
Air Theft Persuasive Speech

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You might’ve been scrolling through YouTube when you thought that the one video you saw of Airsoft would be cool to play, so you bought your own springer pistol, or maybe you had a more traditional approach to it, and you received a cheap AEG (Airsoft Electric Gun) and some basic eye protection, and you decided to play. However you were introduced, you can now call yourself a real Airsofter.

Other players can make the experience better or worse, depending on how they play.
Other players can change the experience for the better, by doing actions such as, completely ignoring you if you’re their teammate, or even being too quick on the trigger when you, their teammate, turns a corner and they shoot blindly. Or maybe even when an enemy isn’t calling their hits and instead just shoots you directly after you shooting them. Another part that makes this game/sport very much more enjoyable is when an enemy is completely oblivious to normal courtesy and shoots you from less than 1.5 feet away. As positive as these parts of Airsoft sound, it’s …show more content…

This game /sport I feel is the perfect example of these emotions due to the times that you become pinned with one or more enemies looking straight at you while you’re trying to fight your way out of a firefight. This is the time that I’d usually feel pinned and notice that bottom of the gut feeling that you have no hope left and all you can do is hope that another teammate can happen around the corner for you to use to cover you as you’re moving, and maybe to even drop the threat. The parts that give me the most calm are the parts that I’m dug in at an offencive position and suppressing the enemy, with 2 or more of my teammates. These times, I will warn aren’t always the times that you may feel these

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