AIR POLLUTION IN CANADA Air pollution is a big problem here in Canada. With so many companies, factories and gas emitting power sources, our country has a numerous amount of greenhouse emissions. In fact, Canadian companies has contributed to 73% more air pollution than the United States. Our companies produced up to 29% more respiratory toxins than the U.S. as well. If you look at major cities like Toronto or Edmonton, you’ll notice how the air is thicker than usual. That’s because of the air pollutants such as transportation, agriculture, forestry, and domestic uses. These pollutants create something called, the ground level ozone layer, or smog as most people call it. This kind of air pollution gravely affects humans, animals, plants, or …show more content…
Imagine how that volume of air can significantly decrease because of the air pollutants around us. Air pollution is one of the key reasons to why people have respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, and allergies. These diseases, especially lung cancer, caused over 37 000 deaths in 2004. As well, asthma sufferers can be severely affected by air pollution. Air pollution can also intensify health problems for the elderly and others with heart or respiratory diseases. Inflammation in the lungs can have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. When the chemical pollutants enter your body, it invades enters through the blood and damage your other organs like the brain. Your eyes are main victims too, when it comes to air pollution. When air pollutants make their way up into the atmosphere, it causes a thinning of the protective ozone layer. This has led to a dramatic increase in skin cancers and cataracts (eye damage). I hate to scare you, but people perish every day because of these reasons. In fact, the World Health Organization studied it and found out that about 2.4 million people die each year from causes directly connected with air pollution, and 1.5 million of these deaths are indoor pollution. That’s more lives lost than those in automobile
Listen closely, my fellow devotchkas and malchicks, to the tale of Your Most Humble Narrator, Alex. The story of a Nadsat thug who was unjustly stripped of his freedom and moral choice by the government. You could all end up just like me, a mechanical organism, forced to behave through torture. I was once the leader of my own gang, with my droogs by the names of Dim, Georgie and Pete. I never treated them well, so they betrayed me and left me for the cops after a failed break-in on a baboochka’s mansion. I was taken to the correctional centre and it was where I did my suffering.
Air pollution is a major threat to the atmosphere, causing damages to the environment by emitting harmful substance to human health. Alberta has become a vulnerable society that has resulted in an increase rate of illness caused by poor air quality from asthma to lung cancer. Although Alberta is one of Canada’s largest growing industries, Alberta produces the most greenhouse gas emissions, which has made Alberta to position as the worst air quality management in the Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) (
Chapter 19th of the textbook, “Air Pollution Policy in Canada: Government Leadership or Smoke and Mirrors?” written by Owen Temby, Don Munton and Ingur Weibust, mainly focuses on dealing with trans-boundary air pollution and how it has been one of the concerning issues of Canada since 1970 because of the federal government in past few years.
The Sami people are an indigenous group spreading through parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. The majority of them are reindeer herders and migrate with herds across many national borders. The global population of indigenous peoples is estimated at 300 million people, including over 5,000 different groups across 70 countries. The total Sami population is at an estimated population of 70,000, more than half, 40,000 live in Norway, 20,000 live in Sweden, 6,000 in Finland and 2,000 in Russia. Almost 10,000 are involved in reindeer husbandry and cover an area of 157,487 square kilometers (Sami People, 2013).
The U.S. has recently updated critical air quality standards, but Canada's National Ambient Air Quality Objectives date back to the 1970s.
