therefore, they are easily effected by pollution. On average an adult breathes over 3,000 gallons of air daily and children breathe even more
There are many positive effects that can result from environmental legislation, including the overall health of humans. The pollution emitted from numerous different industries and sources not only hurts the environment, but directly affects the people in the area. Several associations have been drawn between pollution and increased risks of heart disease, kidney disease, and lung disease. A newspaper had noted that, “Data indicated that average systolic BP [blood pressure] rose 1.7 mm Hg with an increase of 2.4 mcg/m¬3 in fine particulate matter exposure (95% CI, 0.7 mm Hg to 2.7 mm Hg), and diastolic increased 0.8 mm Hg (95% CI, 0.3 mm Hg to 1.4 mm Hg)” (“City Dwellers” 36). So, this source indicates that in areas where there is exposure to particulate matter (polluted areas, such as cities), there appears to be a correlation with higher overall blood pressure. However, environmental legislation would lead to regulations on mechanisms that are pushing pollution into the nearby areas and therefore reduce the risk of health defects.