
Airline Operating Cost Of Airlines Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Airline Operating Cost Airlines today endure many cost in order to get their passengers safely from point A to point B. Fuel, labor, aircraft rental and or ownership, food and beverages, landing fees, and maintenance material and parts are just a few of the cost that airlines have to pay in order to operate from day to day. While there are many cost associated with operating an airline and/or aircraft, fuel and labor cost tend to account for more than 50% of the airlines total operating cost. Labor cost just edges out fuel for the number one operating cost airlines face (Investopedia, 2004). Associated into the labor cost are salaries for their maintenance technicians, pilots, flight attendants, customer service agents, baggage handlers, dispatchers, as well as others. This labor cost includes the employee wages, payroll taxes as well as benefits (A4A, n.d.). Those benefits may include, medical, educational, and retirement payments. One of the other significant cost that airlines face is transport associated cost. Theses cost can include but are not limited to having other airline partners conducting maintenance on aircraft and housing of aircraft. Also associated in the transport cost are the fees that partner airlines pay each other to fly routes on each other’s behalf’s. Food and beverage cost include the sale of drinks, liquor and food on flights, in some cases airline gift shops can be incorporated into this cost with the sale of snacks. Another of the big

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