The problems that develop from this is bad lung function. This condition is affecting many people and diagnosed as asthma. It prevents people from strenuous activity because they can catch their breath. All the chemicals that are in the air affect our genome as well. Which will cause deficiency in our immune system. This will put us at risk for developing other disease not just asthma. In the Gale database “Asthma, heredity and air pollution” research shows that “air pollution exposure suppressed the immune system's regulatory T cells (Treg), and that the decreased level of Treg function was linked to greater severity of asthma symptoms and lower lung capacity” (“Asthma”). Therefore it affects everybody not just the people that have asthma. It has come to the point that they have a flag code to indicate how bad our air quality is. They indicate what days are safe for rigorous outside activity, moderate activity, or just be enclosed in your
There have been different diseases caused by air pollution from lung cancer to breathing problems such as asthma and in worse cases death. Pollution is caused from dangerous chemical experiments, smoke from factories and daily human activities. Two of the many ways to eliminate air pollution is by recycling things like paper, plastic, cardboards, cans. This saves energy and the production emission is reduced. Also by informing people on ways they can individually help their communities by doing simple acts such as turning off electrical appliances when not in use. It's our responsibility to take care of mother
Air pollution are impacting the environment, and it is imperative that laws are enforced to help build and sustain a better air quality. Air pollutants can be in the form of particulate matter which can be very harmful to our health. Stimulation to our eyes, nose, throat, and breathing infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia are all short-term effects. You’re head might hurt, you might want to puke, and you might have allergic reactions. Short-term air pollution can put people with asthma and emphysema in a worse condition. Long lasting breathing disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to your brains, nerves, livers, or kidneys are all long-term effects. If you’re exposed to air pollution continuously, it would affect children’s lungs and may complicate medical conditions for the elders. Some people argue and deny the bad air problem. They claim that pollution may actually be good for the Earth. The hazy weather caused by pollution has made plants far more productive when it comes to scrubbing greenhouse gasses out of the air. Pollution has turned plants into better carbon dioxide processing machines. But this is bad for our own health. Pollution is causing global warming which leads to massive ice land melting. Polar bears and other animals that live there are losing there habitats and even dying. Melting ice could also lead to more sea water which would bury some cities or land near the coastal areas. There is already a tremendous amount of people on this planet. If our land decreases, and our population continues to increase, some people would have to start living on another planet; therefore, making it a priority to address the areas
Starting in the year 2004, the air pollution has reached an alarming level in the city o Toronto. Dr Barbara Yaffe, the acting medical officer of health of Toronto Public health, has released a report in July 2004 saying that the “air pollution [in the city] has contributed to over 1700 premature deaths and 6000 hospitalization admission in Toronto each year” (Yaffe, 2004, p.i). According to this report, pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide have increased within the air of the city; these pollutants are tiny particles that are 2.5 micron in diameter or less and can affect people’s respiratory system and cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems such as “asthma, bronchitis in children, adult chronic bronchitis, and heart problem” (TPH, 2007, figure 1). Although it
Pollution is a becoming a major factor for Canadians living across Canada. Toronto’s air quality is highly polluted from factories, cars, household furnaces, industrial plants and power stations. (Hanna, Kevin) Many air
Everyone in the New York metropolitan area breathes air that fails to meet the health standards, and citizens suffer serious health impact from breathing that dirty air. The relationship between air pollution and health affects everyone. Air pollution is constantly affecting people and putting them at sick, even though the degree of pollution is not at its highest. The public health significance of smoke, dust, gas, pollen, and microorganisms in the air are with a range of adverse health effects. These diseases spread and cause new disease to originate. Exposure to common urban air link to a wide range of adverse health outcomes, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, asthma exacerbation, reduced lung function and premature death.
The industrialization of Canada is severely affecting the nations lakes, streams, and rivers. If something is not done to improve the situation it is going to have some severe environmental problems in its future. The following essay will be looking at the factors that cause pollution, and the effect that pollution has on the environment of Canada. It will also explore some of the methods used to treat and clean-up wastewater, and oil spills.
Earth is the only place in the universe that can support human life. It is very important that we realize this fact and take very good care of it. Various human activities cause the destruction of earth. Human beings can live a few days without food and water however humans can last only a few seconds without oxygen. Various human activities lead to the aggravation of the quality of air. Gases produced by human activities mainly due to exploitation of resources and industrialization cause air pollution. Green house gases mainly chlorofluorocarbons; carbon
The environmental issue for my Milestone project is Air pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, and many harmful substances into Earth 's atmosphere, causing diseases, allergies, and death to humans, damage of other living organisms like animals and crops, or the natural environment (National Geographic, 2016). Georgia air pollution has been a focus for many years. Environmental protection Agency and Clean air act has been one of the main contributors to controlling environmental air pollution from increasing. The research is on scholars, chemicals and gases connected to air pollution and health hazards. Solution for Georgia is conserving, alternative energy and renewable resources.
Air is an indispensable part of human, animal and plant lives. Without it, no organisms would be able to survive on Earth (Reference, 2017). Due to excessive human activities, air pollution has become a detrimental worldwide issue in current days (Sciencing, 2017). However, scientists have found new chemicals that can assist in improving the air quality (, 2017). Moreover, humans are able to adopt many methods to help decrease the severity of contamination released into the earth’s atmosphere. This investigation is linked to ‘application and limitation’ in ‘science as a Human Endeavour’.