
Airsoft Gun Research Paper

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Say your airsoft gun isn’t getting the range you want. Your bb’s shoot about 100 feet then plummet faster than my Calculus grade. Here’s how to effectively increase your range by flat hopping your airsoft gun. There are 5 steps on how to do this and I will go over each one. The first step is to disassemble you gun and take out your inner barrel and hop up assembly. For this example we are going to be using a standard M4 replica, which are the most common airsoft gun on the market. First push out the upper receiver pin on your gun, it may be tight so you should use a pointed tool to help you knock it out. The upper receiver pin you’re knocking out is located on the left side of the rifle just below the threads of the receiver. Once it is out you can slide the upper receiver off of the lower receiver. Once you slide it off you can then take out the inner barrel and hop up assembly. Once it is out you can place the receivers to the side and proceed to the next step. Step two is to disassemble the hop up assembly from the inner barrel. To do this …show more content…

First take your hop up assembly and find the pin holding the arm of the hop up in place. The pin should be sticking out and it should be easy to find as it is near the top of the hop up unit. Once the pin is out put the pin in a safe spot as it is a very important piece. After the pin is out and in a safe place lift up or remove the hop up arm. You can use a small tool to lift it up or remove it easier. Once it is up look at the end of the arm and there should be a small circular rubber nub on the part of the arm that was inside the hop up. Remove the small rubber nub and replace the circular nub with a flat nub, hence the name flat hop. You can use a small piece of a pink rubber eraser or a brand name flat nub. Use a small bit of super glue to hold the nub in place on the arm while you proceed to the next

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