Carbon oxide and Nitrogen oxide are one of the many air pollutants this world is having problems with. As for carbon oxide and nitrogen oxide they fall into the category of a primary pollutant, or as so I believe. The reason for why I believe this is because when nitrogen oxide is let out and exposed into the air it can harm the growth of our plants and crops which results us to lose quantities of our food being grown. Also if nitrogen oxide is inhaled it can cause health complications such as asthma. It is a harmful gas that’s created when chemical interactions such as nitrogen and oxygen are combined together and in some cases it can become life threatening. Carbon oxides are the gases produced my carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It …show more content…
The lower levels of nitrogen oxide can cause damage to the delicate lung tissues in our body. For animals this can cause lung dieses which looks to be like emphysema to humans. Through the ozone layer, long term exposure to nitrogen oxide on animals leads to repertory infections. Plants are surrounded and feed off of nitrogen oxide; it has been seen in many plant activities. The gradient of nitrogen oxide can also guide the pollen tube to its destination located in the ovule.
Some of the main contributors of water pollution are factories, oil spills, house hold chemicals and waste treatment facilities. Factories and large industries take a big part in water pollution because, most factories use very large amounts of clean fresh water to wash away waste and any harsh chemicals the factory is discarding. The waste-bearing water, or effluent, is discharged into streams, lakes, or oceans, which in turn disperse the polluting substances. The majority of lakes, rivers, and oceans all are polluted because of the basic everyday uses such as fishing, swimming, as drinking supplies such as juice and alcohol, which can result in harming the sea life. Oil spills caused by large boat rips in the body and oil drills in the middle of the ocean have caused a lot of damage to our sea. Birds can die if they get oil caught into their feathers, the birds natural instinct its to lick and clean itself and when it does it will be poisoned. Animals may
Another way that water can be polluted is with chemicals from factories. Factories use water from streams, river, and lakes to power and cool off their machinery. This used water contains many chemicals from the factory processes that are released back into the normal water (Lenntech, 1988-2016). This released water is also warmer, causing the whole body of water to heat up. This causes lower oxygen levels, which can disturb the organisms living in the water (Lenntech, 1988-2016).
Nitrogen oxides are released into the air from motor vehicle exhaust or the burning of coal, oil, diesel fuel, and natural gas, especially from electric power plants. They are also released during industrial processes such as
Alone pollution can destroy animal habitats and decrease an ecosystem's ability to perform services that keep species alive. The higher the human population the more pollution there is, which means the higher the loss of biodiversity and species extinction. Pollution itself can also harm wildlife. The wildlife can ingest the pollution which can kill the animal. An example would be ocean wildlife or seagulls ingesting plastic waste and dying, or becoming deformed, because of it. Pollution in the form of chemical spills can also destroy entire habitats destroying multiple species homes and killing them. Oil spills are an example of this. The BP oil spill killed thousands of sea turtles, birds, fish, and plants (Rita 1). Chemical waste is another pollutant which can cause damage to animals and their habitats. Fertilizer waste, which increases with the human population, can kill fish via algae blooms, therefore, decreasing
due to pesticides, fertilizers human waste, mining, and manufacturing, the water is getting polluted. Pesticides cause water pollution by flowing into the runoff water that travels to the lake and gets polluted. Fertilizers cause water pollution because now farmers are using chemcal based fertilizers that cause the ground water to become contaminated or polluted over a long period of time. Human waste causes water pollution because it has many chemical that would be very harmful if it was ingested. Mining causes pollution because the machines that excavate the coal or ore use water to cool down. This run-off water, if released to a body of water, will cause algea growth and kill fish. Manufacturing Causes pollution as well because the machinary used to manufacture goods uses water cool down and when released to water, it increases bacteia to grow and kill fish.
When you think of problems in the world today, water pollution isn’t one that would normally come up. In fact it is one of the worst problems in the world today. Water pollution, by definition, is the contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays, or oceans by any substances harmful to living things. All living things contain water and most need water to survive, so water pollution is a big problem. If severe, the pollution can kill off birds, fish, and any animals that use the water source. In some cases even killing an entire species.
Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical found in our atmosphere, it is colorless, odorless, nonflammable, liquid soluble, and oxidises to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) when mixed with oxygen. Nitrogen dioxide when inhaled is a harsh respiratory irritant that can cause a fatal form of pulmonary edema and tissue hypoxia. NO is produced by combustion of fossil fuels by power plants, released by automobile engines, found in tobacco smoke and made naturally from lightning in thunder storms. NO is found in concentrations between 10 and 500 parts per billion but can exceed 1.5 parts per million in heavily polluted areas.
Water pollution comes in all different types. You don’t know what one to going to happen till it happens. There are three other forms that can occur from different ways. When there is an oil spill and which there many of those that we experience a form of pollution called Petroleum. Accidental discharges of petroleum are an important cause of pollution along the shore lines. Off-shore drilling operations also cause water pollution. A fun fact here to know is that for every one ton of oil spilled there is a million tons of oil
What is Water pollution? Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution affects plants and other living things. ( Did you know that around 70% of waste is poured or dumped into many bodies of water and therefore no usable to humans nor animals. Why are we using the waterways as our trash can? In this paper I want to discuss the different ways people pollute our Coastal Waterways and the extreme effects that it has on not only humans by a chain of food supply to other species.
The amount of water pollution is growing rapidly. 80 percent of all water pollution comes from land and enters our lakes, streams, and oceans. Millions of cars leak antifreeze, oil, and gasoline every day that runs off into the main water source. More than one-third of the shellfish-growing waters of the United States are adversely affected by coastal pollution. Nations spend millions of dollars on cleanup in our local lakes, streams, and
Sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides both have great effect on the lungs. Sulphur oxides cause respiratory illnesses, mostly in children, the elderly, and people who already have heart and lung diseases (, Pollutants). Nitrogen oxide causes the lungs to be irritated and increase the chances of infection. Nitrogen oxide can also react with other surrounding agents to cause ground level ozone, or smog. The creation of the ozone then “irritates the eyes, damages the lungs and causes respiratory problems” (Larminie 246).
There are so many reasons why pollution in Oceans water are the worst in the world. Oil is a Natural resource that most people use, it is found on certain areas in the world such as the bottom of Oceans. Oils spills can be involved as the result of deliberate sabotage or illegal dumping. Depending on the location and the condition, they have several techniques can be used to clean up the oil spills. 37 million gallons of oils is spilled in the Oceans each year. Most consequences of water pollution is caused by mishandling of oil products Proper disposal and recycling of used oils can go along way to help to prevent oil pollution in the water. In conclusion oil spills are so dangerous animals and maybe peolpe could die of oil pollution in waters.
Water Pollution is one of the most serious ecological threat faced in this modern era. Water pollution is a result of toxic substances entering water bodies such as lakes, rivers and oceans etc. These toxins can either dissolve in the water, lay suspended in the water, deposit on the water bed or contaminate ground water. This not only results in degradation of water quality but also means destruction of aquatic ecosystem.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is secondary pollutant as it is formed by oxidation of nitric oxide in the atmosphere.Its formation is dependant on the concentration of hydrocarbons and level of solar radiation.
Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for many years causing many diseases among people especially children. I will study and examine the early childhood growth between two countries which are Australia and Tanzania. I will discuss how clean and polluted their air and water is for each country. Their access to clean water. I will also explain the effects that can occur when water is contaminated. How children are affected when they don 't have access to primary essentials and how each country and their environment and living condition might threatened a child 's life.
2NO + O2[IMAGE] 2NO2 Nitrogen oxides are soluble in water and have known contributions to pollutants (PAN) in photochemical smog as well as its detrimental effects to animal respiratory systems. There are a number of these such oxides including: nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen monoxide (NO). Sulfur dioxide and the oxides of nitrogen profoundly contribute to the acidity of the atmosphere and ultimately, the production of acid rain. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an acidic